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      Becoming a CPA through the Qualification Programme

      Welcome to the Qualification Programme (“QP”) of Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (“HKICPA”), the only statutory body with which you can register as a Certified Public Accountant in Hong Kong under Section 24 and By Law 41 of the Professional Accountants Ordinance. We strive to empower and shape future accountants. We welcome both accounting and non-accounting graduates from university degree and sub-degree programmes, who are eager to embark on a rewarding and fulfilling career to join us.



      Introduction Video


      Are you ready to take the pathway to success?




      If you cannot view the video, please click here. arrow right


      Discover new opportunities in the Accounting plus era 

      Undoubtedly, you are aware of the many benefits and opportunities that accompany a career in accounting. From working with diverse clients and industries to mastering sophisticated financial concepts and business strategies, professional accountant’s work is not just limited to number crunching but includes a variety of functions and roles that could make a difference for businesses and society.


      Embrace technology in the Accounting Profession

      While technology has certainly created an impact on our routine and repetitive manual work in the accounting profession, the skills of professional accountants are irreplaceable. Nowadays, professional accountants continue to create value by resolving complex business problems, with greater emphasis placed on providing valuable insights and advising by stakeholders in decision making process.


      Enjoy the unique recognition globally and in Mainland China 

      For those who are dedicated and motivated to pursue a career through HKICPA and the QP, our prestigious designation can lead you to a globetrotting future as it is internationally recognized by top-tier Chartered Accountancy bodies across different continents. Additionally, our QP graduates are able to obtain the most examination paper exemptions for the PRC Uniform Examination under the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (“CICPA”), making it a desirable option for those interested in pursuing a career in Mainland China.


      Develop your skill for the modernized business world

      Furthermore, the QP develops both technical knowledge and essential soft skills development, such as analytical skills, problem solving, communication skills, leadership, and the core value – ethics and integrity  a highly valued combination in the evolving market. This proven programme has successfully trained young professionals to become business advisors, opening doors to diverse career fields beyond traditional accounting roles.

      Supported by a tremendous professional network

      Whether you are just starting out or looking to advance your career, HKICPA and the QP provide the resources, guidance, and support you need to thrive in the business environment. With a pool of more than 47,000 supportive and collaborative HKICPA members, digital focus, and a deep commitment to excellence, we are the premier choice for those who are serious about making their mark in the accounting profession and business world. 


      Thank you for considering HKICPA and the QP as your partner in your accounting journey. We eagerly await working with you and helping you achieve your dreams. Join us as a QP student.

