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Overview for QP students - Record for practical experience

Practical Experience Process


QP students are required to record the recognized practical experience obtained through the online system.




1. Getting started – Identify training needs and find

    an eligible Counselor under an Authorized Employer 

    (“AE”) / Authorized Supervisor (“AS”)

1. Introduction and Getting Started

2. Development Commitment


2. Develop competences - record practical experience 

    and attend review meetings

3. Training Record - Part 1

3. Training Record - Part 2

4. Training Record Summary


3. Annual review and sign-off of Training Records 
4. Perform final sign-off on the Training Records

5. Final Sign Off

6. Other Useful Resources



Stage 1 Getting started - Find an eligible Counselor/ AS

Contact the person who is designated to handle coordination work in his/ her organization under the AE scheme (e.g. Scheme Coordinator, working-level staff of HR/ Training Departments) for assistance.


The lists of AEs and ASs are available here:


The QP student should initiate to create a new Development Commitment through the online system for the AE/ AS to review and sign. The Development Commitment sets out a clear understanding of both parties’ expectations and responsibilities.  Please be reminded that the Development Commitment should be signed online by both the QP student and the AE/ AS within three months upon commencement of the Practical Experience Period. Failure to sign and submit the Development Commitment online could mean that practical experience may not be counted and the QP student’s admission to HKICPA membership could be delayed.


Download the Sample of Development Commitment (PDF, 465KB) here. This sample is for illustration purposes only and the Development Commitment should be created through the Practical Experience Online System. 


Stage 2: Develop competences - record practical experience and attend review meetings


The training records include (a) QP students’ practical experience summary and employment record (b) Record of the time input (c) Record of the relevant practical experience competence output and (d) the Reflective Statement


Here are some suggestions for achieving the professional competences and skills:


  • Be familiar with the pre-defined elements of professional competences
    Learn how your work fits into the pre-defined elements and how they reflect achievement of competences at the required level of proficiency. Please consult your Counselors/ AS for any uncertainties. You may find more details on the professional competences here
  • Record practical experience on a timely basis

    Keep a complete set of Training Records and update your time input and competence output on the online system periodically.
  • Maintain proper documentation as supporting evidence

    Maintain proper documentation to facilitate evaluation by Counselors/ AS during review meetings.

You may download the Sample of Training Records (PDF, 553KB) here. This sample is for illustration purposes only and the Training Records should be created through the Practical Experience Online System.


To enhance the quality of practical experience training, an interim review should be conducted as well. The interim review can take place at any time throughout each training year.


Stage 3: Annual review and sign-off of Training Records


An annual review is required and the Training Records should be signed off by the Counselor/AS on an annual basis (by 31 December each year).


In the situation that a QP student who commences his/her Practical Experience Period in the second half of a year (i.e. Practical Experience Period for that particular year is less than six months), the first annual review and sign-off could be completed by 31 December of the subsequent year.


Failure to conduct the annual sign-off of the Training Records without reasonable cause may result in removal of AE/AS status and/or rejection of the QP students’ membership application.


Stage 4: Perform final sign-off on the Training Records


At the completion of the Practical Experience Period or when the Development Commitment is terminated for any reasons, QP students should submit the Training Records to the Counselor/ AS for final sign-off.


In case of termination of Development Commitment, the Training Records should be signed by the Counselor/ AS and endorsed by the Member-In-Charge/ AS within 3 months of the end date of Practical Experience Period.




 Download the Support Manual (extracted) (PDF, 1.30MB) for more information.




