English Version Joint Declaration of the China Accounting Standards Committee and the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants on the converged China Accounting Standards for Business Enter ...
HKICPA Scholarship Secondary Schools 201415
HKICPA Scholarship for Secondary Schools Recipients 2014/2015NameSchoolLam Yiu Tsun 林堯浚Aberdeen Baptist Lui Ming Choi College 香港仔浸信會呂明才書院Chan Yim Man 陳艷雯AD&FD POHL Leung Sing Tak College 博愛醫院歷屆總理聯 ...
TechWatch updates you on technical developments in financial reporting, auditing, regulation and business. The Institute welcomes your comment, emailed to . Click here for past issues. Contents Spotli ...
i Update No. 142 (Issued 12 March 2014) Document Reference and Title Instructions Explanations VOLUME III Contents of Volume III Discard the existing pages i to iv, and replace with the new pages i to ...
QP Syllabus
[鍵入文字] 頁1 OVERVIEW Qualification Programme (QP) comprises four modules and a final examination. The coverage of each module is defined in competency-based terms. Competencies are set at the level of t ...
QP Syllabus
[鍵入文字] 頁1 OVERVIEW Qualification Programme (QP) comprises four modules and a final examination. The coverage of each module is defined in competency-based terms. Competencies are set at the level of t ...
Enhanced QP Syllabus _new_ 20161_1
[鍵入文字] 頁1 OVERVIEW Qualification Programme (QP) comprises four modules and a final examination. The coverage of each module is defined in competency-based terms. Competencies are set at the level of t ...
Enhanced QP Syllabus _new_ 20161
[鍵入文字] 頁1 OVERVIEW Qualification Programme (QP) comprises four modules and a final examination. The coverage of each module is defined in competency-based terms. Competencies are set at the level of t ...
Enhanced QP Syllabus (new) 20161
Enhanced QP Syllabus (new) 20161 [鍵入文字] 頁1 OVERVIEW Qualification Programme (QP) comprises four modules and a final examination. The coverage of each module is defined in competency-based terms. Compe ...
Enhanced QP Syllabus (new) 20161_1
Enhanced QP Syllabus (new) 20161_1 [鍵入文字] 頁1 OVERVIEW Qualification Programme (QP) comprises four modules and a final examination. The coverage of each module is defined in competency-based terms. Com ...
Shangri-La 2023 Sep Flyer
香格里拉中秋月餅及禮物籃Summer Palace Red Bean Paste with Rare 80-year DriedTangerine Peel Collector's Gift Box (8 pieces)夏宮珍品八十年陳皮豆沙月餅收藏禮盒(八件裝)Original Price 原價: HKD1,328 /Discount Price 優惠價: HKD1,062.4ISLAN ...
Accountants’ Reports on Historical Financial Information in Investment Circulars Hong Kong Standard on Investment Circular Reporting Engagements 200 HKSIR 200 Issued December 2016; revised December 20 ...
Circular on Reporting under Section 20 of the Product Eco-responsibility (Regulated Electrical Equipment) Regulation (Cap. 603B) 1 February 2023 Circular on Reporting under Circular on Reporting under ...
Circular on Reporting under Section 20 of the Product Eco-responsibility (Regulated Electrical Equipment) Regulation (Cap. 603B) 1 February 2023 Circular on Reporting under Circular on Reporting under ...
HKICPA SSG Scholarship 2023-24 Webpage version
No. School name Full Name 1 Assembly of God Hebron Secondary School 神召會康樂中學Li Jackie 李澤政2 Assembly of God Hebron Secondary School 神召會康樂中學Wong Chun Hei 黃駿曦3 Bishop Hall Jubilee School 何明華會督銀禧中學Tsang Ho ...
Circular on Reporting under Section 20 of the Product Eco-responsibility (Regulated Articles) Regulation (Cap. 603C) 1 March 2023 Circular on Reporting under Section 20 of the Product Eco-responsibili ...
Experiencing Dragon Boat Paddling
Experiencing Dragon Boat Paddling June Dance Dinner The Dance Interest Group (DIG) has organized the June dance dinner for members to network with your fellow members in a relaxed and informal ambienc ...
Experiencing Dragon Boat Paddling
Experiencing Dragon Boat Paddling July Dance Dinner The Dance Interest Group (DIG) has organized the July dance dinner for members to network with your fellow members in a relaxed and informal ambienc ...