* must be filled in. 必須填寫
Personal data 個人資料
I hereby apply for the Institute's advisory service. I learned of the scheme through:
Advice sought on (please tick as appropriate) 需要輔導項目 *
Please describe briefly your questions 請簡述閣下的問題 *
Personal Data: All information provided in this form will only be used by the Institute or its agent for the purpose of the administration of the scheme on which you are enrolled. The provision of the personal data by means of this form is voluntary. However, insufficient information may result in an inability to process your application. By completing the form you agree that the staff of the Institute or its agent may use your personal data for the purposes specified above. Please refer to the Institute’s privacy policy on its website at: http://www.hkicpa.org.hk/en/Tools/Privacy-policy.
I fully understand that all advice under this Scheme will be given without legal responsibility on the part of either the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants or any accountants giving the advice. I agree not to hold the Institute or any accountants giving any advice under this Scheme legally liable for any advice given or any omission to give any advice, or for any loss or damage occasioned thereby.