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      International Association of Restructuring Insolvency and Bankruptcy Professionals

      The Restructuring and Insolvency Faculty (RIF) of the Hong Kong Institute of CPAs forms the basis of the Institute's association membership of the International Association of Restructuring, Insolvency & Bankruptcy Professionals (“INSOL”).


      INSOL is a world-wide federation of national associations for accountants and lawyers who specialise in turnaround and insolvency. There are currently 40 member associations world-wide with over 10,000 professionals participating as members of INSOL.


      The mission of INSOL is to take the leadership role, together with its member associations, in international turnaround, insolvency and related credit issues, facilitate the exchange of information and ideas, encourage greater international co-operation and communication amongst the insolvency profession, credit community and related constituencies. INSOL aims to assist its members with vital research by developing internationally accepted legislation and guidelines and providing through conferences, the website and publications, a forum to exchange knowledge and learn from the experiences of other countries.


      As one of the largest 10 INSOL member associations, the Institute is entitled to nominate a representative to sit on the INSOL Board of Directors. Directors are appointed for a three-year term. Mr. Edward Middleton is currently serving as the Institute’s nominee on the INSOL board. His three-year term of office extends until November 2014.


      Mr. Randall Arthur has been nominated as the Institute's representative to sit on the Global Insolvency Editorial Board. Global Insolvency is a website provided jointly by the American Bankruptcy Institute and INSOL.   


      INSOL publishes a quarterly journal, entitled “INSOL World”, which is distributed directly from INSOL to members free of charge. It also issues a monthly electronic newsletter and publishes an annual directory of member associations and individual members.
