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Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants Elects President and Council

07 December 2023

Today, following the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA)’s 51st annual general meeting (AGM), the HKICPA Council elected LEUNG Sze Kit, Roy as President, and AU Chun Hing, Edward and LAW Cheuk Kin, Stephen, JP as Vice-Presidents.

Roy Leung is an FCPA (practising) and has served on the Council since 2018.


Mr. Leung is a Partner and Head of Public Affairs, Hong Kong of KPMG. He has extensive experience in providing assurance and advisory services to companies seeking initial public offerings. He is also the lead audit engagement partner for listed companies in a variety of sectors including transportation, real estate and consumer markets. He is currently the Chairman of the Institute’s Professional Development Committee and the Registration Committee, and has also been involved in the Executive Committee, Nomination Committee, Professional Conduct Committee and the HKICPA Trust Fund in recent years.


Roy Leung said: “I am deeply honoured to have been elected as the new President of the HKICPA. Throughout my six years of serving the Institute’s Council, I have witnessed the steady growth of both the Institute and the accounting profession as a whole. Looking forward, I will lead the HKICPA in continuing to fulfil its statutory responsibilities of developing the accounting profession of Hong Kong. I will remain dedicated to upholding the standards of the profession, striving to make valuable contributions to safeguard Hong Kong's leadership as an international financial centre.”


Edward Au served on the Council from 2019 to 2020 before returning and served as Vice-President in 2022. While Stephen Law, JP served on the Council from 2010 to 2017 before returning in 2022.


In the Council election, 14 Council members are elected and they will serve for a term of two years. Including Roy Leung; Edward Au; and Stephen Law, other elected members are: CHAN Ting Bond, Michael; LAM Siu Fung, Frank; LEE Shun Yi, Jasmine; LI Shun Fai; LIU Kwok Tai, Teddy; LO Charbon; TONG Piu; TSE Hoi Fat; WONG Wai Kei; WU Chun Sing; and YEUNG Long Yan. The terms of office of the President and Vice-Presidents are one year respectively.


The Government has also re-appointed AU King Lun, MH, PhD and appointed HO Shuk Ying, Sabrina as lay members of the Council for a term of two years from 1 December 2023 to 30 November 2025. The two other government-appointed lay members Agnes CHOI Heung Kwan, MH and Theresa NG Choi Yuk, JP will continue to serve the second year of their terms.


In addition, there are two ex-officio members of the Council. Helen TANG, JP, representative of the Financial Secretary, and Susanna CHEUNG, JP, Director of Accounting Services.

The immediate past president of the Institute is Loretta FONG. She shall hold office as a member of the Council until the conclusion of the 52th AGM, as stipulated by the Professional Accountants Ordinance (PAO). The 2023 Council election is the first Council election following the enactment of the Professional Accountants Ordinance (Cap 50) as amended by the Professional Accountants (Amendment) Ordinance 2022. Future Council elections will be held once every two years.  



The 2023/24 Council comprises:


Elected members:

LEUNG Sze Kit, Roy (President)

AU Chun Hing, Edward (Vice-President)

LAW Cheuk Kin, Stephen, JP (Vice-President)

CHAN Ting Bond, Michael

LAM Siu Fung, Frank

LEE Shun Yi, Jasmine

LI Shun Fai

LIU Kwok Tai, Teddy

LO Charbon


TSE Hoi Fat

WONG Wai Kei

WU Chun Sing

YEUNG Long Yan


Immediate Past President:

FONG Wan Huen, Loretta


Government-appointedlay members:

AU King Lun, MH, PhD

Agnes CHOI Heung Kwan, MH

Sabrina HO Shuk Ying

Theresa NG Choi Yuk, JP


Ex-officio members:

Helen TANG, JP
(Representative of the Financial Secretary, Government of the HKSAR)

Susanna CHEUNG, JP
Director of Accounting Services, Government of the HKSAR)


Chief Executive & Registrar (Secretary to the Council):

Margaret W.S. Chan




HKICPA Leadership Team: (From left to right) Margaret W.S. CHAN, Chief Executive & Registrar, AU Chun Hing, Edward, Vice-President, LEUNG Sze Kit, Roy, President, LAW Cheuk Kin, Stephen, JP, Vice-President.


Biography of HKICPA President Mr. Roy Leung
