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      HKICPA "Rich Kid, Poor Kid" programme awarded "2019 Financial Education Champion"

      26 November 2018

      (HONG KONG, 26 November 2018) The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants' (HKICPA) corporate social responsibility programme, Rich Kid, Poor Kid (the programme), has been recognized by the Hong Kong Strategy for Financial Literacy as a "Financial Education Champion". The award acknowledges the contributions and achievements the HKICPA has made in promoting financial education over the years.

      This is the first offering of the award, recognizing organizations that offer high-quality financial education, and aiming to promote the further involvement of organizations in financial education.

      "As one of the largest professional bodies in Hong Kong, HKICPA has long had a strong commitment to demonstrating good corporate social responsibility over the years. Rich Kid, Poor Kid, as the HKICPA's very own platform, allows members to play a key role in financial education of future generations. We aim at working together with our members to utilize the unique expertise and skill-sets of CPAs. We are grateful to our members for all their contribution to the community, raising the public awareness on the importance of good financial management," said Mr. Jonathan Ng, Acting Registrar, HKICPA.

      As at 31 October 2018, the HKICPA's "Accountant Ambassadors" had visited more than 450 primary and secondary schools, and held over 750 free financial seminars through the programme. They have reached more than 130,000 students in an interactive way with their expertise on money management, educating young children and teenagers in Hong Kong on positive financial management concepts and techniques. In addition, HKICPA has published a series of books on good financial attitude for families and students since 2006.

      Rich Kid, Poor Kid has been running since 2005 and has been recognized with multiple awards from a wide range of bodies, including the Asia Pacific PR Awards "Corporate Social Responsibility Campaign of the Year" and a certificate of excellence for "Non- profit Campaign of the Year". The programme also won a gold award for non-profit organizations for its documentary video and "Best of Show" in the QUESTAR International Competition.




      香港會計師公會「窮小子、富小子」計劃榮獲「2019 理財教育獎」




      截至二零一八年十月三十一日止,公會的會計師大使運用金錢管理知識,透過「窮小子、富小子」計劃已到訪超過 450 所中小學,舉行逾 750 場免費理財講座,以互動方式向本港兒童及青少年灌輸正確理財概念及技巧,讓超過 13 萬名學生受惠。另外,公會於 2006年出版了一系列書冊,輔助家庭及學生學習理財知識。

      計劃由 2005 年起推行,曾獲頒多個獎狀,備受外界肯定,當中包括 Asia Pacific PR Awards 的「Corporate Social Responsibility Campaign of the Year」、「 Non-profit Campaign of the Year」卓越獎狀;計劃的紀錄短片更於 QUESTAR 國際比賽獲頒授「非牟利機構組別金獎」及「最佳紀錄片大獎」(Best of Show)。