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HKICPA builds a future-ready profession and a sustainable talent pool with the new Qualification Programme

18 December 2019

(HONG KONG, 18 December 2019) The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (“HKICPA”) has scheduled to launch the new Qualification Programme (“QP”) stage-by-stage, offering flexible pathways and relevant trainings to students with different educational backgrounds to become CPAs. 

Building on the solid foundation of the current qualification framework, the new QP is designed to meet the market needs, in turn align with the concept of "Accounting Plus" to attract more young talents into the accountancy profession by equipping them with analytical minds and problem-solving skills in the fast changing world.

 “In the increasingly complex, connected and cooperative world of Accounting Plus, accountants must perform even more versatile roles to help their employers and clients respond to challenges and to grow. The new QP aims at building a future-ready profession, equipping accountants with both the solid accounting knowledge and skills, and ethical values necessary for a successful career – in practice or in business,” said Margaret Chan, Chief Executive and Registrar. 

Comprising three progressive levels with 14 modules and a Capstone workshop, new QP provides greater flexibility for students with different educational backgrounds, including sub-degree holders and non-accounting majors, to become CPAs. The newly introduced Associate level builds a solid foundation of technical accounting knowledge.

The Professional and the Capstone levels aim to further deepen the technical knowledge and integrate students’ knowledge, skills, and experiences gained from the previous levels to solve complex business problems that the professional accountants typically encounter.

Application for the new QP (Associate Level) examination in June 2020 will be closed on 11 January 2020. For details, please click here for an introductory video or visit 



鞏固人才庫 引領業界 領先未來


因應市場對專業會計師的期望不斷變化,新QP銳意協助會員實踐「Accounting Plus」的理念,在現行資格框架的穩紥基礎上,培養學員的分析思維及解難技能,以在瞬息萬變的環境與時並進,並為會計業吸納年輕人才。

公會行政總裁兼註冊主任陳詠新指出:「Accounting Plus世代環境複雜多變,講求互聯合作,會計師須擔當多元角色,助僱主及客戶應對挑戰、開創成功。新QP旨在推動會計業領先未來,栽培具扎實會計知識及技能、秉持專業操守的會計師,讓他們不論在執業或商業界別都能盡展所長。」


