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The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) / Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA)

Learn at your convenience. Take CPD courses anywhere, anytime through the Internet.


New e-Learning courses on offer

The Institute is dedicated to solicit professional partners in offering e-Learning programmes to supporting members' continuous professional development at preferential rates.


Certificate programme

Subscribe the three certificate programmes on data analysis and cybersecurity. Earn certificates in specialized areas to differentiate yourself as a professional will help enhance your career.



In collaboration with AICPA and CIMA, courses on topics ranging from accounting and financial reporting, information technology, business planning and strategy, to ethics are now available online.


Subscription fees *: HK$280 - HK$3,350
CPD hours: 1 - 13.5 hours


* For Certified Public Accountants, Registered Students, International Affiliates and valid Passport Holders of GAA only.



1. CPD hours for the e-Learning courses are granted at the lesser of i) the actual time spent by you on the programme; or ii) the listed CPD hours of the programme. This applies even when you successfully complete the assessment. Refer to Statement 1.500 and FAQ for details of the CPD requirements.
