Developments in cross-border insolvency recognition About the topic At this seminar, Stuart Tait and Chris Dobby, partners at Hogan Lovells, will speak on the latest developments in cross-border insol ...
HKICPA workshop: Audit of Licensed Corporations Programme Code: W151029S This workshop will provide an introduction to audits of licensed corporations which are regulated by the Hong Kong Securities a ...
HKICPA/CIMA joint workshop: Risk Management (re-run) Programme Code Sessions 1-6: W151004J Sessions 1-5: W151004AJ HKICPA and CIMA are going to jointly organize a three-day workshop with six sessions ...
Can Hong Kong learn from Singapore's Experience in Corporate Insolvency Law Reform? About the topic Singapore and Hong Kong share considerable similarities in their legal tradition as well as soci ...
HKICPA workshop: Activity Based Budgeting v Traditional Budgeting – Revolution or Compromise Programme Code: W150706S For many people in business the word budget is synonymous with control, cost cutti ...
HKICPA workshop: Managing the variances -choosing and using to provide direction (re-run) Programme Code: W150704S The principles, practices and application of management accounting is one of the key ...
Removal of liquidators under BVI law About the topic Knowledge of the law and practice of insolvency in the British Virgin Islands (BVI) is important for insolvency practitioners doing cross-border wo ...
HKICPA seminar: Challenges in PRC Tax Risk Management Programme Code: TFP150624S CChhiinnaa hhaass aallwwaayyss bbeeeenn ccaalllliinngg ffoorr mmoorree iinntteerrnnaattiioonnaall ccoollllaabboorraatti ...
Proceedings No.: D-12-0663O IN THE MATTER OF A Complaint made under section 34(1)(a) and section 34(1A) of the Professional Accountants Ordinance (Cap. 50) (“PAO”) and referred to the Disciplinary Com ...
Bringing a successful misfeasance claim About the topic At this seminar, Ludwig Ng, Partner of ONC Lawyers, will examine the latest developments in English, Hong Kong and Commonwealth authorities on m ...
Outlook of the Chinese stock market About the topic At this seminar, Lai Voon San, Senior Fund Manager and Director, Investment Operations, Value Partners Group Limited will speak about the fundamenta ...
Workshops on successful listing in Hong Kong The workshops aim to assist participants to understand the key aspects for successful listing in Hong Kong through two Parts with separate sessions for eac ...
HKICPA workshop: Understanding Costs, Price and Variances Programme Code: W150314S Traditional financial training tends to be focused on control and regulatory aspects of a business, therefore cannot ...
HKICPA seminar: Effective Communication through Business Story Telling Programme Code: S150305S Stories can inspire everything from understanding to action. We can use business stories to communicate ...
Bankruptcy of former high net worth individuals -issues and challenges About the topic At this seminar, John Lees, Managing Director, JLA Asia and Richard Hudson, Partner, Deacons, will speak about le ...
Remedies for Protection of Members' Interests under the Companies Ordinance, Cap 622 Investments About the topic The new Companies Ordinance, Cap 622, has grouped Remedies for Protection of Compan ...
HKICPA seminar: Strategic Change Management and Leadership Programme Code: S150128S There are many things that cause organizations to change. For example, mergers and acquisitions; challenge of econom ...
HKICPA workshop: New Hong Kong Companies Ordinance: Financial Reporting Programme Code: W150105S The new Hong Kong Companies Ordinance came into operation on 3 March 2014. The new financial reporting ...
Proceedings No.: D-12-0740H IN THE MATTER OF A Complaint made under Section 34(1)(a) of the Professional Accountants Ordinance (Cap.50) (“the PAO”) and referred to the Disciplinary Committee under Sec ...
Restructuring and insolvency in South East Asia – a regional summary and analysis of recent developments in Indonesia, the region's largest economy About the topic In 2013, the Asean-5 group of co ...
Workshop for Audit Staff The learning objectives of this one-day audit workshop are to enable your audit staff to: Develop a basic understanding of an audit conducted in compliance with Hong Kong Sta ...
HKICPA workshop: Strategic Planning and Forecasting for Accountants Programme Code: W141115S In this introduction to strategic planning, delegates will learn how to create effective, practical objecti ...
HKICPA workshop: Business Enterprise: Mapping the Business Planning Programme Code: W141113S The Need for Business Planning: the past is only history and cannot be a role model for the future, nothing ...
Recent developments in the use of schemes in restructurings About the topic At this seminar, Howard Lam, partner, Latham & Watkins, will speak on: How a scheme of arrangement is useful in a restr ...
Audit Practice Manual Application Workshop The Institute's revised Audit Practice Manual ("APM"), which was issued in November 2010, has been updated to address the requirements of Clari ...
Audit Practice Manual Application Workshop The Institute's revised Audit Practice Manual ("APM"), which was issued in November 2010, has been updated to address the requirements of Clari ...
Saturday 6th September 2014 — The Mind Game 9 am -12 pm -(3 Hours) /3 CPE Credits Presenter: LEUNG Sze Chung, BSc, MSc, FSSocDip, MFSSoc Mr. SC Leung is a former Assistant Government Chemist with expe ...
An Update on the Developments in PRC Bankruptcy Law About the topic At this seminar, Alan C.W. Tang of SHINEWING Specialist Advisory Services Limited, an expert in PRC bankruptcy and restructuring mat ...
Implementation of Activity Based Costing (re-run) Programme Code: W141007S This workshop will explain the three main factors involved with a project to implement Activity Based Costing and recognize t ...
Practical Budgeting in SMEs (re-run) Programme Code: W141004S For all organizations, the budgeting process is one of the most time-consuming activities they carry out on a regular basis. Typically, fo ...
Managing the variances -choosing and using to provide direction (re-run) Programme Code: W140906S The principles, practices and application of management accounting is one of the key driving forces be ...
Sustainable Cost Control (re-run) Programme Code: W140904S It is not possible to create a framework for on-going profit improvement by continuously chopping cost down. The ultimate result will be poor ...
HKICPA/ICAEW joint seminar – Cyber Security : What's New? Date Thursday, 11 September 2014 Time 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. (Registration starts at 12:30 p.m.) Venue Hong Kong Institute of CPAs, 27/F., ...
HKICPA/ICAEW joint seminar – Cyber Security : What's New? Date Thursday, 11 September 2014 Time 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. (Registration starts at 12:30 p.m.) Venue Hong Kong Institute of CPAs, 27/F., ...
Misfeasance as an alternative to fraudulent trading About the topic Fraudulent trading is difficult to prove. So are there alternatives? Arguably, the only feasible alternative is a claim for breach o ...
Listing Rule amendments relating to connected transactions About the topic Earlier this year, the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong published a number of changes to the Listing Rules in relation to connecte ...
Implications of the Privy Council ruling in Fairfield for liquidators of funds About the topic On 16 April 2014, the Privy Council in London ruled in the claims brought by the liquidators of Fairfield ...
HKICPA workshop: How an Auditor Assesses a Valuation (re-run) Programme Code: W140711S This workshop will introduce you to the importance of valuation and fair value measurements (“FVM”) during the co ...
HKICPA/HKIoD joint seminar: New Hong Kong Companies Ordinance Programme Code: S140623 Date Monday,, 23 June 2014 Time 6::30 p..m.. – 9::00 p..m.. Venue Hong Kong Institute of CPAs, 27/F., Wu Chung Hou ...
HKICPA workshop: Strategic planning: a finance team perspective Programme Code: W140531AS Strategic planning is most simply defined as being concerned with management planning into the medium to long- ...
HKICPA workshop: Costing techniques – comparing the big three (ABC, standard, zero-based) Programme Code: W140604S This fast-paced workshop has a topic range that gives maximum attention to the Big-3 ...
WWaanntt ttoo uunnwwiinndd yyoouurr bbuussyy ddaayy wwiitthh ffrreeeessttyyllee ddaanncciinngg wwiitthh ppooppuullaarr hhiitt ssoonnggss?? SSiiggnn uupp ffoorr tthhee bbeeggiinnnneerr''ss ccoo ...
JJaazzzz ddaannccee,, is a form of modern dance which is heavily influenced by the sounds and rhythms of jazz music. This type of dancing is energetic and fun, consisting of unique moves, fancy footwo ...
WWaanntt ttoo uunnwwiinndd yyoouurr bbuussyy ddaayy wwiitthh ffrreeeessttyyllee ddaanncciinngg wwiitthh ppooppuullaarr hhiitt ssoonnggss?? SSiiggnn uupp ffoorr tthhee bbeeggiinnnneerr''ss ccoo ...
JJaazzzz ddaannccee,, is a form of modern dance which is heavily influenced by the sounds and rhythms of jazz music. This type of dancing is energetic and fun, consisting of unique moves, fancy footwo ...
HKICPA workshop: The finance team as project controllers – efficient cash management Programme Code: W140317S Managing projects whether internal or client-driven ones is an integral part of every comp ...
1 Proceedings No.: D-10-0502S IN THE MATTER OF Complaints made under Section 34(1)(a) of the Professional Accountants Ordinance (Cap.50) (“the PAO”) and referred to the Disciplinary Committee under Se ...
JJaazzzz ddaannccee,, is a form of modern dance which is heavily influenced by the sounds and rhythms of jazz music. This type of dancing is energetic and fun, consisting of unique moves, fancy footwo ...
WWaanntt ttoo uunnwwiinndd yyoouurr bbuussyy ddaayy wwiitthh ffrreeeessttyyllee ddaanncciinngg wwiitthh ppooppuullaarr hhiitt ssoonnggss?? SSiiggnn uupp ffoorr tthhee bbeeggiinnnneerr''ss ccoo ...
1 Proceedings No.: D-12-0663O IN THE MATTER OF A Complaint made under section 34(1)(a) and section 34(1A) of the Professional Accountants Ordinance (Cap. 50) (“PAO”) and referred to the Disciplinary C ...
WWaanntt ttoo uunnwwiinndd yyoouurr bbuussyy ddaayy wwiitthh ffrreeeessttyyllee ddaanncciinngg wwiitthh ppooppuullaarr hhiitt ssoonnggss?? SSiiggnn uupp ffoorr tthhee bbeeggiinnnneerr''ss ccoo ...
JJaazzzz ddaannccee,, is a form of modern dance which is heavily influenced by the sounds and rhythms of jazz music. This type of dancing is energetic and fun, consisting of unique moves, fancy footwo ...
JJaazzzz ddaannccee,, is a form of modern dance which is heavily influenced by the sounds and rhythms of jazz music. This type of dancing is energetic and fun, consisting of unique moves, fancy footwo ...
WWaanntt ttoo uunnwwiinndd yyoouurr bbuussyy ddaayy wwiitthh ffrreeeessttyyllee ddaanncciinngg wwiitthh ppooppuullaarr hhiitt ssoonnggss?? SSiiggnn uupp ffoorr tthhee bbeeggiinnnneerr''ss ccoo ...
Offer details_PCCW
SPECIAL OFFER for HKICPA No. Description Qty. Unit Unit Charge Total Charge Remarks S1A Standard Videoconferencing Service -Plan A (15 port-hours) *Optional endpoint rental monthly fee HKD 1,500 12 mo ...
WWaanntt ttoo uunnwwiinndd yyoouurr bbuussyy ddaayy wwiitthh ffrreeeessttyyllee ddaanncciinngg wwiitthh ppooppuullaarr hhiitt ssoonnggss?? SSiiggnn uupp ffoorr tthhee bbeeggiinnnneerr''ss ccoo ...
JJaazzzz ddaannccee,, is a form of modern dance which is heavily influenced by the sounds and rhythms of jazz music. This type of dancing is energetic and fun, consisting of unique moves, fancy footwo ...
Practical Budgeting in SMEs (re-run) Programme Code: W131107S For all organizations, the budgeting process is one of the most time-consuming activities they carry out on a regular basis. Typically, fo ...
Financial Management Essentials of Charitable Organizations Programme Code: W131102S Charitable organizations now have to run their affairs as tightly focused as any commercial enterprise yet operate ...
Implementation of Activity Based Costing Programme Code: W131025S This workshop will explain the three main factors involved with a project to implement Activity Based Costing and recognize the benefi ...
WWaanntt ttoo uunnwwiinndd yyoouurr bbuussyy ddaayy wwiitthh ffrreeeessttyyllee ddaanncciinngg wwiitthh ppooppuullaarr hhiitt ssoonnggss?? SSiiggnn uupp ffoorr tthhee bbeeggiinnnneerr''ss ccoo ...
JJaazzzz ddaannccee,, is a form of modern dance which is heavily influenced by the sounds and rhythms of jazz music. This type of dancing is energetic and fun, consisting of unique moves, fancy footwo ...
WWaanntt ttoo uunnwwiinndd yyoouurr bbuussyy ddaayy wwiitthh ffrreeeessttyyllee ddaanncciinngg wwiitthh ppooppuullaarr hhiitt ssoonnggss?? SSiiggnn uupp ffoorr tthhee bbeeggiinnnneerr''ss ccoo ...
JJaazzzz ddaannccee,, is a form of modern dance which is heavily influenced by the sounds and rhythms of jazz music. This type of dancing is energetic and fun, consisting of unique moves, fancy footwo ...
JJaazzzz ddaannccee,, is a form of modern dance which is heavily influenced by the sounds and rhythms of jazz music. This type of dancing is energetic and fun, consisting of unique moves, fancy footwo ...
JJaazzzz ddaannccee,, is a form of modern dance which is heavily influenced by the sounds and rhythms of jazz music. This type of dancing is energetic and fun, consisting of unique moves, fancy footwo ...
Enhancing your business management and empowerment with NLP (Module 3) Programme Code: W130803S Nowadays people are living in a fast growing and unpredictable world full of changes and challenges, esp ...
PAIB Seminar on COSO’s Updated Internal Control – Integrated Framework About the topic COSO, the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission, issued an updated version of its wide ...
WWaanntt ttoo uunnwwiinndd yyoouurr bbuussyy ddaayy wwiitthh ffrreeeessttyyllee ddaanncciinngg wwiitthh ppooppuullaarr hhiitt ssoonnggss?? SSiiggnn uupp ffoorr tthhee bbeeggiinnnneerr''ss ccoo ...
Practical Budgeting in SMEs Programme Code: W130715S For all organizations, the budgeting process is one of the most time-consuming activities they carry out on a regular basis. Typically, for most SM ...
HHiipp--hhoopp ddaannccee,, also known as jjaazzzz ffuunnkk refers to dance styles originally performed on the street in hip-hop music. Its freestyle movements can be a form of entertainment; hobby or ...
How to choose the best KPIs (re-run) Programme Code: W130524S Where are we? Where do we want to be? How do we get there in the most cost effective way? Surely all a business has to do is answer these ...
LEAN Accountancy – what the finance team needs to know Programme Code: W130522S This workshop will give delegates an understanding of the concept of LEAN when applied to accounting techniques. Using e ...
Costing Techniques from ABC to ZBC -Features & Benefits, Facts & Traps Programme Code: W130419S This fast-paced workshop has a topic range that gives maximum attention to the four major costin ...
Managing the variances -choosing and using to provide direction Programme Code: W130417S The principles, practices and application of management accounting is one of the key driving forces behind ever ...
Sustainable Cost Control Programme Code: W130415S It is not possible to create a framework for on-going profit improvement by continuously chopping cost down. The ultimate result will be poor quality, ...
JJaazzzz ddaannccee,, is a form of modern dance which is heavily influenced by the sounds and rhythms of jazz music. This type of dancing is energetic and fun, consisting of unique moves, fancy footwo ...
Supporting organization Host Supporting organization Gender Diversity in the Boardroom: The issues and where to go from here CPD point(s) : The HKICPA : 3 hours The HKICS : 3 points The Law Society of ...
Jazz Dancing Class JJaazzzz ddaannccee,, is a form of modern dance which is heavily influenced by the sounds and rhythms of jazz music. This type of dancing is energetic and fun, consisting of unique ...
Hip Hop Dancing Class HHiipp--hhoopp ddaannccee,, also known as jjaazzzz ffuunnkk refers to dance styles originally performed on the street in hip-hop music. Its freestyle movements can be a form of e ...
Hip Hop Dancing Class HHiipp--hhoopp ddaannccee,, also known as jjaazzzz ffuunnkk refers to dance styles originally performed on the street in hip-hop music. Its freestyle movements can be a form of e ...
Enhancing your business management and empowerment with NLP (Module 3) Programme Code: W130302S Nowadays people are living in a fast growing and unpredictable world full of changes and challenges, esp ...
Jazz Dancing Class JJaazzzz ddaannccee,, is a form of modern dance which is heavily influenced by the sounds and rhythms of jazz music. This type of dancing is energetic and fun, consisting of unique ...
Hip Hop Dancing Class HHiipp--hhoopp ddaannccee,, also known as jjaazzzz ffuunnkk refers to dance styles originally performed on the street in hip-hop music. Its freestyle movements can be a form of e ...
The Outlook for 2013 – Central banks and regulators will continue to set the tone; to what avail? About the topic Since the onset of the 2008/09 financial and economic crisis, politicians, central ban ...
Jazz Dancing Class JJaazzzz ddaannccee,, is a form of modern dance which is heavily influenced by the sounds and rhythms of jazz music. This type of dancing is energetic and fun, consisting of unique ...
Technical Training and Support Programme 2012 6 Technical Update Evenings Technical Update Evenings (TUE) is a programme of regular evening training sessions held by the Institute to provide comprehen ...
Jazz Dancing Class JJaazzzz ddaannccee,, is a form of modern dance which is heavily influenced by the sounds and rhythms of jazz music. This type of dancing is energetic and fun, consisting of unique ...
Hip Hop Dancing Class HHiipp--hhoopp ddaannccee,, also known as jjaazzzz ffuunnkk refers to dance styles originally performed on the street in hip-hop music. Its freestyle movements can be a form of e ...
Jazz Dancing Class To meet members' diverse interests in dancing, the Dance Interest Group will launch a Jazz dancing class for the first time in October. JJaazzzz ddaannccee,, is a form of modern ...
Hip Hop Dancing Class HHiipp--hhoopp ddaannccee,, also known as jjaazzzz ffuunnkk refers to dance styles originally performed on the street in hip-hop music. Its freestyle movements can be a form of e ...
How to choose the best KPIs (re-run) Programme Code: W121114S Where are we? Where do we want to be? How do we get there in the most cost effective way? Surely all a business has to do is answer these ...
Hip Hop Dancing Class HHiipp--hhoopp ddaannccee,, also known as jjaazzzz ffuunnkk refers to dance styles originally performed on the street in hip-hop music. Its freestyle movements can be a form of e ...
Corporate Finance Interest Group (CFIG) lunch seminar – Sharper Teeth for the SFC? About the topic The Securities and Futures Commission has become increasingly active in its mission to protect the in ...
普通話課程Children Putonghua Course /中文寫作班Chinese Writing Course 每班人數Class Size (person) 每堂收費Course Fee /lesson 2 250 /person 3 230 /person 4 – 6 200 /person 兒童英語課程Early Child English Program 每班人數Class Siz ...
360-degree-leadership skills-aug-oct
Venue Hong Kong Institute of CPAs, 27/F., Wu Chung House, 213 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong. KPMG Training Centre, 28/F., Oxford House, Tai Koo Place, 979 King’s Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong. B ...
Hip Hop Dancing Class HHiipp--hhoopp ddaannccee,, also known as jjaazzzz ffuunnkk refers to dance styles originally performed on the street in hip-hop music. Its freestyle movements can be a form of e ...
Insolvency Preparatory II 2012 The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants invites applications for the Insolvency Preparatory II 2012. The course will be held on five Saturday afternoons ...
Hip Hop Dance Class HHiipp--hhoopp ddaannccee,, also known as jjaazzzz ffuunnkk refers to dance styles originally performed on the street in hip-hop music. Its freestyle movements can be a form of ent ...
Managing the variances Programme Code: W120616S The principles, practices and application of Management Accounting is one of the key driving forces behind each and every successful business or organiz ...
360-degree-management skills-jul-aug
Venue Hong Kong Institute of CPAs, 27/F., Wu Chung House, 213 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong. Language Cantonese Fee (for each session) HK750 for HKICPA member or student; and IA/HKIAAT’s membe ...
360-degree-management skills-jun
Venue Hong Kong Institute of CPAs, 27/F., Wu Chung House, 213 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong. Language Cantonese Fee (for each session) HK750 for HKICPA member or student; and IA/HKIAAT’s membe ...
Hip Hop Dance Class HHiipp--hhoopp ddaannccee,, aallssoo kknnoowwnn aass jjaazzzz ffuunnkk refers to dance styles originally performed on the street in hip-hop music. Its freestyle movements can be a ...
Technical Training and Support Programme 2012 7 Training for Audit Manager /Training for Audit Staff Training for audit manager is a one-day audit workshop which covers the following areas: The condu ...
Corporate Finance Interest Group (CFIG) lunch seminar – Share-based compensation schemes: regulatory and practical issues About the topic At the seminar, Mr. Kenneth Leung of Clifford Chance will look ...
Insolvency Preparatory I 2012 (Re-run) The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants invites applications for the Insolvency Preparatory I. The course will run through five Saturdays commenc ...
Technical Training and Support Programme 2012 7 Training for Audit Manager /Training for Audit Staff Training for audit manager is a one-day audit workshop which covers the following areas: The condu ...
Standard Costing vs Activity Based Costing Programme Code: W120420S Costing is not simply a case of collecting costs in accounting buckets and just summarizing them, nor does it need to be so complex ...
HKICPA/HKBU REVISION COURSE FOR JUNE 2012 FINAL EXAMINATION Objective This 37-hour revision course, to be offered by the Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU), is to assist QP candidates to better prepa ...
HKICPA/HKBU REVISION COURSE FOR JUNE 2012 FINAL EXAMINATION Objective This 37-hour revision course, to be offered by the Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU), is to assist QP candidates to better prepa ...
Corporate Finance Interest Group (CFIG) lunch seminar – Strategies for Selling a Business About the topic The speaker, Adrian Bradbury, Managing Director – Corporate Finance, M&A and Private Equit ...
Registration The number of places is limited and in the event of over-subscription, places will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis with priority given to PAIBs. To register: Online regis ...
How to choose the best KPIs (re-run) Programme Code: W120329S Where are we? Where do we want to be? How do we get there in the most cost effective way? Surely all a business has to do is answer these ...
Technical Training and Support Programme 2011 6 Technical Update Evenings Technical Update Evenings (TUE) is a programme of regular evening training sessions held by the Institute to provide comprehen ...
Corporate Finance Interest Group (CFIG) lunch seminar IPO Success Factors About the topic Mr. Philippe Espinasse, author of IPO: A Global Guide , a recently published practical guide to conducting an ...
Technical Training and Support Programme 2011 6 Technical Update Evenings Technical Update Evenings (TUE) is a programme of regular evening training sessions held by the Institute to provide comprehen ...
Corporate Finance Interest Group (CFIG) lunch seminar IPO Success Factors About the topic Mr. Philippe Espinasse, author of IPO: A Global Guide , a recently published practical guide to conducting an ...
Corporate Finance Interest Group (CFIG) lunch seminar – Mergers and Acquisitions and Pre-IPO Structuring About the topic At this seminar, Mr. Gary James of BDO Tax and Mr. Kenneth Yeo of BDO Specialis ...
360-degree-management skills 8-11
Venue Hong Kong Institute of CPAs Training Centre, 27/F., Wu Chung House, 213 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong. KPMG Training Centre, 28/F., Oxford House, Tai Koo Place, 979 King's Road, Quar ...
Corporate Finance Interest Group (CFIG) lunch seminar – Reflections on the use of listed shell companies in Hong Kong About the topic At this seminar, Mr. Martin Sabine, founder and chairman of Somerl ...
Corporate Finance Interest Group (CFIG) lunch seminar – Due Diligence in Mergers & Acquisitions About the topic At this seminar, Mr. Alan Wong, partner at Deloitte & Touche Financial Advisory ...
Insolvency Preparatory II The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants invites applications for the Insolvency Preparatory II 2011. The course will be held on five consecutive Saturday morn ...
Insolvency Preparatory II The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants invites applications for the Insolvency Preparatory II 2011. The course will be held on five consecutive Saturday morn ...
Corporate Finance Interest Group (CFIG) lunch seminar Outlook for Global Mining Investment – Opportunities and Challenges About the topic At this seminar, a panel of experts in the extractive industri ...
Dance class with overseas teachers To meet different demands from members, we are happy to organise small group lessons taught by overseas professional dance teachers in Dance Concept Studios to sharp ...
1 Minutes of the 189th meeting of the Financial Reporting Standards Committee held on Tuesday, 11 January 2011 at 8:30 a.m. in the Board Room of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants ...
How to choose the best KPIs Programme Code: W110311S All enterprises are different as the mix of people, product and finance comes under the influence of strategies and markets. Some sectors have a re ...
Dance class with overseas teachers To meet different demands from members, we are happy to organise small group lessons taught by overseas professional dance teachers in Dance Concept Studios in Wanch ...
Dance class with overseas teachers To meet different demands from members, we are happy to organise small group lessons taught by overseas professional dance teachers in Dance Concept Studios in Wanch ...
Politeness versus Impoliteness: How to communicate effectively and achieve your communicative goals (re-run) Programme Code: W110215S In language study, there is an interesting field known as „pragmat ...
Corporate Finance Interest Group (CFIG) lunch seminar – Private Equity Investment in China About the topic At this seminar, Mr. Christopher Xing, principal at KPMG, will speak about the investment env ...
Technical Training Programme By the Standard Setting Department (Final sessions for 2010 ) Joint seminar with SFC on the audit of licensed corporations The Institute and the Securities and Futures Com ...
Corporate Finance Interest Group (CFIG) lunch seminar – Duty of Care and Potential Liabilities of Investment Advisors About the topic At this seminar, Mr. Ian De Witt, partner of Tanner De Witt, will ...
Financial Reporting Forum – Developments in proposed IFRS on Revenue Recognition and Leases Meeting with IASB Member, Tatsumi Yamada As part of its ongoing contributions to the IASB's due process, ...
Financial Reporting Forum -Stay tuned for developments of IFRSs with Chairman of the IFRS Interpretations Committee, Robert Garnett Meeting with Robert Garnett Robert Garnett, chairman of the IFRS Int ...
Corporate Finance Interest Group (CFIG) lunch seminar – A practitioner's view of the new listing rules for mineral companies About the topic The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong has recently announced ...
Auditing and Assurance Standards Forum Stay tuned for the developments of auditing standards and guidance with Chairman of IAASB, Prof. Arnold Schilder Date Thursday, 20 May 2010 Time 9:15 am – 12:00 ...
Corporate Finance Interest Group (CFIG) lunch seminar – Current PRC policies on listing non state-owned mainland enterprises overseas About the topic At this seminar, Mr. Tony Chan, managing director ...
“We are Golden” workshop on positive thinking Programme Code: W100619S Speaker Dr. Harry Wong, FCPA, MAcc, Certified NLP Master Coach & Trainer Dr. Wong is a passionate and seasoned business consu ...
Corporate Finance Interest Group (CFIG) lunch seminar – Current PRC policies on listing non state-owned mainland enterprises overseas About the topic At this seminar, Mr. Tony Chan, managing director ...
Financial Reporting Forum 2010 -Stay tuned for developments of HKFRS and IFRS Meeting with Sir David Tweedie Sir David Tweedie, chairman of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), is visi ...
ManageSmart: Coaching for Greater Performance & Commitment Programme Code: W100429S W100514S Speaker Miss Angela Shing, BBus MSc IIAC(UK) CPA(Aust.) Angela has a wealth of experience in the commer ...
Scientific Tool That Helps Improve Communication Power (re-run) Programme Code: W100327S W100529S Speaker Mr. Terence Yeung, Managing Director, TACSEN Management Consultants Limited Mr. Yeung has over ...
TalkSmart Persuasive Business Communication Programme Code: W100316S W100322S Speaker Miss Angela Shing, BBus MSc IIAC(UK) CPA(Aust.) Angela has a wealth of experience in the commercial and banking se ...
Positive Quotient: How to improve your performance without talking about it Programme Code: W100123S Speaker Dr. Sidney Sze, CEO, Midland Financial Group Dr. Sze is the Founder President of the Societ ...
P091203 P091204
P091203 P091204 商貿普通話課程Programme Code: P091203 目標加強日常會話與基本專業詞匯;以及進一步糾正學員發音及改善表達能力,提高普通話會話能力和流利程度。對象適合具備普通話語音基礎及基本普通話會話和聆聽能力的學員。日期2009年12月3日至2010年1月14日(逢星期四) (除2009年12月24日及12月31 日外) 時間7:00 p.m. -9:30 p ...
Leadership for Performance & Commitment (re-run) Programme Code: W091114AS W091121AS W091128BS Speaker Miss Angela Shing, BBus MSc IIAC(UK) CPA(Aust.) Angela has a wealth of experience in the comm ...
Annual Auditing Update 2009 7 November 2009 (Sat) (Programme Code: ) Speakers : Mr. CHAN Yuk Ming Andy Mr. Chan is a Senior Immigration Officer of the Other Visas and Permits Section, Hong Kong Immigr ...
Court control of liquidator's conduct -some recent Australian perspectives. Liquidators' Remuneration -an update. 4 November 2009 (Wed) Programme Code: Speakers Mr. Lee Aitken, Associate Prof ...
Annual Auditing Update 2009 7 November 2009 (Sat) (Programme Code: C091107S) Speakers : Mr. CHAN Yuk Ming Andy Mr. Chan is a Senior Immigration Officer of the Other Visas and Permits Section, Hong Kon ...
Solicitors’ Accounts Rules and PN840 Reporting Engagements Programme Code: Speakers Mr. Stephen Chan, Partner, BDO Limited Certified Public Accountants Mr. Chan is a fellow of HKICPA and the Institut ...
Solicitors’ Accounts Rules and PN840 Reporting Engagements Programme Code: Speakers Mr. Stephen Chan, Partner, BDO Limited Certified Public Accountants Mr. Chan is a fellow of HKICPA and the Institut ...
Paul Chow was appointed Chief Executive of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx) on 1 May 2003. In this capacity, Mr. Chow is also an ex-officio member of the Board of HKEx. Mr. Chow is curr ...
Paul F. Winkelmann is Vice President of Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants and Chairman of the Financial Reporting Standards Committee, Registration & Practising Committee (a stat ...
P:\IT\HKSA WebSite Updating\recent\2178 Eva AS training\AS update list.doc Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants Authorised Employers and Authorised Supervisors Scheme List of Authorised ...
mp;a General Purpose Financial Reporting in Hong Kong Questions & Answers Updated 6-Jun-2003 SSAP 1, Presentation of Financial Statements Page 1 of 3 SSAP 1, Presentation of Financial Statements B ...
PII 2012 flyer and application form (published)
PII 2012 flyer and application form (published) Insolvency Preparatory II 2012 The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants invites applications for the Insolvency Preparatory II 2012. The ...
Flyer & form
Flyer & form Paul Chow was appointed Chief Executive of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx) on 1 May 2003. In this capacity, Mr. Chow is also an ex-officio member of the Board of HKEx. ...
1 Hong Kong Updates Exchange of Views EFRAG Board Meeting, 3 July 2018, Berlin Christina Ng, Director, Standard Setting Department About HKICPA Established by Hong Kong Law to work in the public inter ...
1 Issue 46 (9 March 2023) Dear members, Reminders for auditor’s reporting on the Insurance (Financial and Other Requirements for Licensed Insurance Broker Companies) Rules The Insurance (Financial and ...
Dear Assignment /News Business Section EditorDear Assignment /News Business Section EditorDear Assignment /News Business Section EditorDear Assignment /News Business Section EditorDear Assignment /New ...
TechWatch updates you on technical developments in financial reporting, auditing, regulation and business. The Institute welcomes your comment, emailed to . Click here for past issues. Contents Financ ...
TechWatch updates you on technical developments in financial reporting, auditing, regulation and business. The Institute welcomes your comment, emailed to . Click here for past issues. Contents Financ ...
TechWatch updates you on technical developments in financial reporting, auditing, regulation and business. The Institute welcomes your comment, emailed to . Click here for past issues. Contents Spotli ...
TechWatch updates you on technical developments in financial reporting, auditing, regulation and business. The Institute welcomes your comment, emailed to . Click here for past issues. Contents Spotli ...
HKIoD-Cambridge Global Directorship Programme 2018 (Final)
HKIoD-Cambridge Global Directorship Programme 2018 (Final) The Hong Kong Institute of Directors (“HKIoD”) is Hong Kong’s premier body representing directors to foster the long-term success of companie ...
1266F_1347F_23Dec2020_DC order edited
IN THE MATTER OF A Complaint made under Section 34 (IA) and 34(IAA) of the Professional Accountants Ordinance (CapsO) (the "FAO") and referred to the Disciplinary Committee under Section 33( ...
MPS_Module D_Part 1_Upload_V1
EXECUTIVE TRAINING COMPANY (INTERNATIONAL) LTD www.etctraining.com.hk MD Taxation www.etctraining.com.hk Module Preparation Seminar – Agenda • Salaries tax implications on employment income and direct ...
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i Update No. 139 (Issued 26 February 2014) Handbook Improvements only Document Reference and Title Instructions Explanations VOLUME II Contents of Volume II Insert the revised pages i -iii. Discard th ...
CO Hong Kong Companies Ordinance GEM Growth Enterprise Market of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited GR Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Growth Enterprise Market of The Stock Excha ...
Decision 1196C 1235C14Nov2019edited
Decision 1196C 1235C14Nov2019edited A Complaint made under Section 34(IA) Professional Accountants Ordinance (Cap. 50) Proceedings No. D-16-1196C, D-17-1235C IN THE MATTER OF Disciplinary Committee: M ...
The Payment Cards Group Limited (Brand Name: Yedpay)
The Payment Cards Group Limited (Brand Name: Yedpay) Offers: Rebate rewards* applies to selected online merchants under the referral scheme from HKICPA during the promotion period from 1 January 2024 ...
Meatogo Limited
Expiry date: 31 Dec 2024 Offer 10% off on regular-priced items at retail outlet or online store Refer to online store for more details Eligibility HKICPA members, International Affiliates & GAAs, ...
The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) / Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA)
The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) / Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) Learn at your convenience. Take CPD courses anywhere, anytime through the Internet ...
Web_Health Harvest_2017-18
Health Harvest Food Limited is pleased to offer special discount and complimentary service to our members with details as follows: EElliiggiibbllee UUsseerrss HKICPA members, International Affiliates, ...
Chi Lo
YMC and MBIG joint seminar: The outlook of China's economy under Trumponomics 18 February 2017 Profile of speaker Senior Economist, Greater China BNP Paribas Investment Partners, Hong Kong Prior ...
Web_Health Harvest_2016-17
Health Harvest Food Limited is pleased to offer special discount and complimentary service to our members with details as follows: EElliiggiibbllee UUsseerrss HKICPA members, International Affiliates, ...
Lucky draw for membership survey As a token of appreciation for members who spare their time to complete the online survey on or before 15 December 2016, they can enter our lucky draw. Prizes for the ...
L'hotel Group is pleased to offer special discount to our members with details as follows: EElliiggiibbllee UUsseerrss HKICPA members, International Affiliates, GAA members and registered students ...
Lhotel package details
Special room package for Hong Kong Institute of CPA Weekday (Sunday to Thursday) – priced at HK988 net Weekend (Friday, Saturday, Public Holiday and Eve) – priced at HK1,188 net L’hotel Island South P ...
Hong Kong Financial Services Institute (HKFSI) is pleased to offer special discount to our members with details as follows: EElliiggiibbllee UUsseerrss HKICPA members OOffffeerr HK5,000 discount for ...
Hong Kong Financial Services Institute (HKFSI) is pleased to offer special discount to our members with details as follows: EElliiggiibbllee UUsseerrss HKICPA members OOffffeerr HK5,000 discount for ...
The Hong Kong Management Association is pleased to offer special discount to our members with details as follows: EElliiggiibbllee UUsseerrss HKICPA members, International Affiliates, GAA members and ...
Web_Health Harvest_2015-16
Health Harvest Food Limited is pleased to offer special discount and complimentary service to our members with details as follows: OOffffeerr 15% discount on selected Sialang Honey products Complime ...
Risk Management and Internal Control of The Corporate Governance Code and Corporate Governance Report Date Tuesday, 23 June 2015 Time 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm Venue Hong Kong Institute of CPAs 27/F., Wu Chu ...
Web_Esso Fleet Card_150429
Esso Fleet Card Ace Way Company is pleased to offer special discount and complimentary service to HKICPA members with details as follows: Offer Discount of HK2.00 per litre for petrol purchase on cre ...
Web_Esso Fleet Card_150201
Esso Fleet Card Ace Way Company is pleased to offer special discount and complimentary service to HKICPA members with details as follows: Offer Discount of HK2.00 per litre for petrol purchase on cre ...
Web_Esso Fleet Card_150201
Esso Fleet Card Ace Way Company is pleased to offer special discount and complimentary service to HKICPA members with details as follows: Offer Discount of HK2.00 per litre for petrol purchase on cre ...
Web_Health Harvest_2014-15
Health Harvest Food Limited is pleased to offer special discount and complimentary service to our members with details as follows: OOffffeerr 15% discount on selected Sialang Honey products Complime ...
IIssllaammiicc FFiinnaannccee Programme Code: (TUE1411) Islamic Finance is an alternative means of finance for Muslims and non-Muslims world-wide. The region has attracted comparatively substantial c ...
Hing Shing Petroleum Co. Ltd. (興盛石油有限公司) is pleased to offer special discount and complimentary service to our members with details as follows: OOffffeerr Shell Discount Card Discount Program Petrol: ...
BBaassiicc pprriinncciipplleess aanndd iinnssiigghhttss oonn FFaaiirr vvaalluuee mmeeaassuurreemmeennttss Programme Code: 07 () The measurement of fair value under HKFRS may not be an easy task as oft ...
Web_Fortune Magazine
TIME Asia (Hong Kong) Limited is pleased to offer special discount and complimentary service to our members with details as follows: OOffffeerr TIME Magazine & FORTUNE Magazine 80% off the newsst ...
Hing Shing Petroleum Co. Ltd. (興盛石油有限公司) is pleased to offer special discount and complimentary service to our members with details as follows: OOffffeerr Shell Discount Card Discount Program Petrol: ...
Emily Ho
Career Forum 2013 Young accountants' work life Profile of speaker Ms. Internal Audit Manager, DBS Bank (HK) Limited Ms. was accredited with Master of Philosophy (Engineering) in the University o ...
Date 1 June 2012, Friday Time 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Venue The Joint Professional Centre Limited, Lecture Theatre, Unit 1, G/F., The Centre, 99 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong. Speaker Ms. Clara Yu ...
Ingrid Millet
Paris is pleased to offer special discount and complimentary service to our members with details as follows: OOffffeerrss 1. 10% off on regular-priced skincare and cosmetic products 2. Receive a FREE ...