Management of committees
The committees review terms of reference and develop committee work plan at the first meeting each year. Committee members provide performance feedback which will be referred to by the Nomination Committee when considering committee appointments for the following year.
Committees conduct meetings physically, with dial in and virtual conference facilities also made available.
Committee nominations begin in September, with members invited to submit their names and CVs for consideration by the Nomination Committee. Committees are appointed for one year by Council in December after recommendation from the Nomination Committee.
Members may also register their interest by sharing with us the expertise and skills in the platform here.
The policy and procedures in relation to nomination and management of committees to provide transparency to our key stakeholders regarding:
The operations of the committees
The expectations of a committee member
The Institute's governance of committees
Nomination and management of committees: |
Conduct of committee meetings |
Responsibilities of chairs and deputy chairs |
Committee performance feedback mechanism |