HKAB Comments on IASB Request For Views 2015 Agenda Consultation 30 December 2015 1: The following factors can be considered: a) The importance of the matter, for example: -possible change that will c ...
Meeting Summary Discussion on HKICPA Request for Information: PIR of AG 5 Page 1 of 1 Date: 16 November 2016 Venue: Offices of HKICPA Participant: Dr. Lawrence Wong, GCE Consulting, Retail Investor/Ad ...
1. Please tell us: (a) about your role with respect to financial reporting (for example, preparer of financial statements, auditor, valuation specialist, user of financial statements and the type of u ...
i2c_ifrs 8
3 April 2017 To: Members of the Hong Kong Institute of CPAs All other interested parties INVITATION TO COMMENT ON IASB Exposure Draft ED/2017/2 Improvements to IFRS 8 Operating Segments (Proposed amen ...
BY FAX AND BY POST (002 1212286 9570) Our Ref: C/PSIG, M4063 3 June 1999 Mr. Ian Ball Chairman, IFAC Public Sector Committee, International Federation of Accountants, 535 Fifth Avenue, 26th Floor, New ...
BY FAX AND BY POST (002 1212286 9570) Our Ref: C/PSIG, M4063 3 June 1999 Mr. Ian Ball Chairman, IFAC Public Sector Committee, International Federation of Accountants, 535 Fifth Avenue, 26th Floor, New ...
HKFRS 8 Operating Segments
20220809114514 1e1b0803127c435faaa5a755fb96f183_20220809114514 1e1b0803127c435faaa5a755fb96f183_20220809114514 1e1b0803127c435faaa5a755fb96f183 x 92968718 Section 1: HKFRS 8 Operating Segments HKFRS 8 ...
Update No. 8
190329074029 af4539d3c6174955a186c129c503afba_20190329154027 68754582 3c08f647d1194a1ba9b0eda5e7d929cb 190329074029-3c08f647d1194a1ba9b0eda5e7d929cb 37530941/68754582
Awardee list - Round 8
Awardee list - Round 8 Awardees of the Specialist Designation in Insolvency Application round 8 (effective 3 December 2014) 1. MAK, Rosenna Hau Yin
Module 8 – Principles of Auditing
This module provides students with an understanding of the regulatory, legal and reporting framework of auditing in Hong Kong and an understanding of the basic principles of auditing. Syllabus area We ...
Comic 8 “分享的快樂”
The school held a "Creative Costume Contest". Curious Girl, Spender Boy and their classmates participated enthusiastically. Each of the classmates demonstrated their own ingenuity when prepa ...
360-degree-management skills 8-11
Venue Hong Kong Institute of CPAs Training Centre, 27/F., Wu Chung House, 213 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong. KPMG Training Centre, 28/F., Oxford House, Tai Koo Place, 979 King's Road, Quar ...
HKAS 8 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors
220808071601-aad0e349d7609cfac27dbb81b71d216a de9edafcfe9949c9af7740d722584f7e_20220808151600 220808071601 aad0e349d7609cfac27dbb81b71d216a 92967157 37530941/92967157 Section 1:
Disciplinary proceedings in progress as at 8 March 2018
3 Name of member /member practice Date of referral to Disciplinary Panels Disciplinary Committee members -1 -Case 1 LAW, Fei Shing 15 April 2014 CHARLTON, Julia Frances (Chairman) KAN, Siu Lun (Panel ...
Module 8 Examinable Auditing Standards (June 2024 Session)
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Module 8 Examinable Auditing Standards (June 2023 Session)
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Module 8 Examinable Auditing Standards (December 2020 Session)
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Module 8 Examinable Auditing Standards (June and December 2022 Session)
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Module 8 Examinable Auditing Standards (June and December 2021 Session)
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Amendments to the Module 8 Study Material for the December 2021 Session
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VAT Refund for SMEs in China (HKGCC Webinar 8 Jun 2022)
VAT Refund for SMEs in China (HKGCC Webinar 8 Jun 2022)