Double Tax Agreements ("DTAs") play a vital role in resolving tax issues arising from different tax laws and practices of the countries involved in cross border transactions. In this seminar ...
Jointly organized by the Institute's Young Members Committee and Young Executives Club of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce, this crossover networking event will highlight the introduction ...
Jointly organized by the Institute's Young Members Committee and Young Executives Club of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce, this crossover networking event will highlight the introduction ...
Date 8 January 2016, Friday Time 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Programme The Operations Control Centre ("OCC'") is the "heart" of the MTR train operation which monitors the railway ...
In the context of negating tax or achieving tax efficiency, legitimate tax planning and illegal tax evasion are the two extremes of the spectrum. In between these two extremes is what is often regarde ...
Technical Update Evenings Technical Update Evenings (TUE) is a programme of regular evening learning sessions held by the Institute to provide comprehensive training to members to build up knowledge o ...
More than an accountant – a cross-country cyclist odyssey The speaker, Mr Humphrey Wilson, decided to take a break from his profession as a CA in 2009 and ventured into a long distant cycling journey ...
Opera Singing Technique Course For beginners Opera is a high energy form of singing, with huge physical requirements, involving projecting the voice to the back of a theatre, over an orchestra and wit ...
Talk on career development cum pre-Christmas drink Friday, 10 December 2010 We are pleased to have Armstrong Lee, Director, Worldwide Consulting Group Co. Ltd., to share with you the latest developmen ...
Technical Training Programme 2010 6 HKFRS for Private Entities Workshops The HKFRS for Private Entities (HKFRS for PEs) is issued with effect from 30 April 2010. Six training sessions will be organize ...
Combating money laundering and terrorist financing About the seminar The international anti-money laundering body, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), envisages that accountants, lawyers and other ...
Golf Day at Kau Sai Chau Public Golf Course The Golf Interest Group (GIG) has organized a Golf Day (18 holes) for its members who are novice players. This provides a wonderful opportunity for members ...
Physical Fitness Programme Cllass Programme code Tiime Fee Targett Class A HF15A 7 – 8 p.m. 900 Members with low to moderate exercise Class B HF15B 8:15 – 9:15 p.m. 900 Members with active exercise Da ...
商貿普通話課程Programme Code: P100119 目標加強日常會話與基本專業詞匯;以及進一步糾正學員發音及改善表達能力,提高普通話會話能力和流利程度。對象適合具備普通話語音基礎及基本普通話會話和聆聽能力的學員。日期2010年1月19日至2月23日(逢星期二) (除2月16日外) 時間7:00 p.m. -9:30 p.m. (最後一堂7:00 p.m. -9:00 p.m.) 課程時數 ...
Standard Chartered Marathon -Training Programme Cllass Targett parttiiciipantt Datte Tiime A Active exerciser to beginning runner 17 Nov 2009 – 23 Feb 2010 (every Tue, except 16 Feb) 7 – 8 p.m. B Mode ...
e Financial Services Interest Group (FSIG) Lunch Seminar Liquidity: the other type of Risk Speaker Dr. Willi Brammertz Senior Consultant, FRSGlobal Chairman Mr. Mark Ho Convenor of FSIG Organising Com ...
e Financial Services Interest Group (FSIG) Lunch Seminar Liquidity: the other type of Risk Speaker Dr. Willi Brammertz Senior Consultant, FRSGlobal Chairman Mr. Mark Ho Convenor of FSIG Organising Com ...
June 2007 Event Calendar SUN Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 27 28 29 30 17 18 19 24 25 26 1 QP event Examination assistance functions Practical training functi ...
Event Calendar March 2007 SUN Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 21 22 23 24 28 29 30 31 18 19 20 25 26 27 1 2 QP event Examination assistance functions Practical training f ...
November 2006 Event Calendar SUN Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 29 30 19 20 21 26 27 28 QP event Examination assistance functions Practical training f ...
DIPN23(Revised) 1 9 May 2005 By fax (2877 1082) and by post Our Ref.: C/TXM, M34632 Mrs. Alice Lau Mak Yee-ming Commissioner of Inland Revenue Inland Revenue Department 36/F, Revenue Tower 5 Glouceste ...
1 Featured Library Books of the Month THIS MONTH’S TOPIC Data Protection & Cybersecurity E-books E-journals E-books (Access via ebrary) Title : Data Protection and Privacy: The Age of Intelligent ...
wef 01012016 (123_2016 Edition)_merged
wef 01012016 (123_2016 Edition)_merged Appointment of Authorized Employers and Supervisors The Institute is pleased to appoint 4 member practices and organizations and 14 individuals as our authorized ...
alert 50
1 Issue 50 (March 2024) Dear members, Regulatory reporting under the Insurance Ordinance (Cap. 41) upon implementation of HKFRS 17 during the transitional period before the implementation of the Risk- ...
i Update No. 109 (Issued 11 November 2011) This Update relates to the issuance of: HK(IFRIC) – Int 20 Stripping Costs in the Production Phase of a Surface Mine Document Reference and Title Instructio ...
Technical Training and Support Programme 2011 "The Success Ingredient for professional accountants is constant refreshment of our technical skills and knowledge in this demanding, dynamic profess ...
Technical Training and Support Programme 2011 "The Success Ingredient for professional accountants is constant refreshment of our technical skills and knowledge in this demanding, dynamic profess ...
Technical Training and Support Programme 2011 "The Success Ingredient for professional accountants is constant refreshment of our technical skills and knowledge in this demanding, dynamic profess ...
Singing with Ukulele Class (Level I) The Singing Interest Group is organizing a Singing with Ukulele Class for beginners. If you are interested in learning this fun Hawaiian instrument while singing t ...
WWaanntt ttoo uunnwwiinndd yyoouurr bbuussyy ddaayy wwiitthh ffrreeeessttyyllee ddaanncciinngg iinn ppooppuullaarr hhiittss?? SSiiggnn uupp ffoorr tthhee bbeeggiinnnneerr''ss ccoouurrssee ffoo ...
Jazz Funk_Jan_cancelled
WWaanntt ttoo uunnwwiinndd yyoouurr bbuussyy ddaayy wwiitthh ffrreeeessttyyllee ddaanncciinngg iinn ppooppuullaarr hhiittss?? SSiiggnn uupp ffoorr tthhee bbeeggiinnnneerr''ss ccoouurrssee ffoo ...
WWaanntt ttoo uunnwwiinndd yyoouurr bbuussyy ddaayy wwiitthh ffrreeeessttyyllee ddaanncciinngg iinn ppooppuullaarr hhiittss?? SSiiggnn uupp ffoorr tthhee bbeeggiinnnneerr''ss ccoouurrssee ffoo ...
Want to improve your tennis skill? Sign up for the TTeennnniiss TTrraaiinniinngg CCoouurrssee –– IInntteerrmmeeddiiaattee now! The lesson is designed by experienced coach for participants who already ...
Want to release stress from busy work and have a good exercise? Sign up for the eelleemmeennttaarryy TTeennnniiss TTrraaiinniinngg CCoouurrssee now! The experienced coach will provide a professional a ...
Want to release stress from busy work and have a good exercise? Sign up for the eelleemmeennttaarryy TTeennnniiss TTrraaiinniinngg CCoouurrssee now! The experienced coach will provide a professional a ...
Want to improve your tennis skill? Sign up for the TTeennnniiss TTrraaiinniinngg CCoouurrssee –– IInntteerrmmeeddiiaattee now! The lesson is designed by experienced coach for participants who already ...
Singing and Guitar Playing Class (for beginners) The Singing Interest Group has organized an 8-session singing and guitar playing class for beginners. If you would like to sing your favourite tune whi ...
Want to improve your tennis skill? Sign up for the TTeennnniiss TTrraaiinniinngg CCoouurrssee –– IInntteerrmmeeddiiaattee now! The lesson is designed by experienced coach for participants who already ...
Want to release stress from busy work and have a good exercise? Sign up for the eelleemmeennttaarryy TTeennnniiss TTrraaiinniinngg CCoouurrssee now! The experienced coach will provide a professional a ...
Want to release stress from busy work and have a good exercise? Sign up for the eelleemmeennttaarryy TTeennnniiss TTrraaiinniinngg CCoouurrssee now! The experienced coach will provide a professional a ...
20150508_Photography sharing sessions
Photography Sharing Sessions The Photography Interest Group (PoIG) has organised two series of photography sharing sessions in May and June for members who are photography enthusiasts. Field trips wit ...
Singing and Guitar Playing Class (for beginners) The Singing Interest Group has organized an 8-session singing and guitar playing class for beginners. If you would like to sing your favourite tune whi ...
Want to release stress from busy work and have a good exercise? Sign up for the eelleemmeennttaarryy TTeennnniiss TTrraaiinniinngg CCoouurrssee now! The experienced coach will provide a professional a ...
Want to release stress from busy work and have a good exercise? Sign up for the eelleemmeennttaarryy TTeennnniiss TTrraaiinniinngg CCoouurrssee now! The experienced coach will provide a professional a ...
Want to release stress from busy work and have a good exercise? Sign up for the eelleemmeennttaarryy TTeennnniiss TTrraaiinniinngg CCoouurrssee now! The experienced coach will provide a professional a ...
Want to release stress from busy work and have a good exercise? Sign up for the eelleemmeennttaarryy TTeennnniiss TTrraaiinniinngg CCoouurrssee now! The experienced coach will provide a professional a ...
Want to release stress from busy work and have a good exercise? Sign up for the eelleemmeennttaarryy TTeennnniiss TTrraaiinniinngg CCoouurrssee now! The experienced coach will provide a professional a ...
Want to release stress from busy work and have a good exercise? Sign up for the eelleemmeennttaarryy TTeennnniiss TTrraaiinniinngg CCoouurrssee now! The experienced coach will provide a professional a ...