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  • The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (the Institute) is the statutory body responsible for the professional training and development of certified public accountants in Hong Kong. The Institute is also the standard setter of the local accounting industry.
  • The Institute has over 48,000 members and nearly 13,000 registered students.
  • Members of the Institute are entitled to the description "certified public accountant" and to the designation CPA.


The Institute evolved from the Hong Kong Society of Accountants, which was established on 1 January 1973 by the Professional Accountants Ordinance.   


Vision, Mission and Values

Our vision, mission and values guide our work at the Institute.



hkicpa vision

A world class professional body that influences the future of the global profession and serves the business community and public interest of Hong Kong 



hkicpa mission

A financially-and business-attuned accountancy profession that participates in the development of the country and contributes to the sustainable development of Hong Kong as a leading international business and financial centre. Nurture a valued and respected community for members and equip them with trusted and relevant capabilities and skills.



hkicpa values

Professionalism, innovation, collaboration, integrity, quality and agility



The Institute is a statutory organization responsible for the registration of accountancy professionals in Hong Kong and has six key roles:


  • Qualification and registration of accountants
  • Standard setting
  • Member support and development
  • Promote best professional practices
  • Upkeep the image and standing of the accountancy profession
  • Safekeeping of our constitution, governance and organization


Our logo

hkicpa logo


The Institute's logo has been designed to reflect our rich heritage, mission and goals. The simple contemporary design signifies a bold optimism and readiness to embrace change. The four distinctive wings provide balance and symbolize the reaching of new heights of success. One of the wings of the logo is coloured the red of Hong Kong's bauhinia flag, representing our vital role as the guardian of Hong Kong's financial system.




hkicpa members  

Student register

hkicpa students 
CPA – 42,164              

FCPA – 5,891

Total: 48,055 

Students – 10,870

Graduates – 2,051

Total: 12,921

(as at 30 November 2024)


Information sheet

A quick overview of the Institute.
