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SMP Discussion Group events

Date Topic
5 December 2024 Practice Management Series for SMPs: Attract Global Talent for Hong Kong
27 November 2024 Practice Management Series for SMPs: Building strategy and capacity for ESG business
22 November 2024  2024 SMP Symposium - Module two
22 November 2024 2024 SMP Symposium - Module one
30 October 2024 Technology & Innovation Series: iAM Smart and Corp ID: Two key digital infrastructures for driving smart city development
12 September 2024 Practice Management Series for SMPs: Navigating the tech wave – Digitalization experiences in small and medium accounting practices
27 May 2024
Delegation to Guangzhou
Available period:
14 February 2024 - 1 February 2025
2023 SMP Symposium - Module two (archived webinar)
Available period:
14 February 2024 - 1 February 2025
2023 SMP Symposium - Module one (archived webinar)
18 December 2023 Practice Management Series for SMPs: An overview of the commonly encountered application issues on HKFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers
24 November 2023 2023 SMP Symposium - Module two
24 November 2023 2023 SMP Symposium - Module one
12 October 2023 Delegation to Zhuhai
10 October 2023 Practice Management Series for SMPs: Opportunities and challenges in family office services
26 September 2023
Practice Management Series for SMPs: Measures to protect your organization from cyber threats
27 - 28 July 2023
Delegation to Foshan
8 - 9 June 2023
Delegation to Dongguan
Available period:
28 March 2023 - 27 March 2024
Practice Management Series for SMPs: Digital Transformation Strategy – Success Stories and Lessons Learned (archived webinar)
Available period:
16 March 2023 - 15 March 2024
Practice Management Series for SMPs: Putting the "Success" in Succession Planning (panel discussion) (archived webinar)
Available period:
16 March 2023 - 15 March 2024
Practice Management Series for SMPs: Retaining Talents in Hong Kong and Hiring Trends 2022 – 2023 (archived webinar)
13 February 2023 Visit to Legislative Council Complex
Available period:
13 January 2023 - 15 January 2024
2022 SMP Symposium - Module two (archived webinar)
Available period:
13 January 2023 - 15 January 2024
2022 SMP Symposium - Module one (archived webinar)
14 December 2022
Practice Management Series for SMPs: Digital Transformation Strategy – Success Stories and Lessons Learned
9 December 2022 Practice Management Series for SMPs: Putting the “Success” in Succession Planning (panel discussion)
25 November 2022
2022 SMP Symposium - Module two
25 November 2022 2022 SMP Symposium - Module one
9 November 2022
Practice Management Series for SMPs: Retaining Talents in Hong Kong and Hiring Trends 2022 - 2023
19 April 2022 Information Session on APM- integrated Audit Workpaper Management Solution
Available period:
28 February 2022 - 28 February 2023
Practice Management Series for SMPs: Automation and analytics: digitization beyond ERP for additional value (archived webinar)
Available period:
23 February 2022 - 28 February 2023

Practice Management Series for SMPs: Preparing for the New Hong Kong Quality Management Standards (Panel Discussion) (archived webinar)

Available period:
28 January 2022 - 31 January 2023

Practice Management Series for SMPs: Recruiting and engaging with staff members (archived webinar)
Available period:
17 January 2022 - 30 June 2023
2021 SMP Symposium - Module two (archived webinar)
Available period:
17 January 2022 - 30 June 2023

2021 SMP Symposium - Module one (archived webinar)

16 December 2021 Practice Management Series for SMPs -
Automation and analytics: digitization beyond ERP for additional value 
10 December 2021

Practice Management Series for SMPs -
Preparing for the new Hong Kong Quality Management Standards (panel discussion)

26 November 2021

2021 SMP Symposium - Module two

26 November 2021

2021 SMP Symposium - Module one

9 November 2021

Practice Management Series for SMPs -
Recruiting and engaging with staff members

Available period:
1 November 2021 - 15 November 2022

The CPA Conference 2021 – Transcending together (Afternoon session) (archive webinar)
Available period:
1 November 2021 - 15 November 2022 
The CPA Conference 2021 – Transcending together (Morning session) (archive webinar)
2 October 2021
The CPA Conference 2021 – Transcending together
27 November 2020 2020 SMP Symposium - Module 2
27 November 2020 2020 SMP Symposium - Module 1
9 December 2020 Practice Management Series for SMPs -
How to plan for the succession?
9 November 2020 Practice Management Series for SMPs -
Getting ready for the AML / CFT inspections in Hong Kong
22 October 2020 Practice Management Series for SMPs -
How to motivate your millennials?
15 October 2020 Practice Management Series for SMPs -
Introduction of Technology Voucher Programme
29 November 2019 2019 SMP Symposium
5 December 2019 Practice Management Series for SMPs -
Risk Management 
11 November 2019 Practice Management Series for SMPs -
Network and Association
22 October 2019 Practice Management Series for SMPs -
Effective Talent Management and Retention Strategies
30 September 2019 Practice Management Series for SMPs -
Cybersecurity and IT Risk Management  
10 September 2019 Greater Bay Area: Delegation to Foshan 
24 June 2019 Anti-money laundering regulatory regime – How the accounting sector is affected
20 June 2019 Greater Bay Area: Delegation to Huizhou 
5 June 2019 2019 Compliance Forum – Compliance • Everyday • Everywhere (re-run for SMPs)
4 December 2018 Practice Management Series for SMPs - Risk Management
30 November 2018 2018 SMP Symposium
19 November 2018 Practice Management Series for SMPs -
Building and Growing Your Firm
7 November 2018 Practice Management Series for SMPs -
Expansion Through Mergers and Acquisitions
29 October 2018 Practice Management Series for SMPs -
People Power: Developing a People Strategy
3 July 2018 Delegation to Jiangmen and Zhongshan 
27 June 2018 Are you ready for the new Anti-Money Laundering regime 
19 June 2018 Practical implementation tips on the new Anti-Money Laundering regime
8 June 2018 2018 Compliance Forum - Right Today, Better Tomorrow (re-run for SMPs)
11 May 2018 Members' Forum for SMPs
24 November 2017 2017 SMP Symposium
26 June 2017 2017 Compliance Forum - Better Business through Compliance (re-run for SMPs)
16 June 2017 Delegation to Zhuhai
12 April 2017 Members' Forum for SMPs
25 November 2016 2016 SMP Symposium
27 June 2016 Think Compliance (re-run for SMPs)
20 May 2016 Members' Forum for SMPs
22 April 2016 SMP Discussion Group gathering
6 January 2016 深港兩地事務所交流午餐暨研討會 –「投&創‧會計師思維角度看世界」
27 November 2015 2015 SMP Symposium
18 September 2015 穗港中小型會計師事務所 - 南沙自貿區訪問團
3 July 2015 深港兩地事務所交流午餐暨研討會 - 「外資企業如何掛牌上市中國新三板」
26 June 2015 Small and Medium Practitioners Forum
10 April 2015 SMP Discussion Group Gathering
5 December 2014 Joint seminar cum networking lunch with Shenzhen Institute of CPAs (深港兩地事務所研討會暨交流午宴)
28 November 2014 2014 SMP Symposium
23 September 2014 Quality Assurance Forum (Re-run) - Practice review - common findings and new way forward
5 September 2014 廣州訪問團 - 探討在當前形勢下粵港事務所的合作模式和前景
18 July 2014 Quality Assurance Forum - Practice review - common findings and new way forward
14 July 2014 SMP Discussion Group Gathering - hot issues that you should be aware of
26 May 2014 Seminar on "The New Mediation Ordinance and Accountants"
28 April 2014 Members' Forum - Small and Medium Practitioners
3 March 2014 SMPs Forum - Access to Finance & RMB Trade Settlement
6 January 2014 深港兩地事務所研討會暨交流午宴 –
3 December 2013 SMPs Forum – Proposed regulatory framework – How it affects SMPs
29 November 2013 2013 SMP Symposium
27 September 2013 Quality Assurance Forum (Re-run) – Practice review - common myths and findings
16 September 2013 佛山市南海區訪問團
27 June 2013 Quality Assurance Forum - Practice review - common myths and findings
2 May 2013 SMPs Dinner Forum
30 November 2012

2012 SMP Symposium

‧PowerPoint of Update on Major Accounting and Auditing Standards affecting SMPs Session

5 September 2012 Quality Assurance Forum (Re-run) - Upholding the quality and reputation of the audit profession in Hong Kong
24 August 2012 深港兩地事務所研討會、聯誼午宴暨參觀深圳事務所
1 August 2012 穗港兩地事務所交流研討會暨聯誼晚宴
24 July 2012 SMPs Dinner Discussion Forum
15 June 2012

Joint Seminar and Networking Lunch for Hong Kong and Shenzhen Practitioners 


12 June 2012 Quality Assurance Forum - Upholding the quality and reputation of the audit profession in Hong Kong
24 May 2012 SME Financing Guarantee Scheme Seminar

12 April 2012

Cocktail Reception on the SMP Quick Poll

28 March 2012

Practitioners' Forum on Suspicious Transaction Reporting and Compliance Culture

 24 February 2012

Mediation Seminar "Roles & Functions of Accountants and Arbitrators in Mediation"

 20 February 2012

Experience Sharing Forum on "How SMPs develop successful business relations"

 29 November 2011

2011 SMP Symposium

 23 August 2011

Experience Sharing Seminar on the Implementation Problems faced by SMPs on the Revised Code of Ethics
8 July 2011 Cocktail Reception on the proposed SMP Quick Poll  
1 June 2011 Practitioners' Forum on Suspicious Transaction Reporting and Compliance Culture (4th re-run session)
16 December 2010 Practitioners' Forum on Suspicious Transaction Reporting and Compliance Culture (3rd re-run session)
30 November 2010 Joint Seminar and Networking Cocktail for Hong Kong and Shenzhen Practitioners

19 October 2010

2010 SMP Symposium

28 September 2010

Dinner Discussion Forum on the Institute's Public Education Campaign against Accounting Service Agents

9 September 2010

Practitioners' Forum on Suspicious Transaction Reporting and Compliance Culture (2nd re-run session)

31 August 2010

Quality Assurance Forum - Common issues in practice review and professional standards monitoring (Re-run)

10 August 2010

Practitioners' Forum on Suspicious Transaction Reporting and Compliance Culture (1st re-run session)

5 August 2010

Quality Assurance Forum - Common issues in practice review and professional standards monitoring

21 July 2010

Practitioners' Dinner Forum on the Draft Companies Bill – 2nd Phase Consultation ("Rewrite of the Companies Ordinance")

24 June 2010

SMP Evening

17 June 2010

Practitioners' Forum on Suspicious Transaction Reporting and Compliance Culture