2022年第10期 | |
随着全球经济衰退迫在眉睫,本文探讨这为首席财务官所带来的财资管理挑战与机遇 As a global recession looms, A Plus looks at the treasury management challenges and opportunities for CFOs |
会计师事务所设立了多项计划协助员工在这个高要求的行业中保持身心健康 Accounting firms have set up programmes to help maintain the mental wellbeing of employees working in the demanding profession |
Q&A with a PAIB
James Cheng CPA, Investment Director at China Everbright Limited
中国光大控股有限公司投资总监郑天恩(会计师)讲述香港资产管理生态系统的重要性,以及如何在高通胀时代作出投资决策 James Cheng CPA, Investment Director at China Everbright Limited, on the importance of Hong Kong's asset management ecosystem, and navigating investment decisions in an era of high inflation |
Q&A with a PAIP
安永香港及澳门区税务主管合伙人兼大中华区税务争议调解服务联席主管郑杰燊(资深会计师),讲述为何税务争议并非总是坏事,以及在处理争议个案时及完结后,他作为会计师在当中所发挥的重要作用 Wilson Cheng FCPA, Tax Leader, Hong Kong and Macau, and Greater China Tax Controversy Co-Leader at EY, on why tax controversies are not always a negative thing, and the important role he plays as a CPA during and after controversy cases |
Second opinions
What are the opportunities and limitations of ETF Connect? |
Young member of the month
香港青年创业家总商会主席兼香港会计师公会理事谢海发(资深会计师)讲述推动他支持初创企业及协助年青人在商业与生活中取得成功的动力 Calvin Tse FCPA, Chairman of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Young Entrepreneurs and a Council member of the Institute, on what drives him to support start-ups and help young people succeed in business and life |
2022年第9期 | |
新冠疫情改变了人们的工作模式以及员工对工作的期望。公司可采取哪些措施吸引和留住员工? The pandemic has changed the way we work and what employees expect. What can companies do to attract and retain staff? |
平等机会委员会主席朱敏健讲述他如何在香港致力争取平等 Ricky Chu, Chairperson of the Equal Opportunities Commission, on fighting for equality in the city |
Q&A with a PAIB
中国平安资本(香港)医疗文旅大健康及企业融资主管方俊辉(会计师) Archie Fong CPA, Head of Healthcare and Corporate Finance at Ping An of China Capital (Hong Kong)
中国平安资本(香港)医疗文旅大健康及企业融资主管方俊辉(会计师)讲述中国内地医疗保健行业的增长潜力,以及他对香港首次公开招股市场未来前景的看法 Archie Fong CPA, Head of Healthcare and Corporate Finance at Ping An of China Capital (Hong Kong), on the growth potential of Mainland China's healthcare industry, and how he views the future of Hong Kong's IPO market |
Q&A with a PAIP
Rex Leung FCPA (practising), Partner at Linkers CPA Limited
连城会计师事务所合伙人梁威勇(执业资深会计师)分享他如何以变革思维及在四大会计师事务所的工作经验,创办及发展其事务所的经历 Rex Leung, Partner at Linkers CPA Limited, on his experience starting and growing a firm using a change mindset and lessons learned as a Big Four auditor |
Practice implications of academic research in transfer pricing
探讨一个有关转让定价的最新学术研究‚以及其对政策与实务的启示和潜在影响 Practice implications of academic research in transfer pricing |
2022年第8期 | |
投资者关系专员能如何有助公司与持份者进行良好沟通及建立长远的信任? How can investor relations professionals help companies to better engage with stakeholders and build long-term trust? |
随着家族办公室在香港蓬勃发展,会计师如何为这迅速发展的行业带来价值? With family offices seeing a boom in Hong Kong, how can accountants add value in this burgeoning industry? |
DFI零售集团控股有限公司旗下品牌IKEA财务董事廖康元(资深会计师),讲述他如何寻找方法为这国际知名家具公司的香港业务带来增长 James Liu FCPA, Finance Director, IKEA at DFI Retail Group Holdings Limited, on how he finds ways to grow the global furniture company's footprint in Hong Kong, and the importance of driving sustainability initiatives within companies |
Thought leadership
Walking the ESG talk: the time is now
毕马威中国环境、社会及管治服务香港主管合伙人吴柏年(执业会计师),讲述企业可如何杜绝「漂绿」行为 Pat Woo CPA (practising), Partner and Head of ESG, Hong Kong at KPMG China, on how corporates can eliminate greenwashing |
Young member of the month
Ivan So CPA, Risk Advisory Manager at BDO
香港立信德豪会计师事务所有限公司(BDO)风险咨询经理苏韦安(会计师),讲述为何预先防范风险能有助公司规避风险,以及如何成为新世代的顾问 Ivan So CPA, Risk Advisory Manager at BDO, on why staying two steps ahead of risk is key to helping companies avoid it, and to being a future-ready consultant |
2022年第7期 | |
Unravelling a world wide web of lies
网络犯罪分子利用了近年日趋普及的加密货币来犯案。企业及个人能如何识别可疑交易? Cybercriminals have exploited cryptocurrency's rise in use in recent years. What can businesses and individuals do to spot suspicious transactions? |
探讨香港并购活动的驱动因素,以及在整个并购过程中,专门从事这范畴的会计师能如何带来增值 The drivers of merger and acquisition activity in Hong Kong, and what specialist accountants can do to add value throughout the whole process |
盈达资本创始人及首席执行官陈咏芝(会计师),讲述新兴市场中的巨大增长机会 Gigi Chan CPA, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Wonder Capital Group, on the vast opportunities for growth within emerging markets |
Young member of the month
Andrea Lam CPA, Senior Manager, Bain & Company
贝恩公司高级经理林欣棋(会计师)分享其审计师经历如何有助她在工作中脱颖而出,以及她如何学懂凡事退一步思考的经历 Andrea Lam CPA, Senior Manager at Bain & Company, on how her experience as an auditor helps her to excel in her role, and how she learned a valuable lesson on stepping back |
2022年第6期 | |
凭借拥有的有利条件和紧靠中国内地的地理优势,香港能否在持续的经济挑战中维持其作为初创企业创科中心的地位? With its list of advantages and proximity to the Mainland, can Hong Kong maintain its status as a hub for tech start-ups amid ongoing economic challenges? |
华懋集团副首席财务总裁曾殿科(资深会计师),分享他的会计师技能如何助他确保这家物业发展商的持续增长 Ricky Tsang FCPA, Deputy Chief Financial Officer of Chinachem Group, on how his CPA skills help him ensure growth for the property developer |
Q&A with a PAIB
Tim Wong CPA, Head of Treasury at West Kowloon Cultural District Authority
西九文化区管理局库务主管黄伟添(会计师)分享他如何加入基础建设的领域,并阐释为何抱持终身学习的态度是成功的关键 Tim Wong CPA, Head of Treasury at West Kowloon Cultural District Authority, shares how he wound up in the world of infrastructure and why a lifetime learning attitude is the key to success |
Q&A with a PAIP
Gloria So CPA, Partner, Risk Advisory Services, SW Hong Kong
信永中和香港风险咨询服务合伙人苏婉婷(会计师)讲述科技在其专业领域中的角色,以及公司建立稳健内部控制中最常见的障碍。 Gloria So CPA, Partner, Risk Advisory Services, SW Hong Kong, talks about the role of technology in her specialism, and the common obstacles to sound internal controls at companies |
Thought leadership
Hong Kong's SPAC regime brings excitement, innovation and investor protection
香港会计师公会副会长、德勤中国华南区主管合伙人欧振兴(执业资深会计师),讲述香港全新的特殊目的收购公司(SPAC)上市机制 Edward Au FCPA (practising), Vice President of the Hong Kong Institute of CPAs and Southern Region Managing Partner, Deloitte China, on Hong Kong's new regime for special purpose acquisition companies |
2022年第5期 | |
探讨独立非执行董事越益复杂的职责,以及为何企业管治是其首要任务 A look at the increasingly complex role of independent non-executive directors, and why corporate governance has to be a priority for them |
供应链和财务团队能如何有效地紧密合作? How can supply chain and finance teams work effectively together? |
Young member of the month
Cynthia Chan CPA, Compliance Manager at a bank
在银行担任合规经理的陈倩恩(会计师),分享并讲述反洗钱范畴中最引人入胜之处,以及她为何期待把她在四大会计师事务所的工作经验应用于银行业 Cynthia Chan CPA, Compliance Manager at a bank, on what she finds most intriguing about working in the world of anti-money laundering, and why she looks forward to putting her Big Four experience to use in the banking industry |
2022年第4期 | |
探讨元宇宙内的非同质化代币为企业带来的众多商机 The many opportunities businesses can seize with non-fungible tokens within the metaverse |
The ethical attitudes of CPAs in Hong Kong
概述香港会计师公会2021年道德操守调查的结果 A look at the findings from the Institute's Ethics Survey 2021 |
Young member of the month
Midi Ying, Assistant Manager at City Super Limited
City Super Limited助理经理邢美倩(会计师),讲述她为何喜欢从事零售连锁业的原因,并分享她从执业及商业界别工作中所获得的经验 Midi Ying CPA, Assistant Manager at City Super Limited, on why she appreciates the opportunity to add value at a retail chain and the lessons she has learned from working in both practice and business |
2022年第3期 | |
会计师可如何协助向年轻人及儿童推广理财知识及良好的消费习惯 How accountants can help to promote financial literacy and better spending habits among young adults and children |
香港公司治理公会会长李俊豪(执业资深会计师),讲述采用原则性准则的治理方法的原因 Ernest Lee FCPA (practising), President of the Hong Kong Chartered Governance Institute, on the need for a principles-based approach to corporate governance |
Future of reporting in insurance: new opportunities from reporting transformation
本文探讨《国际财务报告准则第17号「保险合同」》将如何提高保险行业财务报告的一致性与透明度,以及保险公司在准则实施前需要作什么准备 A look at how IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts will bring enhanced consistency and transparency in financial reporting across the insurance industry, and how insurers can prepare themselves in the run-up to its implementation |
2022年第2期 | |
新任立法会会计界功能界别代表黄俊硕(执业资深会计师),讲述他将会如何协助会计业界 Edmund Wong FCPA (practising), new representative of the Legislative Council's Accountancy functional constituency, on how he will help the profession |
会计师可如何协助企业成功过渡至循环经济 How accountants can help companies transition to a circular economy
探讨如何令更多年青人选择会计行业成为其职业 How to get more young people to choose accounting as a career |
2022年第1期 | |
香港会计师公会会长方蕴萱(执业会计师),阐述她今年为会计业界订下的目标 |
Taking the future into account
今年有那些新趋势将对会计行业有重大影响? |
Positioned for greater success
即使边境仍然关闭,企业和会计师事务所仍能仔细定位,以把握粤港澳大湾区市场内的机遇 There are still ways for companies and accounting firms to carefully position themselves for the Greater Bay Area market, even as the border remains closed |
Young member of the month
Allan Au-Yeung, Finance Manager at Queen Elizabeth Hospital
伊利沙伯医院财务经理欧阳冠麟(会计师),分享会计技能如何有助其职业生涯 |