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HKICPA welcomes the Government’s inclusion of Accounting talent in the “Talent List”

18 February 2025

The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) welcomes the Government's announcement today of the updated “Talent List”, effective from 1 March. The HKICPA is pleased the Government adopted its recommendations to include the accounting profession in the latest update of the "Talent List”. HKICPA believes the measure will help further expand the pool of accounting professionals and expedite the filling of industry vacancies, thereby maintaining the quality of services in Hong Kong's accounting sector.


Edward Au, the President of HKICPA, said, “We are pleased the Government adopted the HKICPA’s recommendation to include the accounting profession in the updated 'Talent List'. This, along with a series of measures previously introduced by the Government to attract non-local talent, such as expanding the list of universities under the ‘Top Talent Pass Scheme’, will help alleviate the manpower shortage in the industry. On the other hand, the HKICPA will also continue its multifaceted approach to nurturing local accounting talent, including promoting the core values and importance of the accounting profession to the young generations and the general public, regularly enhancing curriculum of the Qualification Program (QP) to meet market demands, with an aim to maintain the service quality of Hong Kong's accounting sector."


Early last year, the HKICPA released an industry survey highlighting the need to include the accounting industry in the Government's "Talent List" and implement further measures to attract accounting talent from the Mainland, in order to alleviate the manpower shortage in the industry and to foster Hong Kong’s social and economic development.


The government announced today (18 February) the completion of the latest round of the Talent List update, adding nine professions across various industry segments, including financial services, innovation and technology, legal and dispute resolution services and aviation and shipping.



Photo Caption


Photo 1: The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) welcomes the Government’s adoption of  its recommendations to include the accounting profession in the updated "Talent List”. The HKICPA believes this measure will help further expand the pool of accounting professionals, expedite the filling of industry vacancies, and maintain the quality of services in Hong Kong's accounting sector.



Photo 2: Edward Au, the President of HKICPA, is pleased the Government adopted HKICPA’s recommendation to include the accounting profession in the updated "Talent List" and believes will help alleviate the manpower shortage in the industry.
