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HKICPA signs extensions to Reciprocal Membership Agreement with five chartered accountancy bodies of Global Accounting Alliance

17 November 2023

(HONG KONG, 17 November 2023) The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (the Institute) is pleased to announce the signing of a five-year extension to the Reciprocal Membership Agreements (RMA) with five chartered accountancy bodies within the Global Accounting Alliance (GAA). These extended agreements will remain in effect until 30 November 2028. Based on the agreements, the Institute and the respective signatory overseas professional accounting bodies mutually recognize the professional examinations and practical experience training in full.


The accounting bodies participating in this RMA extension include the Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ), Chartered Accountants Ireland (CAI), Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales (ICAEW), Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (ICAS), South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) and Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA). The leadership of the participating bodies convened in a meeting in Munich, Germany, during which they officially signed the respective agreements.


Loretta Fong, President of the HKICPA said, “The Institute is delighted to extend the existing Reciprocal Membership Agreements with the five Chartered Accountancy bodies within the GAA. The RMAs provide continuing support to our members who aspire to advance their careers in different regions around the world. This extension serves as a testament to the international acclaim and recognition bestowed upon the Institute’s membership qualification, demonstrating the excellence and prestige of the accounting profession in Hong Kong.”

To facilitate the extension of the RMAs, the GAA formed a dedicated action taskforce for conducting the rigorous mutual peer reviews across the signing bodies on membership qualification and exemption terms before reaching the decision to extend the agreements.


As informed by CPA Canada, the agreement provisions will be further refined. The GAA accountancy bodies will continue to work with CPA Canada to conclude the signing of the RMA in due course.


Currently, the HKICPA has signed Reciprocal Membership Agreement (RMA), Mutual Recognition Agreements (MRA) or Mutual Examination Paper Exemptions (MEPE) with overseas and Mainland professional accounting bodies. For details regarding the recognition arrangements between HKICPA and professional accountancy bodies, please refer to the appendix.



The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants extended the Reciprocal Membership Agreements (RMA) with five chartered accountancy bodies within the Global Accounting Alliance (GAA). The leadership of the participating bodies convened in a meeting in Munich, Germany, during which the extension agreement was officially signed. Margaret Chan, Chief Executive and Registrar of the Institute (first from left) attended the event as the Institute’s representative.




About the recognitions between HKICPA and overseas accounting bodies

The membership of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) is widely recognized around the world, which brings convenience to members for overseas career development in accordance to their needs. Currently, the Institute holds various types of recognition agreements with overseas accounting bodies, enabling members of the Institute and overseas bodies to be eligible for full or partial exemption from professional qualification examinations for membership admission. These agreements are based upon mutual reviews of the examinations and qualification processes between the Institute and overseas bodies.


The Institute has mutual recognition agreements or mutual examination paper exemption with overseas and Mainland accounting bodies. The full list is as below:


Reciprocal Membership Agreement (RMA)

·           Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ)

·           Chartered Accountants Ireland (CAI)

·           Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)

·           Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (ICAS)

·           South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA)

·           Institute of Chartered Accountants of Zimbabwe (ICAZ)

·           Chartered Professional Accountants Canada (CPA Canada)*


* The CPA Canada will further refine the agreement provisions to conclude the renewal agreement with GAA accountancy bodies.


Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA)

·           CPA Australia

·           Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)


Mutual Examination Paper Exemption

·           Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA)

·           Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (CICPA)


About RMA between the Global Accounting Alliance (GAA) member bodies

The Institute is one of the member bodies of GAA. Currently, the Institute holds Reciprocal Membership Agreements (RMA) with multiple chartered accountancy bodies of the GAA. Based on the RMA, the Institute and these overseas professional accounting bodies recognise both the professional examinations and practical experience training of the other body in full.


When the expiration date of RMA is approaching, a dedicated action taskforce will be formed by GAA for conducting rigorous and fair peer reviews and field trips across the signing bodies on membership qualification and exemption terms before reaching the decision to extend the agreement.










是項專業資格互認協議的參與機構包括澳洲及紐西蘭特許會計師公會(CA ANZ)、愛爾蘭特許會計師(CAI)、英格蘭及威爾士特許會計師公會(ICAEW)、蘇格蘭特許會計師協會(ICAS)、南非特許會計師公會(SAICA)以及香港會計師公會(HKICPA)。參與機構的領導層於德國慕尼黑舉行會議,並簽署有關協議。






由於接獲CPA Canada通知,協議條款將會作進一步調整,GAA會計團體成員將繼續與CPA Canada合作,適時完成簽署會員資格互認協議。














專業資格互認協議 (Reciprocal Membership Agreement, RMA)

·         澳洲及紐西蘭特許會計師公會(CAANZ)

·         愛爾蘭特許會計師(CAI)

·         英格蘭及威爾士特許會計師公會(ICAEW)

·         蘇格蘭特許會計師協會(ICAS)

·         南非特許會計師公會(SAICA)

·         津巴布韋特許會計師協會(ICAZ)

·         加拿大特許專業會計師協會(CPA Canada)*

*CPA Canada需要進一步調整協議條款,始與其他GAA會計團體成員完成簽署延續專業資格互認協議。


相互承認協議 (Mutual Recognition Agreement, MRA)

·         澳洲會計師公會 (CPA Australia)

·         特許公認會計師公會 (ACCA)


相互考試試卷豁免安排 (Mutual Examination Paper Exemption)

·         中國注冊會計師協會 (CICPA)

·         特許管理會計師公會 (CIMA)






