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HKICPA celebrates 50th Anniversary with grand Gala Dinner 500+ members & guests gather to pay tribute to the remarkable development of the accounting profession

04 December 2023

The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) held the “50th Anniversary Gala Dinner” tonight to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Institute’s inception. The Gala Dinner offered an opportunity to share the joy of the Institute’s golden jubilee with its members, as well as to pay tribute to the valuable contribution of the accounting profession to Hong Kong’s economic and social development. More than 500 guests attended the Gala Dinner, including HKICPA members, officials of the Governments of HKSAR and the Mainland, representatives from fellow professional bodies, commercial chambers and academia, and more.

The HKICPA’s 50th Anniversary Gala Dinner took place in the Convention Hall of the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. HKICPA was pleased to welcome the Hon. John Lee, the Chief Executive of the HKSAR Government as the Guest of Honour. The Chief Executive joined Mr. Wang Songmiao, Secretary General of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the HKSAR, Mr. Wang Jian, the Director-General of the International Department of the Officer of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China in the HKSAR, Ms. Loretta Fong, HKICPA President, Vice-presidents Mr. Roy Leung and Mr. Edward Au, Ms. Margaret Chan, Chief Executive & Registrar, and Mr. Stephen Law, 50th Anniversary Organizing Committee Chairman, for the lighting ceremony that marked the commencement of the Gala Dinner.

In his speech, Chief Executive John Lee-ka Chiu highlighted how the accounting sector has consistently demonstrated professionalism, diligence, and, most importantly, the flexibility to adapt to the dynamic market throughout numerous challenges. He said: "As the HKICPA embarks on six decades of excellence, I trust that it will continue to embrace new challenges and help our accounting profession thrive on the opportunities."

Ms. Loretta Fong, President of the HKICPA, emphasized in her welcome speech the Institute's continued commitment to making a positive impact on the community. She highlighted that over the past five decades, the Institute has trained more than 27,000 accountants through the HKICPA’s Qualification Programme (QP) and grown to over 47,000 members, establishing itself as one of the world’s leading accounting institutes. Ms. Fong further mentioned,Our commitment to excellence remains unwavering as we actively pursue our mission of training well-rounded accountants suiting the needs of our society; our undertaking of setting and upholding of industry standards through our standard-setting initiatives; and our striving for seizing opportunities for our members and students in the Greater Bay Area, other parts of Mainland, and around the world.”

The Gala Dinner was packed with an exciting line-up of activities, offering attending members and guests an opportunity to reflect on the advancements of the accounting profession over the past fifty years. The night also served as a delightful and enjoyable evening where everyone could come together and unwind. As part of the evening’s arrangements, the HKICPA extended a special invitation to the inaugural group of HKICPA members who became CPAs in the year 1973. A special presentation was arranged to pay tribute to their exceptional contributions for the accounting profession in Hong Kong and society at large, while also recognizing their instrumental role in establishing the foundations of Hong Kong as a renowned international financial centre.

Under the theme “Accounting for Success Now and Beyond”, the HKICPA has organized a range of activities throughout the year to commemorate its 50th anniversary. The celebratory events serve to highlight the HKICPA’s accomplishments over the past half century, and its unwavering commitment to elevating the standards of the accounting profession in Hong Kong. The grand finale of these celebratory events is the HKICPA “50th Anniversary Gala Dinner,” marking a perfect culmination of the Institute’s golden jubilee.

Mr. Stephen Law, the Chairman of the HKICPA 50th Anniversary Organizing Committee, said: “Accountants have played a crucial role in the development of Hong Kong as an international financial centre, with their contributions spanning across different industries. Recognizing this, the committee has meticulously planned a series of celebratory events aimed at connecting members and individuals from various walks of life. Through these events, all members and stakeholders can share the joy of the HKICPA’s 50 years of glorious achievements while providing the public with a deeper understanding of the invaluable contributions made by accountants to the development of Hong Kong.”




The HKICPA 50th Anniversary Gala Dinner took place in the Convention Hall of the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, attracting over 500 esteemed guests. Among the attendees were HKICPA members, officials from the Governments of HKSAR and the Mainland, representatives from professional bodies, commercial chambers, academia, and more.



In her welcome speech, Ms. Loretta Fong, President of the HKICPA, emphasized the Institute's continued commitment to making a positive impact on the community.


Mr. John Lee, Chief Executive of the HKSAR Government, graces the HKICPA 50th Anniversary Gala Dinner as the esteemed Guest of Honour.



The HKICPA extended a special invitation to the inaugural group of HKICPA members who became CPAs in the year 1973. A special presentation was arranged to pay tribute to their exceptional contributions for the accounting profession in Hong Kong and society at large, while also recognizing their instrumental role in establishing the foundations of Hong Kong as a renowned international financial center.




香港會計師公會舉辦50周年慶祝晚宴  500會員及嘉賓聚首  回顧會計業界輝煌發展





香港會計師公會會長方蘊萱於其歡迎辭強調公會多年來竭誠為社會大眾服務。她指出,在過去五十年,公會透過舉辦專業資格課程 (QP) 已培訓逾27,000名會計師,會員人數增長至逾47,000人,使其成為全球領先會計專業團體之一。她續指「我們對追求卓越的堅始終如一,並不遺餘力培訓獨當一面、切合社會需要的會計師;我們透過準則制訂工作,肩負制訂及維護行業水準之使命我們致力為會員和學生在大灣區、中國其他地區以及全球各地把握機遇。」












