Handling Claims for Commission & Management Fees Programme Code: TFP130821S Commission and management fees are high risk areas often resulting in additional assessments and penalties after IRD’s e ...
Tax Audit and Investigation in Hong Kong Programme Code: TFP130717S The Financial Secretary announced in his budget speech this year that back taxes and penalties collected by the Inland Revenue Depar ...
Financial Forecast – overview and areas of focus Programme Code: S130807S Timely financial forecasting is critical to measuring a company’s expected performance against budget. It encourages forward t ...
Industrializing a new business model of farming using New LED Technology and its success factors Programme Code: S130708S The LED plant cultivation technology that uses light responses in plants and d ...
Special Luncheon: "The Challenges facing the Leadership of China for the Next Five Years" Programme Code: I130711 Speaker Dr. Rita FAN HSU Lai-tai, GBM, GBS, JP Dr. Rita Fan Hsu Lai Tai is a ...
Special Luncheon: "The Challenges facing the Leadership of China for the Next Five Years" Programme Code: I130711 Speaker Dr. Rita FAN HSU Lai-tai, GBM, GBS, JP Dr. Rita Fan Hsu Lai Tai is a ...
Supporting organization Host Supporting organization Women in Leadership: Making it to the Top CPD point(s) : The HKICPA : 2.5 hours The HKICS : 2.5 points The Law Society of Hong Kong : 1 point In th ...
Enhancing your business management and empowerment with NLP (Module 3) Programme Code: W130803S Nowadays people are living in a fast growing and unpredictable world full of changes and challenges, esp ...
AML & Sanctions – the shrinking world Programme Code: S130829S In this seminar, the speaker will discuss why money laundering and economic trade sanctions have been so prominent in the headlines a ...
Trusts and Foundations – an introduction and comparison Programme Code: S130724S This seminar will discuss trusts and foundations. Topics include: An introduction to the fundamentals of a trust struc ...
Demystifying Internal Audit – How it Works Programme Code: S130717S The scope of internal audit is broad and may involve an organization's governance, risk management and internal controls. Intern ...
Practical Budgeting in SMEs Programme Code: W130715S For all organizations, the budgeting process is one of the most time-consuming activities they carry out on a regular basis. Typically, for most SM ...
Charity in Hong Kong: Social Challenges and Best Practices for Financial and Operational Reporting Programme Code: S130606S While Hong Kong has experienced slow but steady economic growth in recent ye ...
Seminars to support members (May to June 2013) Hong Kong Institute of CPAs presents this series for accountants between May 2013 and June 2013. This series of seminars is designed to provide skills up ...
How to choose the best KPIs (re-run) Programme Code: W130524S Where are we? Where do we want to be? How do we get there in the most cost effective way? Surely all a business has to do is answer these ...
LEAN Accountancy – what the finance team needs to know Programme Code: W130522S This workshop will give delegates an understanding of the concept of LEAN when applied to accounting techniques. Using e ...
DDiissppuuttee MMaannaaggeemmeenntt aanndd CCoommpplliiaannccee //RReegguullaattoorryy UUppddaatteess ffoorr FFiinnaannccee aanndd AAccccoouunnttiinngg PPrrooffeessssiioonnaallss Programme Code: S1304 ...
Costing Techniques from ABC to ZBC -Features & Benefits, Facts & Traps Programme Code: W130419S This fast-paced workshop has a topic range that gives maximum attention to the four major costin ...
Managing the variances -choosing and using to provide direction Programme Code: W130417S The principles, practices and application of management accounting is one of the key driving forces behind ever ...
Sustainable Cost Control Programme Code: W130415S It is not possible to create a framework for on-going profit improvement by continuously chopping cost down. The ultimate result will be poor quality, ...
Case Study -Failure of Governance, Risk Management and Compliance Programme Code: S130412S Institutions were sometimes brought down by loss incidents which involved unauthorised trading activities, im ...
Laws and Regulations on Inside Information (re-run) Programme Code: S130410S The amendments to the Securities and Futures Ordinance regarding the disclosure of price sensitive information are effectiv ...
Supporting organization Host Supporting organization Gender Diversity in the Boardroom: The issues and where to go from here CPD point(s) : The HKICPA : 3 hours The HKICS : 3 points The Law Society of ...
Taxability of Profits – Hong Kong as a Re-invoicing Centre Programme Code: TFP130326S Hong Kong’s source basis of taxation appeared to offer multinational groups an ideal jurisdiction in which to loca ...
Enhancing your business management and empowerment with NLP (Module 3) Programme Code: W130302S Nowadays people are living in a fast growing and unpredictable world full of changes and challenges, esp ...
Annual Review of PRC Individual Income Tax Programme Code: TFP130201S With the economic growth in the PRC, there is an increasing number of Hong Kong people who are required to work in the PRC. In thi ...
Hong Kong Tax Updates – Cross-border Considerations Programme Code: TFP130131S Due to proximity to manufacturing facilities in China, Hong Kong plays an important role as the procurement hub in the gl ...
Indirect Tax Handling on Assets Restructuring in Mainland China Programme Code: TFP121212S In a typical PRC asset restructuring (i.e. reorganization of assets and liabilities, generally via merger, sp ...
Structure and Tax Considerations for Asiia Priivate Equiity Market Programme Code: TFP121210S Asian private equity (“PE”) has been blooming since the end of a vibrant year in 2010. According to some f ...
How to choose the best KPIs (re-run) Programme Code: W121114S Where are we? Where do we want to be? How do we get there in the most cost effective way? Surely all a business has to do is answer these ...
360-degree-leadership skills-aug-oct
Venue Hong Kong Institute of CPAs, 27/F., Wu Chung House, 213 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong. KPMG Training Centre, 28/F., Oxford House, Tai Koo Place, 979 King’s Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong. B ...
Managing the variances Programme Code: W120616S The principles, practices and application of Management Accounting is one of the key driving forces behind each and every successful business or organiz ...
360-degree-management skills-jul-aug
Venue Hong Kong Institute of CPAs, 27/F., Wu Chung House, 213 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong. Language Cantonese Fee (for each session) HK750 for HKICPA member or student; and IA/HKIAAT’s membe ...
360-degree-management skills-jun
Venue Hong Kong Institute of CPAs, 27/F., Wu Chung House, 213 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong. Language Cantonese Fee (for each session) HK750 for HKICPA member or student; and IA/HKIAAT’s membe ...
Mainland Tax Conference 2012 Programme Code: C120519S About the conference This popular Mainland tax conference will provide (1) an update on enterprise and individual income tax; (2) an update on ind ...
Standard Costing vs Activity Based Costing Programme Code: W120420S Costing is not simply a case of collecting costs in accounting buckets and just summarizing them, nor does it need to be so complex ...
How to choose the best KPIs (re-run) Programme Code: W120329S Where are we? Where do we want to be? How do we get there in the most cost effective way? Surely all a business has to do is answer these ...
Transfer Pricing Updates for China and Hong Kong Programme Code: S120313S With intensive economic activities between China and Hong Kong, there is a trend of increased integration of economies in the ...
Supporting organisation Host Supporting organisation INEDs: The USA and Hong Kong Compared CPD point(s) : The HKICPA : 2 hours The HKICS : 2 points The Law Society of Hong Kong : Being applied for The ...
360-degree-management skills 8-11
Venue Hong Kong Institute of CPAs Training Centre, 27/F., Wu Chung House, 213 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong. KPMG Training Centre, 28/F., Oxford House, Tai Koo Place, 979 King's Road, Quar ...
Certified Public Accountants in Forensics & Business Valuation for Litigation Purposes (re-run) Programme Code: S110829S Cannibalism effect in forensic accounting was initially conceptualised by M ...
Electronic Filing and the Future Direction of Corporate Compliance Work (re-run) Programme Code: S110615S The seminar focuses on how technology can improve the efficiency of corporate compliance work ...
Hong Kong Transfer Pricing From a Practical Perspective Programme Code: S110614S Tax authorities all over the world are increasingly seeking to improve revenue collection, the Hong Kong Inland Revenue ...
Bridging the Gap between Financial Reporting and Business Valuation Programme Code: S110517S Fair market valuation in HKFRS requires new knowledge base and skills for financial statements preparers, a ...
Update of the Current Credit Risk Situation of Chinese Enterprises Programme Code: S110609S China became the 2nd largest economy in 2010 and will maintain a rapid growth rate in 2011 at just under 10% ...
Intellectual Property in Corporate Environment Programme Code: S110531S Intellectual Property (IP) rights such as trade marks, patents, designs and domain names are important assets of a company and i ...
Risk Identification and Assessment Programme Code: S110530S Effective risk identification and assessment are essential for auditors and management to allocate resources for addressing high risks and/o ...
How Non-U.S. Individuals May Be Caught by U.S. Estate Tax Programme Code: S110524S With the increasing number of online brokers and expanded scope of services offered by the local banks, it becomes ev ...