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FAQ on Mock Examination on BAFS


Q1. How to enrol in the HKICPA/HKABE BAFS Mock Examination?
Q2. Can candidates indicate their priority of examination venues?



Q3. What kinds of payment method are available?
Q4. For school block enrolment, can the payment be made in one single cheque for the whole group of students?  Or can it be a mix where some candidates pay their own cheques while the others pay together in one single cheque?



Q5. Are the syllabuses of HKICPA/HKABE BAFS Mock Examination Paper 1 same as the BAFS compulsory part while Papers 2(A) and 2(B) correspond respectively to the accounting and business managment elective parts?


Examination technique seminars and Q&A booklets

Q6. Who can join the Pre-examination technique and Post-examination question review seminars?
Q7. Can candidates get back the question papers after the examination?
Q8. Will candidates receive the Q&A booklet of the examination session which they have attended?


Examination admission card

Q9. When will the examination admission card be received?


Copy of marked-answer script


When will the marked-answer script be returned?


Result announcement

Q11. When will the examination result be announced?



How to enrol in the HKICPA/HKABE BAFS Mock Examination?



Candidates can enrol in the BAFS Mock Examination via their school teachers.





Can candidates inidicate their priority of examination venues?


No, candidates can only choose 1 examination centre.




What kind of payment method are available?


Crossed cheque make payable to "Hong Kong Association for Business Education Limited" or bank-in (Hang Seng Bank: 788-366383-883 under the name of HK ASS FOR BUS EDU LTD).




For school block enrolment, can the payment be made in one single cheque for the whole group of students?

Or can it be a mix where some candidates pay their own cheques while the others pay together in one single cheque?


One group cheque only for school block enrolment.   




Are the syllabuses of HKICPA/HKABE BAFS Mock Examination Paper 1 same as the HKDSE BAFS compulsory

part while Papers 2(A) and 2(B) correspond respectively to the accounting and business management elective parts?


Yes, HKICPA/HKABE BAFS Mock Examination adopted the syllabuses and assessment framework of HKDSE BAFS




Who can join the Pre-examintion techniques and Post-examination question review seminars?


All BAFS teachers and their enrolled students can join the seminars free-of-charge.




Can candidates get back the question papers right after the examination?


Yes, they can.




Will candidates receive the Q&A booklet of the examination session which they have attended?


Candidates can go to the HKABE website to download the answers (with password protected).  After the post-examination question review seminar, an email and SMS will be sent tot he teachers/enrolled students with the password.




When will the examination admission card be received?


It will be emailed to the teachers by end-November for them to download for their enrolled students.




When will the marked-answer script be returned?


It will be distributed at post-examination question review seminar.  After the review seminar, uncollected scripts will be mailed to the candidates' schools



When will the examination result be announced?


It will be announced by end of February.  An email will be sent by HKABE to the teachers to ask them downloading the result slips for their enrolled students.

