Outstanding BAFS Student Awards 2018 2018「企業、會計與財務概論」傑出學生奬Objective: The aim of the awards is to recognize candidates of the HKICPA/HKABE BAFS Mock Examination who have achieved an excellent result in ...
NEWS /INFORMATION /EVENTS /ACTIVITIES OCTOBER 2015 ISSUE NEWS HKICPA Examination in BAFS Take HKICPA Examination in BAFS to get level 5** in HKDSE Examination The graph shows a result comparison of 2 ...
HKICPA Outstanding BAFS Award 2015_Application Form_website
HKICPA Outstanding BAFS Award 2015_Application Form_website Outstanding BAFS Student Awards 2015 2015「企業、會計與財務概論」傑出學生奬Objectives: The aim of the awards is to recognize candidates of the HKICPA Examina ...
HKICPA Outstanding BAFS Award 2014_Application Form_website
HKICPA Outstanding BAFS Award 2014_Application Form_website Outstanding BAFS Student Awards 2014 2014「企業、會計與財務概論」傑出學生奬Objectives: The aim of the awards is to recognize candidates of the HKICPA Examina ...
從2006 年起,海峽兩岸及港澳地區每年均舉辦會計行業交流研討會,藉以促進同業間的交流與合作。今年的研討會由澳門會計專業聯會承辦,以「經濟轉型與會計師的社會貢獻」為主題,並對「國際會計網絡的建設與會計行業的發展」、「會計師事務所非審計業務的拓展與監管」及「如何推動職業準則(審計準則、職業道德準則)在中小事務所的實施」等專題進行探討與交流。香港會計師公會將由會長馮英偉先生率團前往澳門參與這項盛事,歡 ...
HKICPA Outstanding BAFS Award 2020_Application Form_website
HKICPA Outstanding BAFS Award 2020_Application Form_website Outstanding BAFS Student Awards 2020 2020「企業、會計與財務概論」傑出學生奬Objective: The aim of the awards is to recognize candidates of the HKICPA/HKABE BA ...