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HKICPA IFRS Foundation Trustees Evening Event 2013

The Institute co-hosted, with the IFRS Foundation Trustees, an evening event on 23 January 2013 on "The Future of Global Financial Reporting" to enable an exchange between the IFRS Foundation and major stakeholders in Hong Kong of views on the business environment and financial reporting.  


The event was attended by nearly 100 participants, comprising the IFRS Foundation Trustees, senior members and executives from the International Accounting Standards Board as well as regulators, business leaders and accounting practitioners from Hong Kong.  


Welcoming remarks were delivered by Michel Prada, IFRS Foundation Trustees chairman, and The Hon. John Tsang, Hong Kong SAR financial secretary. Hong Kong Monetary Authority deputy chief executive, Arthur Yuen, delivered a keynote address. A panel discussion on the future of global financial reporting was moderated by Jennifer Hughes, Financial Times Lex Column Asia editor. The panel comprised Clement Chan, Institute vice president, Hans Hoogervorst, IASB chairman, James Riley, Jardine Matheson group finance director, and Carlson Tong, SFC chairman. 


You are welcomed to watch the video of the speeches and the panel discussion. Click to read the speeches (John Tsang and Arthur Yuen), photos and brochure, and the coverage in A Plus.
