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Ventria Rehabilitation Centre

Expiry date: Until further notice



Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy and Prehab Training (45 / 90 mins sessions)
1. 15% off on single treatment
2. 20% off for 10-session treatment package


Refer to flyer for more details


HKICPA members, International Affiliates & GAAs, QP students & graduates and HKICPA staff 


Redemption method

  • Call 2301 1398 or WhatsApp 6434 2060 to secure an appointment
  • On first appointment, present valid membership card, HKID card and a valid medical referral for registration at Ventria Rehabilitation Centre (“VRC”), a valid medical referral with the signature and chop of doctor has to be issued within 3 months

Terms & Conditions

  • The promotional period of the promotion offer (“this offer”) is valid until further notice.
  • Member must present the membership card at Ventria Rehabilitation Centre (“VRC”) to be eligible for this offer. 
  • This offer is applicable for Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy and Prehab Training only.
  • This offer cannot be redeemed/exchanged for cash/other products, or be used in conjunction with other promotions. 
  • Advance booking for treatment is required, please call 2301 1398 or  WhatsApp 6434 2060 for appointment.
  • Attending the first appointment for Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy, member is required to bring along with his/her HKID card and a valid medical referral for registration. A valid medical referral with the signature and chop of doctor has to be issued within 3 months. 
  • No conjunction of benefit is allowed. Not applicable to (1) Premium Stroke Plan, (2) Senior Gym Package, (3) Speech Therapy, (4) Dietitian Consultation and (5) Podiatry Service.
  • In case of any dispute, the decision of VRC shall be final, including the right to amend the terms and conditions of this offer and/or modify/terminate this offer without prior notice. 
  • If there is any discrepancy between the Chinese and English versions of these terms and conditions, the English version shall apply and prevail.


Ms. Pamela Wu
T: 2111 4678
