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Financial Education Teaching Manual

To further infiltrate financial management literacy into primary school curriculum, the Institute engaged with the Child Education Centre for Teaching & Learning under Childcare, Elderly and Community Services Discipline of the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (“CECTL”) as “Strategic Partner” for providing supports in enhancing the "Rich Kid Poor Kid" programme bring the Institute’s flagship CSR programme to a new level. Throughout the collaboration with CECTL, the “Financial Education Teaching Manual” (理財教學手冊) has been developed as one of the key initiatives of the programme enhancement.


With the adoption of the Institute’s comic series 10 Lessons in Money Management(理財十課)and reference to the core values and principles of the Education Bureau’s various curriculum guides*, the Manual is tailored for primary school teachers to generate a total of five teaching hours on the area of “financial literacy”. Serving as a comprehensive teaching guidebook, the Manual is not only providing theoretic framework for teachers bringing money management knowledge to senior primary students in a systematic way, but also supplementing with practical activities suggestions, teaching materials and education resources.




Financial Education Teaching Manual (Full Version) (Chinese version only)

Part 1: Introduction


Part 2: How to use Guide and framework of financial education

             Core element map of financial literacy


Part 3: Curriculum proposal and planning (Integrated activities and Self Development Program)

             Appendix – Teaching resources
Adventures of Money Management (Chess game)
















Student handbook for book-keeping (Chinese version only)




*Remark: Including “General Studies Curriculum Guide for Primary Schools” (2017), “Values Education Curriculum Framework” (2021) and “Primary Humanities Curriculum Framework (Final Draft)”


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© The Institute owns the copyright in this publication. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of the Institute.

