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DTG NEO Scientific LTD

Expiry date: 30 September 2025



25% off on Licensee Products – FC Barcelona Keyboard, Mouse, Mouse Matt, phone case, wireless 3in1 charger, wireless battery, magnetic card holder, Apple Watch watchband.



HKICPA members, International Affiliates & GAAs, QP students & graduates and HKICPA staff are eligible to enjoy the offers


Redemption method

Present valid membership card or staff card upon purchase at CSL & 1010 retail stores.


The offer is available at the below CSL & 1010 retail stores: 

 District  Address (English) Business Hours
 Business Hours
Public Holidays)
 Mongkok  Shop 8, G/F & 1/F, Sun Kong House, 2J - Q Sai Yeung Choi Street South, Mongkok, KLN 1030-2130 1030-2130
 Causeway Bay  Shop 1 & 2 G/F, 1/F & 2/F, No. 22 Yee Wo Street, Causeway Bay, HK 1030-2130
(Mon - Thu)
(Fri / Sat / Sun /
Public Holidays)
 Tsim Sha Tsui  Shop 10-11 (G/F) & Shop 9-11 (1/F), Hong Kong Pacific Centre, 28 Hankow Road, TST, KLN 1030-2000 1100-2000
 Tsim Sha Tsui  Shop 2001A, 2/F, ELEMENTS, 1 Austin Road West, Tsim Sha Tsui, KLN 1100-2100 1100-2100
 Shatin  Shop 616,  6/F, New Town Plaza Phase I, Shatin, NT 1100-2100 1100-2100
 Central  G/F, 52-54 Wellington Street, Central, HK 1000-2000 1030-1930



Terms & Conditions
  • Discount is eligible to HKICPA members/ staff at the CSL & 1010 retail stores by showing their member / staff card.
  • This offer only applies to FC Barcelona products, it is not applicable to Paris Saint-Germain FC products.



Mr. Eric Choi
T: 3153 2222
