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HKICPA Greater Bay Area Summit 2023

20 November 2023

HKICPA Greater Bay Area Summit 2023

The Elite Gathering of Scholars and Leaders

Promote Opportunities for the Development in GBA



(Hong Kong, 20 November 2023) The Greater Bay Area is one of the most open and economically dynamic regions in China, presenting new opportunities for the accounting profession. The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) held the Greater Bay Area Summit 2023 (GBA Summit) on 17 Nov 2023, focusing on how the 9+2 cities should enhance collaboration and exert their respective potential and strengths in building a better future together within the current rapidly changing environment. The summit brought together business leaders, elite members of the accounting profession, scholars, leading experts, and representatives from different professional fields, to facilitate exchanges and discussions among cross-industry elites. The summit was a resounding success within the industry, attracting over 200 professionals and participants from Hong Kong and Mainland.


The theme of the GBA Summit was "CPAs for the GBA: Navigating Changes, Driving Growth," with the aim of gathering insights from various fields to promote urban collaboration in the GBA, support business development, seize diverse opportunities, and collectively build a better future. Speakers and participants at the summit delivered speeches and exchanged views on numerous hot topics. The summit was opened with speeches from Ms. Loretta Fong, President of the HKICPA, and the officiating guests, Mr. Joseph Chan, JP, Under Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury of The Government of HKSAR, Mr. Steven Li, Deputy Director-General Department of Administration and Finance of the Liaison Office of The Central People's Government in the HKSAR, , marking the beginning of this grand event.


Mr. Chan highlighted Hong Kong’s important role in the GBA: "Under the principle of 'one country, two systems,' we have advantages such as the free flow of capital, a common law system, a simple tax regime, and regulatory systems that align with major international markets. By fully utilizing the advantages of Hong Kong's financial system and the country’s support for financial openness and innovation in the GBA, Hong Kong can play a leading role and enhance complementarity and mutual benefits with the cities in the GBA, supporting and leading the opening up of the national economy. The development of the Greater Bay Area will also drive market demand for strategic accounting services, opening up more space for the development of the accounting industry. The HKSAR government also attaches great importance to the development of accounting, particularly in supporting collaboration between the Hong Kong professional accounting bodies and mainland representatives to promote talent exchange and training."


Mr. Li shared on the the national plan for the GBA: "The central government fully supports Hong Kong in seizing the historical opportunities brought by the country’s development, as well as Hong Kong in maintaining its unique position and advantages in the long-term. As the international common business language, accounting plays an important role as a bridging link in the integration and development of the GBA economy. The Hong Kong accounting industry is highly international and enjoys close international connections while being familiar with the mainland market.  Hong Kong also has the unique advantage of being backed by the motherland and being connected across the world."


In Ms. Loretta Fong’s welcome speech, she said: "This year marks the 50th anniversary of HKICPA, and one of the three major focuses of the Institute is to help members seize the opportunities in the GBA. In 2019, the Institute established the 'GBA Committee' and has maintained a good relationship with the government departments, accounting associations, and higher education institutions in the GBA. We actively advocate for convenient cross-border practice and qualification recognition mechanisms between Guangdong and Hong Kong, and promotes mutually beneficial cooperation between the accounting industries in both areas. The Institute also collaborated with various cities in the Mainland, launching a series of webinars. After the border reopened in March this year, the Institute organized the 'GBA Field Visit Series', which facilitated members to personally experience, interact with local counterparts and businesses, and seek out partners for mutual development."


Ms. Loretta Fong continued, "Hong Kong has always been a business hub connecting the Mainland and the international community and is also one of the globally renowned international financial centers. It has cultivated and trained a large number of experienced and internationally-minded accounting professionals. I believe that professionals from both regions can complement each other and achieve a win-win situation in areas such as helping Mainland enterprises to go global and attracting foreign investment, making contributions to the high-quality development of GBA."


Mr. Geng Xiao, Professor of Practice in The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen), Director of the Institute of Policy and Practice of the Shenzhen Finance Institute, and member of Chief Executive's Policy Unit Expert Group of HKSAR, delivered the keynote speech on "Seizing the opportunities of change and unleashing the potential of the 9+2 cities in GBA." He provided different cases and explanations of various systems while setting the tone for the discussion on the long-term development of the GBA, emphasizing that the greatest challenge in the development is to overcome institutional obstacles through innovation, specifically mentioning the need for dual driving forces in technological and institutional innovation in the planning of the GBA.


Leaders from all walks of professions exchange ideas on hot topics in GBA

In addition to the keynote speeches, the GBA Summit also featured three panel discussions exploring various hot topics with different elite leaders from various sectors. The guest speakers shared unique perspectives and experiences, revealing the latest opportunities and challenges in the GBA to attendees    .


The first panel discussion "Enhancing Bay Area Collaboration and Building a Prospective Future" was hosted by Mr. Wilson Pang, Head of Advisory, Southern Region and Head of Our Impact Plan of KPMG. He led a panel including Ms Loretta Lee, Head, Mainland and GBA Business Development of Invest Hong Kong,  Mr. Tainlong Yu, Vice General Manager of Kerry Properties (Shenzhen) Limited, Mr. Thomas Ho, General Manager (Macau) of Alibaba Cloud Intelligence, Ms. Mona Qiu, Head of Corporate, Legal and Commercial Affairs, China of  Li & Fung Limited, and Mr. Edward Au, Southern Region Managing Partner of Deloitte and Vice President of HKICPA. The panel discussed how different cities in the Greater Bay Area could leverage their respective strengths to enhance cooperation and create a prosperous future in GBA.


In the second panel discussion "Attracting Talent, Building a Sustainable Bay Area," Ms. Jasmine Lee, EY Hong Kong and Macau Managing Partner, led a panel that included Mr. Kai-ming Ho, JP, Under Secretary for Labour and Welfare, The Government of HKSAR, Ms. Olivia Liang, Partner of Russell Reynolds Associates, Mr. Roy Leung, Partner of KPMG and Vice President of the HKICPA, Ms. Zoe Ko, Managing Director of the SZ-HK Collaborative Innovation Research Institute in the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Mr. David Zhang, Senior Vice President of Human Resources of LKKHPG, to discuss the talent development strategy in GBA. The speakers shared insights on the focal points and future prospects of talent policies across different cities in GBA, while also exploring how Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macau can promote talent mobility, achieve talent sharing, and ensure sustainable talent development within the region.


In the final panel, "Deepening Financial Innovation, Leveraging Bay Area Connectivity to the World," the guests discussed how to enhance and optimize financial market connectivity in the Greater Bay Area, and further promote innovative development in the capital markets of the Greater Bay Area, improving the radiance of the Hong Kong capital market and utilizing the institutional advantages of the Qianhai, Nansha, Hengqin, and Hetao areas. This segment was led by Mr. Benson Cheng, Partner in PwC Hong Kong, and included Mr. Kenny Shui, Vice President cum Co-Head of Research of Our Hong Kong Foundation, Mr. Chen Li, Associate Professor, Centre of China Studies of The China University of Hong Kong, Research Fellow(by courtesy) of Lau Chor Tak Institute of Global Economics and Finance, Ms. Yunli Zou, Managing partner of Tiantu Capital and Mr. Timothy Shen, Chairman of Safari Asia Limited. The topics were thoroughly discussed by the panel.


Mr. Robert Lui, Chairman of the Greater Bay Area Committee of HKICPA and Audit & Assurance Partner, Deloitte China, delivered the closing remarks, thanking the guests, co-organizers, and supporting organizations, and expressed his hope for the future: "I would like to express my gratitude to all colleagues and members who have attended this summit. I encourage you to make full use of this opportunity to connect with the industry in the GBA, actively explore innovative modes of  cooperation, broaden the scope of business cooperation, and promote the high-quality and in-depth integration of the accounting industry in the three regions. The institute will continue to maintain close communication with fellow colleagues in Guangdong. We will continue to organize field visits, seminars, forums, and other activities to facilitate practical cooperation opportunities among accountants in the three regions and promote the common progress and development of the industry."


Mr. Joseph Chan, JP, Under Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury of The Government of HKSAR (4th from the right), Mr. Steven Li, Deputy Director-General Department of Administration and Finance of the Liaison Office of The Central People's Government in the HKSAR (3rd from the right), Prof. Geng Xiao from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen (4th from the left), and Ms. Loretta Fong, President of the HKICPA (center), along with other distinguished guests, opened the 2023 Greater Bay Area Summit.


Prof. Geng Xiao from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, delivered a keynote speech on "Seizing the Opportunities of Change, Unleashing the 9+2 Potential of the Bay Area," outlining the foundational principles for development in the Greater Bay Area.


The summit featured three specialized discussions, bringing together representatives from the business, accounting, and academic sectors, as well as leading think tanks across the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area for exchanges and discussions.


The 2023 Greater Bay Area Summit organized by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants attracted over 200 participants to attend the event in Shenzhen, marking its resounding success.






香港會計師公會舉辦 大灣區高峰論壇2023

雲集粵港澳學者精英  推動大灣區發展機遇





公會大灣區高峰論壇2023以《CPAs for the GBA: 領航變遷,力促增長》為主題,旨在匯聚各界精英智慧,促進大灣區城市協作,助力企業發展及迎接各種機遇,共建更好未來。出席論壇的講者及與會者就多個熱門議題進行演講及交流見解。大灣區高峰論壇獲香港特別行政區政府財經事務及庫務局副局長陳浩濂先生、中央人民政府駐香港聯絡辦公室行政財務部副部長李旭鴻先生作主禮嘉賓以及香港會計師公會會長方蘊萱女士致開幕詞,一同為此盛事揭開序幕。








方女士續指:「香港一直以來是連接內地和國際的商業樞紐, 也是享譽全球的國際金融中心之一,培養和訓練了大量經驗豐富、擁有國際視野的會計專業人才,我相信兩地同業一定可以互補優勢,在幫助內地企業走出去、將外資引進來等領域實現雙贏,為大灣區的高質量發展做出貢獻。」
























