CPD requirements
Continuing professional development (CPD) is intended to develop and maintain members’ professional competence necessary to perform their roles as a professional accountant throughout their career and thereby to strengthen public confidence and trust in the profession.
CPD includes learning and development activities that are relevant to the roles of members, such as; (a) education, (b) training, (c) practical experience, (d) mentoring and coaching, (e) networking, (f) observation, feedback, and reflective activities, and (g) self-development activities.
In accordance with section 28(2)(c) of the Professional Accountants Ordinance, an application for renewal of registration as CPA shall not be granted unless the applicant has satisfied the Council that he has complied with the requirements for CPD.
The consequence of your failure to comply with CPD requirements is that an application to renew your membership will not be granted and your name will be removed from the register of certified public accountants.
According to Statement 1.500 , all members are required to complete a total of 120 hours of relevant CPD activity in each rolling three-year period, of which 60 hours should be verifiable, and a minimum of 20 CPD hours (verifiable or non-verifiable) each year.
Members who are holders of a Specialist Designation awarded by the Institute are required to complete at least 5 verifiable CPD hours per year in the subject of the Specialist Designation, as part of the total requirement for 60 verifiable hours in each rolling three-year period.
Members who are Responsible Persons of registered Public Interest Entity (PIE) auditors are required to undertake annually at least 5 verifiable hours of CPD activities related to PIE engagements, as part of the existing total requirement for 60 verifiable hours in each rolling three-year period. Such CPD activities should include any of the following:
(a) Accounting and Auditing standards (in the areas related to the PIE engagements carried out by the member and professional scepticism)
(b) Listing Rules issued by The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited
(c) Quality Management related standards (i.e. Hong Kong Standards on Quality Management (HKSQMs))
(d) Professional ethics relevant to professional accountants in public practice
(e) Regulatory and inspection findings reports
(f) AFRC Ordinance
Q5. | A CPD year starts on 1 December and ends on 30 November the following year. If I join the Hong Kong Institute of CPAs as a member in the middle of a CPD year, how many CPD hours do I have to complete during that year? |
Where a member joins the Institute in the middle of a year, the CPD requirements apply to him/her on a pro-rata basis to 30 November of that year (i.e. 20 minimum CPD hours on pro-rata basis). The rolling cycle starts on the subsequent 1 December.
For example, if a member joined the Institute in July 2023, 8 CPD hours is required either verifiable nor non-verifiable for 2024 membership renewal. The three-year rolling cycle will start from 1 December 2023 to 30 November 2026.
Q6. | Under Statement 1.500, is there any difference between Practising Certificate (PC) holders and non-PC holders in terms of CPD requirements? |
No, the same CPD requirements are applicable across-the-board to all members, irrespective of whether or not the member is a PC holder. However, even if PC holders are members of Global Accounting Alliance (GAA) institutes (see Q28), they are still required to fulfill the HKICPA’s CPD requirements.
For additional CPD requirements for Specialist Designation holders and Responsible Persons of registered Public Interest Entity auditors, please refer to Q3.
The cardinal principle of considering “what are relevant CPD activities” is whether such activities are closely aligned with the responsibilities of a member’s role and help to develop and maintain the professional competence necessary to perform that role. These learning activities should develop and maintain members’ professional competence necessary to perform their roles as CPAs.
It is the responsibility of members to exercise their professional judgement in deciding the type of CPD activities they undertake according to their individual needs. Such learning activities should maintain, deepen and extend their professional knowledge, skills and values, and should be relevant to the individual member's work, professional responsibilities, helping them to enhance their understanding of the economic trends and environment in which they are working as a CPA. Learning activities to improve business skills, such as leadership, negotiation, management and presentation skills can also be recognized as relevant CPD activities. In selecting the relevant CPD activities, there is no limitation on the service provider and no territorial boundaries.
However, if you are applying your existing professional knowledge and skills, such as performing daily job duties, you should not recognize these activities as relevant CPD activities because there is no learning involved.
Verifiable CPD activities can be objectively verified by a competent source, which can demonstrate that the specified number of hours of learning and development activity has been undertaken.
The following examples represent verifiable evidence that could be used to demonstrate that the specified number of hours of learning and development activity has been undertaken:
(a) Course outlines, teaching materials, storyboards;
(b) Confirmation that a learning and development activity has been completed by a provider, instructor, employer, mentor, or
(c) Transcript, examination result slips;
(d) Independent assessments that a learning activity has occurred;
(e) Confirmation by organizers of participation in activities where learning outcomes have been achieved;
(f) Confirmation by organizers of seminar/talks in which one was engaged as a speaker;
(g) Meeting agenda objectives and meeting minutes that verify the relevance of the content; and
(h) Publication of a professional article or of the results of a research project.
Non-verifiable CPD activities have no evidence to substantiate the CPD hours claimed. One example of a non-verifiable activity is reading professional journals including A-Plus Magazine.
Q9. | I have attended a number of courses run by organizations other than the Hong Kong Institute of CPAs. These courses are not endorsed by the Institute. Can I claim CPD hours for these courses? |
CPD programmes do not need to be approved by the Institute. There is no policy requiring outside course providers to obtain endorsement from the Institute for CPD recognition. It is up to the individual member to judge the suitability of a particular programme for himself/herself. The consideration is whether these courses contribute towards your professional development. In other words, they should be relevant to your immediate or long term needs as a CPA. For guidance, this judgement can be based on the following factors:
- whether the programme will enhance the professional proficiency of the individual member;
- whether the programme is at the right level and depth for the individual member;
- whether the programme content is relevant to the individual member's work;
- whether the trainers of the CPD programme are technically competent; and
- whether the programme provider has a good track record of delivering quality programmes.
Members are reminded to keep a record of these activities, such as the course outlines and timetables, handouts / instructional materials, case studies working materials, certificates of completion, etc. If the organizer provides a 'bearer' certificate or attendance record, members are reminded to fill in their names immediately after receiving the record to avoid transfer of CPD to another person in the event of its loss.
Q10. | I am studying an MBA programme. Can it be recognized as a CPD programme? If so, is it a verifiable or non-verifiable CPD activity? |
Studying a relevant academic course can be considered as a verifiable learning activity if it is able to be objectively verified by a competent source, such as an attendance record, or confirmation of registration from the provider. For an MBA programme, both face-to-face contact hours, examination hours as well as revision hours can be counted as verifiable CPD hours.
No. Normal work activities carried out as part of your daily work do not constitute continuing professional development, whether verifiable or non-verifiable.
However, providing on-the-job training, performance feedback, or professional development guidance as a mentor or coach occasionally can be considered as a CPD activity.
For technical training sessions or supervision of a registered student or a prospective member of the Hong Kong Institute of CPAs as an Authorized Supervisor (AS) or a Counsellor (C) of an Authorized Employer is recognized as CPD activity.
An AS/C is allowed to claim up to 5 verifiable CPD hours for supervising one registered student or one prospective member under the Practical Experience Framework per CPD year. Regardless of the number of registered students or prospective members supervised, the member can only claim up to 20 hours per CPD year. For example, if a member supervises 5 students or prospective members as an AS during any CPD year, he/she is still only allowed to claim a maximum of 20 verifiable CPD hours.
Q12. | I participate in my company's in-house training sessions and occasionally I am involved as a speaker. Can this type of activity be counted as verifiable CPD activity? |
Participation in company's in-house training courses is recognized as verifiable CPD activity provided you are able to provide objective verification by a competent source.
In principle, time spent by a member in assimilating knowledge on professional, technical and managerial subjects relevant to his/her work as a CPA is recognized as constituting continuing professional development. Therefore being a course speaker or presenter of topics relevant to your professional responsibilities is considered to be a CPD activity. Time spent in preparing the presentation of relevant topics is also counted as CPD hours.
However, repeated presentations of the same material will not be counted as CPD activity unless the repeated work entails updating of the presentation material. In this case only the time spent on research and updating the material should be counted as CPD hours.
Q13. | I serve on a number of committees of the Hong Kong Institute of CPAs and other professional bodies. Can this activity qualify for CPD hours? |
Yes, participation in technical committees for professional bodies qualifies as verifiable CPD. The cardinal principle of considering what are relevant CPD activities is whether such activities are relevant to individual's work as a CPA. These learning activities should enhance and broaden the relevant knowledge and skills to enable a CPA to competently carry out his or her professional duties and responsibilities. CPD credit is counted on actual basis, including preparation work and attendance to the committee meetings.
For participation in non-technical or other committees, the maximum verifiable CPD hours claimed for a year is 4. The granting of CPD credits aims to encourage members' development of soft skills such as communication, presentation, negotiation, time management skill, etc. which are essential competencies relevant to members' work and professional responsibilities nowadays.
CPD may be claimed for preparation and attendance at technical committees relevant to a member's professional development. Technical committees are committees which deal with issues of accountancy or accountancy related knowledge and skills, technical competencies and professional values, ethics and attitudes. Other committees would be of a non-technical nature.
Q15. | I have attended talks relating to personal career development and the use of Chinese medicine or other ways to keep good health. Can I claim CPD hours for attending these events? |
These events do not relate to enhancement of members' skills as a professional accountant. The Institute does not grant CPD credits for attending these events.
Q16. | I joined the Institute's Mentorship Programme as a mentor. How many CPD hours can be claimed for my participation? |
Types of activities
Max. CPD hours claimed |
Verifiable / Non-verifiable |
Reading Financial Newspapers |
5 hours per year |
Non-verifiable |
Participation in non-technical or other committee's meeting |
4 hours per year |
Verifiable |
"Networking" and "Observation, feedback and reflection" |
5 hours per year |
Non-verifiable (effective from 1 Dec 2013) |
Remarks: these 5 hours are in addition to any networking time included in verifiable CPD events (e.g. conferences, seminars, etc). Members would need to list the networking events claimed in the 5 hours and describe their professional purpose. | ||
As an Authorized Supervisor (AS) / an External Authorized Supervisor (EAS) / a Counsellor (C) of an Authorized Employer
Remarks: The arrangement of QP students trained by EAS was abolished since 1 Jan 2023. |
5 hours per registered student or prospective member; & maximum 20 hours per year |
Verifiable |
QP Facilitator |
Legacy QP: 2 workshops of total 14 contact hours and actual preparation time
Verifiable |
Approved mentor under HKICPA's Mentorship Programme |
5 hours for each approved mentorship & at most 10 hours if a mentor has been assigned 2 mentees during any one mentorship cycle
3 hours for attending mentorship related briefings organized by HKICPA |
Non-verifiable (effective from 1 April 2015 for every 12-month cycle)
Verifiable (effective from 1 April 2015 for every 12-month cycle) |
Q18. | I have not submitted my CPD Declaration to the Hong Kong Institute of CPAs by the specified membership renewal deadline. Will I be regarded as a case of non-compliance? |
Yes, if you do not file your CPD Declaration to the Institute by the specified due date, you will be regarded as being not complying with the CPD requirements.
The consequence of your failure to comply with CPD requirements is that an application to renew your membership will not be granted and your name will be removed from the register of certified public accountants.
Q19. | I have enrolled in a Hong Kong Institute of CPAs' CPD seminar with the activity details recorded under MyCPA. I checked in with my membership card at the registration counter. Do I need any attendance record form to substantiate my CPD hours for this event? |
Q20. | I am also a member of another professional accountancy body. To comply with CPD requirements of other professional bodies, I need documentary evidence to support my attendance of CPD seminars organized by the Hong Kong Institute of CPAs. How can I get attendance records from the Institute? |
Members can download the attendance certificate from MyCPA or the Institute’s Events app after attending a CPD training if the member needs a record of attendance to substantiate their CPD hours earned for the purpose of complying with CPD requirements of other organizations.
Please note that MyCPA may not be suitable evidence or record for your attended CPD hours complying with other professional bodies' CPD requirements. Members are advised to follow the requirements of those other bodies.
Q21. | I have subscribed for an e-Manager course with listed CPD hours of 3 hours. However, I only needed 2 hours to complete the whole course, including the assessment, which I passed. How many hours will I be granted for this e-Manager course? |
CPD hours for online courses are granted on the lesser of i) actual time spent on the online course; or ii) the listed CPD hours for the online course. As you spent 2 hours to complete the e-Manager course, you are granted 2 CPD hours based on your actual learning activity. This applies even when you successfully complete the assessment.
Q22. | I enrolled in a 2-hour HKICPA CPD seminar but arrived 30 minutes late and missed the first part of the seminar. How many CPD hours can I claim for this seminar? |
CPD hours are counted on an actual attendance basis. Members can claim their actual attendance time as CPD hours. The calculation of actual attendance hours is based on the first clock-in time and last clock-out time. Full CPD hours will be granted with absence of 15 minutes or less in an event or course. Partial CPD hours will be awarded based on actual attendance, rounding up to the nearest 15 minutes. As such, 1.5 CPD hours could be claimed in the above case.
The CPD hours recognition policy for HKICPA events or courses could be found here.
Q23. | I know I need to maintain documentary evidence to support my attendance and completion of CPD activities. How long do I need to keep these records? |
Pursuant to Statement 1.500, members are required to maintain records and documentary evidence of their verifiable CPD hours for a minimum of five years. Check out our CPD Record Tool (login required) to help keeping track of your CPD activities.
You will be asked to produce the records and documentary evidence if you are selected for the CPD audit. Click here for a sample CPD record.
Q24. | I know that an annual audit exercise is conducted after the annual CPD declaration. Who will be selected and how are they selected to undergo this audit exercise? |
Every year the Institute conducts a CPD audit on a certain percentage of the membership under the directive of Council. Theoretically every member is subject to the CPD audit and members may be selected for audit on a risk-based process. Practising certificate holders, responsible persons of public interest entity auditors, or members with a history of non-compliance may have a higher chance of being selected.
Members selected for audit are required to complete and return the CPD Record Form with supporting documents for all your verifiable CPD activities and a statement on why you consider the CPD activities relevant to your work and professional responsibilities. The current Statement 1.500 will be used as the basis to audit the CPD records.
Appendix 2 Guidance on Exemptions of Statement 1.500 describes the criteria taken into account by the Institute in considering applications by members for CPD exemption.
The Institute may grant exemption from CPD to a member who, at the time of application, is not carrying out any accountancy or accountancy related work, whether paid or unpaid, and does not plan to do so for a significant period of time. Council considers exemption applications on a case by case basis. Members can apply CPD Exemption by filling in the application through MyCPA with supporting documentary evidence.
No exemption will be granted to members who are:
· Practising certificate holder or
· Specialist designation holder or
· Responsible Person of registered Public Interest Entity auditors or
· Director of any companies.
Exemptions from CPD compliance granted by other professional accountancy bodies are not recognized by the Institute.
Below are examples of accountancy or accountancy related work in which you would not be granted CPD exemption if you perform one of the following:
The above list is not exhaustive. There may be other work which is of an accountancy nature.
Q27. | I have been exempted from the CPD requirements, do I need to submit a CPD Declaration through the Annual Return whenever I renew my registration as a CPA? |
Please be reminded that you are required to submit your Annual Return for membership renewal containing your CPD declaration online to renew your registration. In the CPD Declaration, you are required to confirm that you continue to meet the exemption criteria.
If you no longer meet the current exemption criteria, you will need to notify the Institute in writing and resume your CPD.
Any previously granted exemption will cease when a member ceases his or her membership. New application for exemption will be considered against the guidelines prevailing at the time of application.
Q28. | I am also a member of another professional accountancy institute. Do I have to comply with the CPD requirements of the Hong Kong Institute of CPAs? |
(Effective on 1 December 2023)
The CPD compliance requirements of the six member bodies of the Global Accounting Alliance (GAA) (of which the Hong Kong Institute of CPAs (HKICPA) is also a member) listed below are now recognized by the Institute except for Practising Certificate (PC) or Specialist Designation (SD) holders or Responsible Persons of registered Public Interest Entity auditor (RP). This means that, except for PC or SD holders or RP, members of HKICPA who are also members of one or more GAA member bodies need only fulfil the CPD requirements of one of those GAA member bodies (of which the HKICPA member is also a member) and, in so doing, shall be deemed to satisfy HKICPA’s CPD requirements.
The other six GAA member bodies are:
1. Chartered Professional Accountants Canada (CPA Canada)
2. Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ)
3. Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)
4. Chartered Accountants Ireland (CAI)
5. Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (ICAS)
6. The South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA)
As an example, a member of HKICPA who is also a member of the ICAEW, may choose to meet the CPD requirements of either HKICPA or ICAEW: if that member chooses to meet the CPD requirements of the ICAEW then he or she will be deemed to meet the HKICPA CPD requirements. Such members are expected to choose which member body’s CPD requirements to comply with for a full CPD reporting year, i.e. 1 December to 30 November of the following year.
Members satisfying HKICPA’s CPD requirements by satisfying another GAA member body’s CPD system are still required to complete the HKICPA annual declaration of CPD compliance. If selected for audit, such members will be required to produce their CPD records to meet that GAA member body’s CPD system. HKICPA may seek relevant confirmation of CPD compliance with the relevant GAA member body as appropriate.
When a GAA member body requests information about a member's CPD compliance status with the Institute, HKICPA may disclose the relevant information to that GAA member body unless the member has stated in their CPD declaration that they do not want the information to be disclosed to that GAA member body.
Q29. | I am currently working overseas and will not be in Hong Kong for the next few years. As such I shall not be able to attend any CPD activities in Hong Kong. Can I get any exemption from CPD requirements? |