Measuring the Fair Value of Non-tradable Financial Assets: issues and examples Programme Code: S130515AS IFRS 7 requires additional disclosures on the credit risk, market and liquidity risk of financi ...
Pp Accounting for Group Restructuring Programme Code: S130426S Group restructuring is often viewed as one of the most complicated areas in accounting as it sometimes involves business combinations tha ...
Developing Non-financial Performance Measures (re-run) Programme Code: W130411S The workshop focuses on the development of non-financial performance measures. Topics include: How to find and focus yo ...
How to Prepare Financial Information for Listing Programme Code: S130419S The seminar will discuss how to prepare financial information for listing. Topics include: What is the financial information ...
The New Regime on Direct Marketing in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance Programme Code: S130411S On 1 April 2013, a new regime in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance on the use of personal data ...
Employers' Liability Insurance and Employees' Compensation Claims Programme Code: S130327S Under Employees’ Compensation Ordinance (Chapter 282), an employer is liable to pay compensation in r ...
Hong Kong Tax Cases: Recent Important Developments Programme Code: TFS Some important tax cases have been heard by the courts in recent months, relating to, e.g., expenditure on plant and machinery, l ...
Cross-border Transfer Pricing Issues between Mainland China and Hong Kong Programme Code: TFP130313S The seminar will discuss cross-border transfer pricing issues between Mainland China and Hong Kong. ...
Financial Controls in Investment Banks Programme Code: S130320S The business model of an investment bank is different from that for a commercial bank or retail bank. Typically, an investment bank assi ...
Practical Issues in Adopting HKFRSs for 2012 Financial Statements (re-run) Programme Code: S130301S This seminar is to provide an update on the new and amended International Financial Reporting Standa ...
Budget Commentary Forum 2013-14 – How will the budget affect the economy and the community? 27 February 2013 (Programme Code: TFP130227S) Date 2277 FFeebbrruuaarryy 22001133,, WWeeddnneessddaayy Speak ...
Key tax issues in the China fund industry Programme Code: TFS China is an important and attractive fund market for foreign investors, due to the country's strong growth and the fact that Chinese a ...
An Introduction to Restructuring Services Programme Code: S130306S In the volatile economic environment that we face today, numerous companies have experienced a host of problems, such as declining ea ...
Financial Reporting Update on Consolidation and Joint Arrangement (re-run) Programme Code: S130225S This seminar is to share the development of Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards (HKFRSs) in resp ...
Mastering Impairment Testing Programme Code: S130221S The economic environment remains challenging. With the increased volatility in the market, some corporations find the value of the acquisitions/ex ...
Environmental Social and Governance Factors of Listed Companies in Hong Kong Programme Code: S130311S Corporate Social Responsibility (including environmental, social and governance issues) has always ...
China Tax on Fund Remittances Programme Code: TFP130322S You may have been charged a number of fees or reimbursements in your China related companies. What are the China tax costs when remitting money ...
Finance, Funding and Control – delivering best practice Programme Code: W130301S Every element of the supply chain has a cash or finance implication and every business enterprise has the hunger for ca ...