Appreciation for the beauty of classical music will bring interesting effects to one's brain which is conducive to maintaining physical wellness. To name a few, it can help you to relieve stress l ...
Property, Infrastructure and Construction Interest Group (PICIG) Seminar Fung Shui & You Want to find out how Fung Shui can affect your daily life and your business? Why Hong Kong has been known a ...
1 New Books in Library (Jun 2011) Audit and Assurance Title /Author: Auditing and assurance services : an applied approach /Iris C. Stuart Publisher: New York : McGraw-Hill Irwin Year: 2012 Call No.: ...
UIC Application Form_160726_1
「UIC 精英计划」申请表个人信息姓名: (中文) 性别: 姓名: (英文) 出生年月: 电话: 个人邮箱地址: (非学校电邮地址,方便毕业后联系) 家庭地址: 学习情况现就读年级和专业: 成绩排名( GPA GPA): 是否获得任何奖项: Please state the reasons why Institute should select you as one of Please state ...
「UIC 精英计划」申请表个人信息姓名: (中文) 性别: 姓名: (英文) 出生年月: 电话: 个人邮箱地址: (非学校电邮地址,方便毕业后联系) 家庭地址: 学习情况现就读年级和专业: 成绩排名( GPA GPA): 是否获得任何奖项: Please state the reasons why Institute should select you as one of Please state ...
UIC Application Form_160726
「UIC 精英计划」申请表个人信息姓名: (中文) 性别: 姓名: (英文) 出生年月: 电话: 个人邮箱地址: (非学校电邮地址,方便毕业后联系) 家庭地址: 学习情况现就读年级和专业: 成绩排名( GPA GPA): 是否获得任何奖项: Please state the reasons why Institute should select you as one of Please state ...
20150724_sharing session with photographer
Sharing Session with Professional Photographer Due to popular demand, the Photography Interest Group (PoIG) has organised a sharing session on polar scenic photography. Speaker, Mr. Anthony Yau, profe ...
1 Proceedings No.: D-11-0602H IN THE MATTER OF Complaints made under Section 34(1)(a) of the Professional Accountants Ordinance (Cap.50) (“the PAO”) and referred to the Disciplinary Committee under Se ...