Speaker Mr. Matthew Wu Consultant, Hong Kong Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Centre ("HKCERT"), Hong Kong Productivity Council Chair Mr. Leroy Yau Member, ITIG Organizing Commi ...
Music Theory Workshop The Singing Interest Group is organizing a 4-session Music Theory Workshop to allow members to learn the fundamentals of music and singing. The workshop will also train participa ...
廣州市財政局譚曼青副局長、廣州注冊會計師協會會長陳雄溢先生、副會長蔣洪峰先生及秘書長蔣建平先生將率領約20人代表團於8月1日(星期三)到訪公會,並希望與香港中小事務所代表交流,探討兩地事務所發展空間及如何為地區經濟服務,讓兩地同業互相交換意見及分享經驗。主辦機構香港會計師公會廣州注冊會計師協會日期2012年8月1日(星期三) 時間下午2時30分– 4時30分(研討會) 晚上6時30分– 8時30分 ...
What accountants should do to combat money laundering and terrorist financing 打擊清洗黑錢及恐怖分子融資活動– 會計師的角色About the seminar Accountants, lawyers and other designated non-financial businesses and profession ...
What accountants should do to combat money laundering and terrorist financing 打擊清洗黑錢及恐怖分子融資活動– 會計師的角色About the seminar The international anti-money laundering ("AML") body, the Financial Act ...
What accountants should do to combat money laundering and terrorist financing 打擊清洗黑錢及恐怖分子融資活動– 會計師的角色About the seminar The international anti-money laundering ("AML") body, the Financial Act ...
What accountants should do to combat money laundering and terrorist financing 打擊清洗黑錢及恐怖分子融資活動-會計師的角色About the seminar The international anti-money laundering ("AML") body, the Financial Acti ...
Property, Infrastructure and Construction Interest Group (PICIG) Study Tour to Macau 28 April 2006 Date 28 April 2006 Objective To enable members to gain a better understanding of the current economic ...
Property, Infrastructure and Construction Interest Group (PICIG) Study Tour to Macau 28 April 2006 Date 28 April 2006 Objective To enable members to gain a better understanding of the current economic ...
HKICPA_HKABE Joint Scholarship_2018-2019_Nomination Form
Regulations on HKICPA/HKABE Joint Scholarships for BAFS 香港會計師公會/香港商業教育學會「企會財」獎學金規章Objective: The aim of the scholarships is to recognize secondary students who have achieved an excellent result in the ...