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Scholarships and Awards

Scholarships and Awards

Awards for outstanding achievement in the qualification programme

  1. Associate level modules - A cash cheque of HK$3,000 and a certificate of merit are awarded to the candidate who achieves the highest examination mark in any examination session of a QP module at Associate level.
  2. Professional level modules - A cash cheque of HK$6,000 and a certificate of merit are awarded to the candidate who achieves the highest examination mark in any examination session of a QP module at Professional level.
  3. Capstone
    1. The top three candidates in each examination session will be awarded:
      • Li Fook Shu Memorial Prize of HK$10,000, a gold plaque and a certificate of merit to the candidate with the highest mark.
      • BDO Prize of HK$5,000, a silver plaque and a certificate of merit to the candidate with the second highest mark.
      • Confucius International CPA Prize of HK$3,000, a bronze plaque and a certificate of merit to the candidate with the third highest mark.
    2. In each examination session the candidate who has passed the Capstone with the highest aggregate marks in four QP modules will be awarded the ICAEW Prize of HK$5,000 and a certificate of merit.

For Hong Kong Students

1. Qualification programme scholarships


The QP Scholarships aim to recognize academic excellence, encourage top graduates to pursue an internationally recognized accountancy qualification, and to serve as a source of financial aid for deserving students. A maximum of 22 QP Scholarships are allocated respectively to the eligible final year undergraduates (20) and sub-degree students (2) of accountancy programmes accredited by the Institute. Nominations should be submitted by the accountancy department of business schools or the scholarship selection committee of tertiary institutions.


2. Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants Scholarship


The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants Scholarship aims to encourage accountancy studies and recognize academic excellence in accountancy at local tertiary institutions. For each academic year, the scholarship of HK$6,000 will be awarded to deserving candidates as recommended by the institutions.


The scholarship recipients from the accredited accountancy degree or sub-degree programmes of respective institutions should be a person of good character, possess outstanding performance in both academic studies and extra-curricular activities; and accept an undertaking that he/she will take the Institute's Qualification Programme as the first professional accounting examination after graduation.


For Mainland Students
