Creating and Managing Effective Budgets (re-run) Programme Code: W130225S The budgeting process is one of the most time-consuming aspects of a business. It is also a process vital to the success of th ...
Practical Issues in Adopting HKFRSs for 2012 Financial Statements Programme Code: S130220S This seminar is to provide an update on the new and amended International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS ...
Land Tenure System in Hong Kong Programme Code: S130206S This seminar provides an introduction to the land tenure system in Hong Kong, in particular its historical background. Moreover, the special ch ...
Corporate Governance Code and Associated Listing Rules (re-run) Programme Code: S130122S Corporate governance is important in enhancing public confidence and trust, promoting competitiveness and ultim ...
Financial Reporting Update on Consolidation and Joint Arrangement Programme Code: S130124S This seminar is to share the development of Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards (HKFRSs) in respect of co ...
Enhancing your business management and communication with NLP (Module 2) Programme Code: W130126AS Nowadays people are living in a fast growing and unpredictable world full of changes and challenges, ...
Common China Tax Problems of SMEs and Possible Solutions Programme Code: TFP130116S Are SMEs and auditors aware of the China tax problems? With the changing tax rules and enforcement, there are a lot ...
Analysing Qualitative Aspects of HK-listed Companies (re-run) Programme Code: W130126S This workshop will introduce the tools and methodologies to analyse some of the qualitative aspects of listed com ...
Analysing Financial Statements for Accountants (re-run) Programme Code: W130119S The workshop focuses on analysing and interpreting financial ratios. Topics include: Evaluating financial risk before ...
Quality and Risk Management for Large and Medium Sized CPA Firms Programme Code: S130123S Quality and Risk Management (“Q&RM”) is a relatively new and yet important function within an audit firm. ...
China Outbound Investment Programme Code: TFS – Why use Hong Kong as an Investment Platform? Hong Kong is an important investment platform for Mainland enterprises looking for overseas business opport ...
Building a Client Driven Firm Programme Code: S121212S Becoming an adaptive client driven firm should be the goal of any professional services organization. As the sector becomes increasingly competit ...
Quality and Risk Management for Large and Medium Sized CPA Firms Programme Code: S121203S Quality and Risk Management (“Q&RM”) is a relatively new and yet important function within an audit firm. ...
MMeeddiiaattee ffoorr mmuuttuuaall uunnddeerrssttaannddiinngg aanndd wwiinn--wwiinn rreessoolluuttiioonnss Programme Code: W121215S Nowadays, conflicts between parties have become part of our daily li ...
Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Programme Code: S121126AS The concept of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) appears to offer rich opportunities for company boards and executive management to improve th ...
Cross-border tax updates from the Institute's meeting with the State Administration of Taxation Programme Code: TFS The Institute held an inaugural liaison meeting with the Mainland's State Ad ...
Reform of Taxation in India 2012 Programme Code: TFP121120S India is one of the fastest growing economies in Asia. Indian tax rules can be complex for foreign investors. The Finance Act 2012 introduce ...
Investor Relations: Principles, Tips and Taboos Programme Code: S121129AS The seminar discusses the principles of investor relations, preparatory work before meeting analysts, tips and taboos during t ...