註冊有限公司Incorporated with limited liability 香港灣仔駱克道353 號三湘大廈29 樓29/F, Sunshine Plaza, 353 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong 電話Tel: 25201868 傳真Fax: 25201967 網址Website: http://www.hkfi.org.hk 電郵E-mail: hk ...
The Institute is organizing a "Meeting Business Partners" gathering to provide an opportunity for members to meet and exchange views with their business partners. At the coming gathering, Me ...
The Institute is organizing a "Meeting Business Partners" gathering to provide an opportunity for members to meet and exchange views with their business partners. At the coming gathering, Me ...
Proceedings No.: D-12-0740H IN THE MATTER OF A Complaint made under Section 34(1)(a) of the Professional Accountants Ordinance (Cap.50) (“the PAO”) and referred to the Disciplinary Committee under Sec ...
CAP. 50A 1 CAP. 50A PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTANTS BY-LAWS o Empowering section -30/06/1997 o Bylaw 1 -Citation -30/06/1997 o Bylaw 2 -Nominations of members of Council -08/09/2004 o Bylaw 3 -Ballot for ele ...
CAP. 50A 1 CAP. 50A PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTANTS BY-LAWS o Empowering section -30/06/1997 o Bylaw 1 -Citation -30/06/1997 o Bylaw 2 -Nominations of members of Council -08/09/2004 o Bylaw 3 -Ballot for ele ...