Event Detail - MyCPA
Event Detail - MyCPA Event Information Event code COUR18103001 Language Cantonese Event name Standard Chartered Marathon Training Programmes - Class 4 Contact info@marathontrainingcentre.com.hk Descri ...
Golf Trip to Palm Island Resort Golf Interest Group (GIG) is organizing a 2-day-1-night Golf Trip to Palm Island Resort (PIR), Guangdong for its members. Come enjoy an overnight trip at this golfing p ...
Golf Trip to Palm Island Resort Golf Interest Group (GIG) is organizing a 2-day-1-night Golf Trip to Palm Island Resort (PIR), Guangdong for its members. Come enjoy an overnight trip at this golfing p ...
Golf Trip to Palm Island Resort Golf Interest Group (GIG) is organizing a 2-day-1-night Golf Trip to Palm Island Resort (PIR), Guangdong for its members. Come enjoy an overnight trip at this hidden pa ...
Let's party! Come join the dance fun night to have a glimpse of different types of Ballroom Standard dance and Latin dance. Jazz and funk dance will also be featured. Dancing is one of the most po ...
Nina Hotel TWW - Chill Out Staycation Apr 2022_DW
Escapescapescapescapescapefrom the hustle andfrom the hustle andfrom the hustle andfrom the hustle andfrom the hustle andfrom the hustle andfrom the hustle andfrom the hustle andfrom the hustle andfro ...
对外经济贸易大学会计学专业课程及财务管理专业课程学生/毕业生入读QP之学科规定QP单元学科范畴大学学科名称单元A -财务汇报财务会计/财务报告ACC212 财务会计ACC213中级财务会计ACC401高级财务会计法律(含商业法和公司法) MGT409 企业法律环境单元B -企业财务管理/成本会计ACC321 成本与管理会计财务管理/公司理财ACC304 公司理财(公司财务管理学) 统计学/计量方法 ...
对外经济贸易大学会计学专业课程及财务管理专业课程学生/毕业生入读QP之学科规定QP单元学科范畴大学学科名称单元A -财务汇报财务会计/财务报告ACC212 财务会计ACC213中级财务会计ACC401高级财务会计法律(含商业法和公司法) MGT409 企业法律环境单元B -企业财务管理/成本会计ACC321 成本与管理会计财务管理/公司理财ACC304 公司理财(公司财务管理学) 统计学/计量方法 ...