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HKICPA "Rich Kid, Poor Kid" programme awarded "Financial Education Champion" two years in a row

16 December 2019

(HONG KONG, 16 December 2019) The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants' (“HKICPA”) corporate social responsibility programme (“CSR”), Rich Kid, Poor Kid, was recognised by the Investor and Financial Education Council as a "Financial Education Champion 2020". The award acknowledges organizations that offer high-quality financial education, and confirms the contributions and achievements the HKICPA has made in promoting financial education.

“Financial literacy has a major impact on children’s future lives. We, as accountants, should utilise our unique skill in money management to give back to the community. Rich Kid Poor Kid provides a platform for members to volunteer in financial education, serving as Accountant Ambassadors at schools to help the younger generation develop a positive attitude towards money,” said Ms Margaret Chan, Chief Executive and Registrar of HKICPA.

In 2005, HKICPA initiated its flagship CSR programme “Rich Kid, Poor Kid”, to instil in young people proper values about money management through talks at primary and secondary schools. To maintain its relevance, the Institute has revamped the programme this year by introducing new components, including workshops with new contents, video and animation productions, as well as the new comic book series “10 Lessons in Money Management”.

“Working alongside the profession, the Institute is devoted to making positive changes in the city. Per our vision, accountants act as mentors throughout the financial learning journey of children. This vision is embedded in the concept of the programme’s new comic book series,” Ms Chan explained. 

The first five comic books of the series were launched in October 2019, featuring three characters Certified Public Accountant (“CPA”), Spender Boy and Curious Girl. CPA acts as a mentor to Spender Boy and Curious Girl during the course of their financial learning journey. Through collaboration with the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (“HKMA”) and the Hong Kong Deposit Protection Board, the newly-written comic series features smart tips concerning online and banking security, ATM security, stored value facilities and the Deposit Protection Scheme – all bringing the programme up-to-date.

In the academic year 2018-19, more than 9,800 primary and secondary school students were taught by the Institute’s Accountant Ambassadors through 57 sessions, learning basic money management skills. Since its inception in 2005, the programme has reached over 140,000 students. 

Over the years Rich Kid, Poor Kid has been recognised with multiple awards from a wide range of bodies, including the Asia Pacific PR Awards "Corporate Social Responsibility Campaign of the Year" and a certificate of excellence for "Non- profit Campaign of the Year". The programme also won a gold award for non-profit organisations for its documentary video and "Best of Show" in the QUESTAR International Competition. For more information about the programme, please visit






公會於二零零五年推出重點社會責任計劃 ─「窮小子、富小子」,透過到中小學校舉辦講座,向年輕人灌輸正確的理財觀念。公會今年更革新計劃的內容,在工作坊加入新題材、短片及動畫等新元素,並推出一套名為《理財十課》的漫畫書,務求令計劃更有趣味、更貼近生活所需。




多年來,「窮小子、富小子」計劃曾獲頒多個獎狀,備受各界肯定,當中包括 Asia Pacific PR Awards 的「Corporate Social Responsibility Campaign of the Year」、「 Non-profit Campaign of the Year」卓越獎狀;計劃的紀錄短片更於 QUESTAR 國際比賽獲頒授「非牟利機構組別金獎」及「最佳紀錄片大獎」(Best of Show)。有關計劃的詳情,請瀏覽