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HKICPA holds CPA Congress gathers ensemble of world-class leaders to empower enterprises for the future

15 July 2023

The CPA Congress was held today to celebrate the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA)’s 50th anniversary. The event assembled overseas, Mainland China and Hong Kong business and political leaders, and elite members of the accounting profession to share valuable insights on a variety of hot topics that are relevant to enterprises. The CPA Congress attracted over 700 participants to join this highly anticipated event in the business world via online or onsite attendance.   


With the theme “Creating a Pathway to Advancement: Empowering Enterprise for the Future”, the CPA Congress was organized with the aim of gathering intelligence from elites from various industries to ignite a spark of innovation and collaboration among professionals to drive businesses forward and to build a better future. Speakers of the CPA Congress delivered speeches and made exchanges with the participants on a variety of popular topics. The event served as a testament to how the accounting profession and the business community have played a pivotal role in building Hong Kong's status as an international financial centre. Mr. Paul Chan Mo-po, Financial Secretary of the HKSAR Government, Mr. Shu Huihao, Director General of the Accounting Regulatory Department of the Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of China, and Ms. Asmâa Resmouki, President of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) graced the event as Guests of Honour and delivered opening remarks. The three Guests of Honour joined Ms. Loretta Fong, President of the HKICPA, in officiating the opening of the major event.


During his opening remarks, Mr. Paul Chan elaborated on Hong Kong’s unique advantages and opportunities for future development, highlighting the vision and direction in the promotion of Hong Kong as an international financial centre and innovation and technology hub. He mentioned that Hong Kong should strive to establish a green technology and green finance centre, and embrace the development of Web3.0. He also stated that the HKICPA has been providing various training and continued professional development services to its members, and believes that it will continue to assist accounting professionals in capturing the opportunities brought by the future economic development.



Mr. Shu also pointed out that the Institute has been enhancing the membership services over the years and has nurtured a large number of outstanding talents, and its contribution to Hong Kong's economic and social development. He mentioned that the Institute has been committed to promoting the cooperation and exchanges between Hong Kong and the Mainland for years, leading the accounting profession to move forward steadily.


Ms. Asmâa Resmouki stated that the Institute is one of the founding members of the IFAC, “HKICPA has been a crucial partner for our work from the very beginning”. She commended the HKICPA’s contribution in standard setting and development of the accounting profession, which are both crucial to Hong Kong’s remarkable economic development.


In her welcome remarks, Ms. Loretta Fong said: “For five decades, the HKICPA and our members have been at the forefront of Hong Kong’s development as an international financial centre. But as we celebrate our past achievements, we must also look to the future. We must be ready to adapt to new technologies, new ways of working, embrace diversity, as well as new policies and standards that are being implemented to meet these changes.


Keynote Speakers discuss sustainable finance and collaborative opportunities to empower enterprises


Ms. Julia Leung, Chief Executive Officer of the Securities and Futures Commission, was the first Keynote Speaker. In a keynote discussion themed “The Future of Sustainable Finance and Implications for Businesses” moderated by HKICPA President Ms. Loretta Fong, Ms. Leung highlighted the significance of the recently issued IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards of the International Sustainability Standards Board for Hong Kong.


The second keynote address of the CPA Congress was delivered by Prof. KC Chan, Chairman of WeLab Bank and Senior Advisor of WeLab. He spoke on the topic “The Power of Collaboration: Creating a Future of Shared Opportunity and Success” to shed light on how enterprises can drive success through building a culture of collaboration. In his speech, he suggested cross-sectoral collaborations could lead to innovation and thus create new opportunities that drive long term business success.


Top business leaders assemble for in-depth exploration into hot industry topics

In addition to the keynote addresses, the CPA Congress presented four panel discussions focused on popular topics that are on the local agenda for businesses, including: “ESG and green finance”, “Emerging technologies and the digital economy”, “GBA opportunities and innovations” and “Diversity and inclusion in corporate culture”. The panellists shared their unique insights on the topics, facilitating participants to gain a good understanding of the latest industry trends and business opportunities regardless of their backgrounds.


The first panel discussion, titled “Transitioning Hong Kong into an ESG and Green Finance Hub”, was hosted by the HKSAR Government Chief Executive's Policy Unit Head Dr. Stephen Wong. He facilitated Mr. Mark Harper, Group Head of Sustainability of John Swire & Sons (H.K.) Limited, Mr. John Haffner, Deputy Director (Sustainability) of Hang Lung Properties Limited, Mr. Hendrik Rosenthal, Director – Group Sustainability of CLP Holdings Limited, Dr. Christine Loh, Chief Development Strategist, Institute for the Environment at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Mr. Anthony Cheung, Managing Director and Head of ESG of Polymer Capital Management to discuss the challenges for ESG and green finance development in Hong Kong and the edge the city now possesses, as well as how the accounting profession can facilitate the sustainability development of Hong Kong.


In the second and third panel discussions titled “Mega Trends in AI, Virtual Assets, Data Analytics and Tech Economy” and “Innovation and Collaboration in the GBA: Driving Growth for Hong Kong Professionals”, panellists shared their views on the influences of tech economy and regional collaborations on the future economic development of Hong Kong. The former was facilitated by Mr. Wilson Chow, Global Technology, Media and Telecommunications Industry Leader of PwC China, who led Ms. Joanne Chan, Deputy Chief Financial Officer of Animoca Brands, Mr. Duncan Chiu, LegCo Member (Technology and Innovation), Mr. Sam Lee, Founder & Chief Executive Officer of Coinstreet, Mr. Robert Lui, Hong Kong Digital Asset Leader of Deloitte China and Mr. Kelvin Tse, Head of Global Partner Solutions of Microsoft Hong Kong to discuss how enterprises should handle the impact of digital transformation on various industries, as well as providing insights and best practices for companies seeking to adopt new technologies to optimize their operations.


The latter panel about the Greater Bay Area (GBA) included Ms. Jasmine Lee, Hong Kong and Macau Managing Partner of EY, as the moderator, with five panellists including Mr. Daniel Chan, Head of Greater Bay Area of HSBC, Mr. Archie Fong, Head of Healthcare and Corporate Finance of Ping An of China Capital (HK), Mr. Peter Kung, Chairman of Supreme Genius Consulting Company Limited, Mr. Wilson Pang, Senior Partner, Advisory, Southern China of KPMG, and Ms. Jennifer Zheng, Head of Customer Lifestyle, China, Cathay Pacific. The panel examined the impact of the Greater Bay Area on Hong Kong professionals and industries, and discussed strategies for leveraging the region’s unique strengths to drive innovation, growth and collaboration.


Last but not least, the fourth panel discussion, “Diversity and Inclusion: Creating a Corporate Culture of Belonging and Empowerment,” provided thought-provoking discussions which explored the changing landscape of the workplace and the importance of building a strong organizational culture to attract, develop, and retain top talent. This panel was moderated by Mr. Eric Ng, Chief Strategy Officer of KOS International, with five panellists including Ms. Winnie Lai, People and Organization Director, Head of Area South, Greater China, DB Schenker, Ms. Melissa Lau, Director and the Hong Kong lead of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion of Robert Half, Mr. Francis Ngai, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Social Venture Hong Kong, Ms. Jannie Tam, Founder and Senior Director, GROWDynamics Talent Development, and Ms. Christine Tsang, Board Vice-Chair, The Women’s Foundation..


Fruitful discussions in CPA Congress facilitate sound exchanges across sectors

HKICPA has been dedicated to developing the accounting profession of Hong Kong, and to facilitate the profession to make significant contributions to Hong Kong’s development as an international financial centre. The CPA Congress is a flagship event of the Institute’s 50th Anniversary, and represents an important milestone for the accounting profession and for Hong Kong’s economic development. For further details of the CPA Congress, please visit



Guests of Honour Mr. Paul Chan Mo-po, Financial Secretary of the HKSAR Government (Left 4), Mr. Shu Huihao, Director General of Accounting Regulatory Department of the Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of China (Right 3), and Ms. Asmâa Resmouki, President of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) (Left 3) with Ms. Loretta Fong, President of the HKICPA (Right 4) officiated the CPA Congress. 



Ms. Julia Leung, Chief Executive Officer of the Securities and Futures Commission delivered the event’s first keynote address to share on the major implications of the sustainability reporting standards recently issued by the International Sustainability Standards Board for Hong Kong, and examined how Hong Kong companies should adapt and leverage the available opportunities to drive growth and innovation. 



The second keynote address of the CPA Congress was delivered by Prof. KC Chan, Chairman of WeLab Bank and Senior Advisor of WeLab, who shared his thoughts on how enterprises should drive success through collaborations.



The four panel discussions of CPA Congress focused on popular industry topics. The panellists shared their unique insights on the topics, facilitating participants to gain a good understanding of the latest industry trends and business opportunities regardless of their backgrounds.



Over 700 participants joined the CPA Congress via online or onsite attendance. 



香港會計師公會舉辦CPA論壇  雲集中外政商翹楚  助力企業建未來


會計師公會公會慶祝成立五十周年,今天舉CPA 論壇,雲集近三十名來自海外、中國內地本港的政商領袖及會計界精英擔任演講嘉賓,在多個企業相關的熱門議題上分享真知灼見。CPA論壇吸引超過700參加者分別透過線上及線下出席,成就商界矚目盛事。


CPA 論壇以《創發展康莊路:助力企業建未來》為主題,旨在匯聚各界精英智慧,促進跨專業創新及協作,助力企業發展,共建更好未來出席論壇的講者及與會者多個熱門議題進行演講及交流見解,展現會計界及商界貢獻香港發展成為國際金融中心的豐碩成果CPA論壇獲香港特別行政區政府財政司司長陳茂波先生、中國財政部會計司司長舒惠好先生國際會計師聯合會主席(IFACAsmâa Resmouki女士擔任主禮嘉賓並致開幕詞,聯同香港會計師公會會長方蘊萱女士,一同為此盛事揭開序幕。






Asmâa Resmouki女士指出公會是IFAC的創始會員之一,香港會計師公會從一開始就是我們工作的重要合作夥伴 揚公會在制定準則和會計專業發展方面作出的貢獻,這些對香港經濟的顯著發展十分重要。




兩大主題演講 助企業掌握可持續金融及協作機遇

CPA 論壇設有兩場主題演講環節香港證券及期貨事務監察委員會行政總裁梁鳳儀女士擔任首場主題討論的嘉賓梁女士以《可持續金融的未來及對商界的啟示》為主題,透過與公會會長方蘊萱女士的對談,向與會者分享國際可持續准則理事會(ISSB)近期頒布的國際財務報告可持續披露準則對香港的重要性。


另一主題演講則邀得WeLab Bank董事局主席陳家強教授合作的力量:構建協作機遇及成功發表演講,分享如何透過協作,促進企業邁向成功。指出,跨界別協作能為企業帶來創新想法並造就嶄新機遇,長遠而言有助推動企業發展。



各界翹楚聚首 深入探討熱門議題

除了主題演講,CPA論壇設有四場圓桌討論,分別探討本地市場四大熱門議題: ESG及綠色金融」、「新興科技與數碼經濟」、「粵港澳大灣區機遇及創新」及「多元與共融企業文化」,嘉賓講者們分享獨到觀點,讓來自不同行業的與會者掌握市場最新動態及抓緊機遇。


第一場圓桌討論香港轉型成為ESG及綠色金融中心政府特首政策組組長黃元山博主持,帶領香港太古集團有限公司可持續發展事務總監馬歌司博士、恒隆地產可持續發展副董事John Haffner先生、中電控股集團可持續發展總監羅漢卿先生、香港科技大學環境及可持續發展學部首席發展顧問陸恭蕙女士以及柏駿資本管理董事總經理及可持續發展投資部主管張振宇先生以不同角度討了香港在ESG及綠色金融方面的優勢和挑戰,以及會計專如何推動香港的可持發展。


人工智慧、虛擬資產、資料分析和科技經濟的大趨勢粵港澳大灣區中的創新與合作的兩場圓桌討論中,與會者分別分享了他們未來對科技經濟及區域合作對香港未來經濟影響力的看法。前者由普華永道中國全球科技、媒體及通信行業主管合夥人周偉然先生主持,與Animoca Brands 副首席財務官Joanne Chan 女士、立法會議員(創新科技界)邱達根議員、高爾街集團創辦人及行政總裁李尚信先生德勤中國香港數字資產主管合夥人呂志宏先生Microsoft香港全球夥伴解決方案總監謝佳文先生探討企業應如何應對數碼轉型為各行各業帶來的影響、商討運用創新科技以提升企業營運的見解及最佳方案。


至於安永香港及澳門區主管合夥人李舜兒女士主持的有關大灣區的討論中, 滙豐中國大灣區辦公室主管陳慶耀先生中國平安資本(香港)醫療文旅大健康及企業融資主管方俊輝先生高翹顧問有限公司主席龔永德先生、畢馬威中國華南區諮詢服務首席合夥人彭富強先生及國泰航空集團擔任顧客時尚生活中國區總監鄭悅女士五名講者分享大灣區對香港專業人員及不同行業所帶來的影響,並討論運用區內獨特優勢以推動創新、增長及協作的策略。


最後,多元與包容:營造富有歸屬感和授權文化的企業的討論引起了與會者的深思,理解不斷轉變的職場以及建立理想機構文化以吸引及留住頂級人才的重要性本節討論由高奧士國際控股有限公司首席戰略官吳國傑先生主持,講者包括德鐵信可大中華區南區團隊人力資源及組織總監 Winnie Lai 女士、羅致恆富公司多元化、平等及共融董事劉詩慧女士、香港社會創投基金創辦人兼行政總裁魏華星先生GROWDynamics Talent Development創辦人及高級總監譚天心女士及香港婦女基金會董事局副主席 Christine Tsang女士。


論壇內容豐富 成就各界互動交流





香港特別行政區政府財政司司長陳茂波先生(左四)、中國財政部會計司司長舒惠好先生(右三)及國際會計師聯合會主席(IFACAsmâa Resmouki女士(左三),聯同香港會計師公會會長方蘊萱女士(右四),為CPA論壇揭開序幕。






WeLab Bank董事局主席及WeLab資深顧問陳家強教授擔任CPA論壇第二場主題演講嘉賓,分享如何透過協作,促進企業邁向成功。






