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Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants Elects 45th President and Council

14 December 2017
(Hong Kong, 14 December 2017) The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) elected Eric Tong as president, and Law Fu Yuen, Patrick and Kong Chi How, Johnson as vice presidents for 2018 after its 45th annual general meeting today.

Mr. Tong has served on the Institute’s council for five years and was elected vice president in 2016 and 2017. Mr. Law and Mr. Kong joined the council in December 2013 and December 2014 respectively. Mr. Law served as vice president in 2017.

Mr. Tong is Audit & Assurance Partner at Deloitte China's Global Financial Services Industry Group. Since joining the council, he has served on many committees, including as chair of the Auditing and Assurance Standards Committee and Securities Regulatory Advisory Panel. Together these committees oversee the standard-setting of the Institute and its responsibility for regulating and promoting efficient accounting practices in Hong Kong in order to safeguard its leadership as an international financial centre. Mr. Tong chaired the Digital Steering Group and the Branding and Communications Advisory Panel which aims to enhance the delivery of services to members and strengthen the CPA brand. He has also been involved in Registration and Practising Committee, Education Standards Committee and Nomination Committee.

Mr. Law is Deputy Assurance Leader of EY Hong Kong and Macau, and Mr. Kong is Managing Director of Non-Assurance Services and International Liaison Partner of BDO Limited.

At the council election, seven members were elected to serve for a term of two years. Vice president Mr. Law was an elected and returning council member, joining the council are six new members: Leung Sze Kit, Roy; Fung Ling Yip; Lee Suk Yee; Leung Man Chun; Leung Man Kit and Li Kin Hang.

Existing elected members who will hold office for one more year until their two-year term ends are vice president Mr. Kong; Cheng Chung Ching, Raymond; Fong Wan Huen; Kung Yiu Fai, Ronald; Charbon Lo and Cho Lung Pui Lan, Stella.

As stipulated by the Professional Accountants Ordinance immediate past president Mabel Chan will serve another year on the council. After the conclusion of his term as president, Mr. Tong will also serve a further year on the council.

The government has appointed lay members Chui Yik Chiu, Vincent, Head of Asia Institutional Equity Distribution & Private Wealth Management of Morgan Stanley and Wong Kam Pui, Wilfred, Managing Director of Resolutions HR & Business Consultancy Company Limited, for a term of two years commencing 1 December 2017. Two continuing government-appointed lay members Melissa Brown, partner of Daobridge Capital, and Tam Wing-pong, a retired civil servant and former Postmaster General, will fulfil the second year of their terms.

The council has the power to co-opt two members and these members will be announced later.

The council is the governing body of the HKICPA and sets policy carried out by the Institute. Under the Professional Accountants Ordinance, the HKICPA council comprises a maximum of 23 people, including 14 elected members, the immediate past president of the Institute, two co-opted members, two ex-officio members (i.e. the Financial Secretary or his representative and the Director of Accounting Services or his representative) and four lay persons appointed by the HKSAR Chief Executive.


(香港,二零一七年十二月十四日)香港會計師公會在今天舉行的第 45 屆周年大會後,選出唐業銓為二零一八年度會長,而羅富源及江智蛟獲選為副會長。









香港會計師公會理事會是公會的管治機構,負責制訂公會推行的政策。根據《專業會計師條例》,公會理事會最多由 23 名成員組成,包括 14 名當選理事、上屆會長、兩名增選理事、兩名當然理事(即財政司司長或其代表,以及庫務署署長或其代表),以及四名由香港特區行政長官委任的業外成員。
