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DeepTranslate Limited

Expiry date: 31 Dec 2024



i. AuDto – SME Report Generation Tool*
Generate financial reports (SME) in an automatic, holistic and traceable manner

  • Top-up packages at HKD 180,000 for 300 reports
  • This is equivalent to HKD 600 / report


ii. DeepTranslate Platform – AI Translation Platform 
Patented AI translation technology specifically tailored for Chinese-English financial documents, highly accurate for financial statements

  • Top-up packages at HKD 3,000 HKD 2,500 for 10,000 words (20% discount)
  • This is equivalent to HKD 0.30 HKD 0.25 / source word


iii. Technology Voucher Programme support 
DeepTranslate also offers support with applying for the TVP if necessary


iv. WorDflow*
HKD 60,000 per year per listed company


* Up to 30% discount can be offered for these items depending on volume!


HKICPA members, International Affiliates & GAAs, QP students & graduates and HKICPA staff 


Redemption method


Terms & Conditions

  • Both AuDto and DeepTranslate Platform packages are top-up packages with credits that do not expire
  • DeepTranslate also has a team of expert translators to help with any finishing touches to the translation, at a competitive price (quoted per project)



Mr. Matthew Leung
T: 8192 7755
