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Over 1,000 sports enthusiasts from the accounting profession take part in “CPA Sports Carnival 2024” co-organized by HKICPA and SCAA

04 May 2024

Co-organized by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) and the Society of Chinese Accountants and Auditors (SCAA), the “CPA Sports Carnival 2024” was held today (4 May) at the Hammer Hill Road Sports Ground in Diamond Hill. The event attracted participation from over 1,000 sports enthusiasts from the accounting profession representing more than 40 accounting organizations as well as friends and family.


The accounting profession has always been regarded as a pillar of the business world. Hong Kong’s accounting practitioners have diligently held their positions across industries, making significant contributions to the economic development of Hong Kong and maintaining its status as an international financial centre. With the theme “Vibrant Hong Kong, Energetic CPA” (勝會香港活力 CPA), “CPA Sports Carnival 2024” presents an ideal opportunity for accounting professionals to temporarily set aside their work and come together for rejuvenating both body and mind, while simultaneously fostering stronger connections and promote exchange within the industry.


Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury Christopher Hui, Secretary-General of the Central Government's Liaison Office in HKSAR Wang Song-miao, Director of Audit Prof. Nelson Lam, Vice-Chairman and President of the Hong Kong Chinese Enterprises Association Yu Xiao, Deputy Director of the Department of Administration and Finance of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the HKSAR Li Xu-hong, the Accounting and Financial Reporting Council Chairman Dr. Kelvin Wong, Legislative Council member (Accountancy) the Hon. Edmund Wong, and District Officer (Wong Tai Sin) Thomas Wu were the Guests of Honour of “CPA Sports Carnival 2024”, and cheered on the athletes participating in the competitions. In his opening speech, Mr. Hui said “The event does not only provide an energetic platform for exchanges of accounting practitioners across the territory, but also promote sports and attitude of healthy living. I would like to express my gratitude to the co-organizers, HKICPA and SCAA, as well as the active participation of all major professional accounting bodies in Hong Kong.”


Mr. Roy Leung, President of HKICPA, one of the event’s co-organizers, stated in his opening speech: “The accounting profession plays an indispensable role in the Hong Kong's business environment. At the same time, HKICPA has been dedicated to motivating our members to actively contribute to our community, while keeping a healthy development of body and mind. I hope the Carnival will become an annual signature event for the profession, providing a valuable opportunity for everyone to take a break from their hectic schedules, and unleash their energy alongside family and friends. It’s also a chance to showcase their individual athletic abilities and team spirit outside the setting of the office.”


Mr. Webster Ng, President of SCAA, also a co-organizer of the event, said, “The event today aims to encourage practitioners of the accounting profession actively participate in sports activities, so as to promote a culture of sports and exercises in Hong Kong. Apart from sports competitions, we have also arranged a variety of exercising activities and game booths for families to exercise and have fun together.”


The inaugural “CPA Sports Carnival” was held last year and quickly gained popularity among the accounting profession, becoming the profession’s largest sports and recreational event. Due to the adverse weather, some competitions were cancelled. Sports enthusiasts from the accounting profession participated wholeheartedly, showcasing their athletic abilities and striving for excellence on behalf of their respective organizations, embodying the spirit of sportsmanship.


Many attendees have expressed that the event was an important gathering, hoped that the “CPA Sports Carnival” could be organized on a regular basis to provide accountants with a platform to rejuvenate themselves and foster greater cohesion within the profession.



Photo 1: The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) and the Society of Chinese Accountants and Auditors (SCAA) co-organized “CPA Sports Carnival 2024”. Several Guests of Honour cheered on the sports lovers from the accounting profession in the opening ceremony.



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Photo 2 to 3: The “CPA Sports Carnival 2024” aims to foster unity of the profession and provide an opportunity for accounting professionals to showcase their sporting talents, while enhancing communications and extending friendship among peers.



Photo 4: Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury Christopher Hui (Left), President of the HKICPA Roy Leung (Right top) and President of the SCAA Webster Ng (Right bottom) gave welcoming speeches in the event’s opening ceremony to cheer on the athletes participating in the competitions.


