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HKICPA Statement on Extraordinary General Meeting

02 March 2018

[Hong Kong, 2 March 2018] In response to the request of more than 100 members, the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) called an extraordinary general meeting on 2 March 2018, during which members in attendance, and by proxy, voted on the three resolutions below, with corresponding voting results:

  1. To consider and take all necessary actions to redistribute and refund equally to all members of HKICPA whose names appear on the register as at 31st December 2017, 50% of all the cash, cash equivalent and time deposits of the HKICPA;

    The resolution was carried.

  2. To consider and take all necessary actions to elect President and Vice Presidents of the HKICPA pursuant to Section 4 of Cap. 50 Professional Accountants Ordinance whereby council members shall conduct a "one member one vote" poll from general membership of all HKICPA members before the Annual General Meeting of the HKICPA each year and council members shall cast their votes in accordance with the result of the poll to elect the President and Vice Presidents of the HKICPA;

    The resolution was carried.

  3. To consider and take all necessary actions to terminate or not to renew the contract of the Chief Executive and Registrar Mr Ding Wai Chuen, Raphael with the HKICPA and conduct global recruitment for this position and significantly reduce the remuneration of this position to a level acceptable to general membership.

    The resolution was carried.

HKICPA expressed gratitude to members for their views expressed through the EGM.

Mr Eric Tong, President of the HKICPA, said, "The Council has listened and will take on board members' opinions. Importantly, we will take measures to enhance transparency and improve member engagement. All Council members will work together in pursuit of our common objective of building an eminent profession to serve the business community."



  1. 考慮及採取一切所需行動,向於二零一七年十二月三十一日名列香港會計師公會會員登記冊上的所有會員,平均分派及退回公會所有現金、現金等價品及定期存款的50%


  2. 考慮並採取一切所需行動,根據香港法例第50章《專業會計師條例》第4條選舉香港會計師公會的會長與副會長,方式為理事會成員於每年公會周年大會前進行「一人一票」的全體會員投票,而理事則按投票結果選舉公會會長與副會長;


  3. 考慮並採取一切所需行動,終止行政總裁兼註冊主任丁偉銓先生與香港會計師公會的合約或不予續約,並為該職位進行全球招聘,以及將職位的薪酬大幅降低至全體會員可接受的水平。



