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  • Introduced by the Institute in 2000, the Awards are Hong Kong's most well-established, dedicated CG and ESG awards. The main objectives of the competition is to encourage and promote good CG and ESG and disclosures and practices and to acknowledge listed companies and PSOs that exemplify the best standards in Hong Kong. In addition, the Awards aim to encourage listed companies and PSOs to progressively integrate the oversight and implementation of their CG and ESG.

  • The Awards have expanded over the past two decades from a total of three categories and ten possible awards to seven main categories and over 50 possible awards.

  • A category for H-share companies was introduced in 2006, which was subsequently been extended to include other relevant enterprises whose effective management, main interests, etc. are in the Mainland, making reference to the "Hang Seng Mainland 100" index.

  • The non-HSI companies are divided into three separate categories, based on following three Hang Seng Indexes, as at 30 April 2024:

    (i) Large market capitalisation (Hang Seng Composite LargeCap Index),
    (ii) Medium market capitalisation (Hang Seng Composite MidCap Index); and
    (iii) Small market capitalisation (Hang Seng Composite SmallCap Index).


  PSOs are divided into two categories, namely, (i) large and (ii) small- to medium-sized, based on their total revenues.


  • The Awards brochure provides further information about how candidates will be assessed for the different kinds of awards.

  • The Judges' Reports for reporting years indicated below (click on the relevant link) contain the results and commentaries on the CG performance and also, from 2011 onwards, the ESG performance of the award winners (at that time referred to as sustainability and social responsibility reporting), as well as general observations on the standard of CG and ESG in Hong Kong:



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Recent A Plus articles on the awards

As part of the Institute’s celebration of the 20th anniversary of the awards, the Institute’s monthly magazine A Plus has featured articles on how the awards have helped to develop Hong Kong’s corporate governance landscape, and what winning awards means to companies and public sector organizations.


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