HKICPA 网上职业论坛2022
The HKICPA V-fair 2022, an interactive platform offering latest updates on the accounting profession and career planning tips through seminars, "Meet CPA Firms" sessions and CV doctor services, was concluded with great success.

Video highlights on a series of career guidance seminars are now available below. Click here for the biographies of speakers.

Welcome speech
Ms Loretta Fong
President, HKICPA

Professional Accountants in Practice
Mr Gary Poon
Partner, Poon & Co.
Mr Roy Leung
Head of Accounting Change Advisory,
Hong Kong, KPMG
Ms Paul She
Audit Partner, Mazars CPA Limited

Professional Accountants in Business
Mr Horace Ma
Chief Financial Officer,
S. Culture Holdings (BVI) Limited
Mr Michael Chan
General Manager - Corporate Strategy,
MTR Corporation Limited
Mr Vincent Leung,
Senior Accounting Manager – Asia Pacific,
Under Armour

New Trends in Accounting
Mr Harry Ho
An entrepreneur, An angel investor,
Managing Director, AOGB Professional Services Group
Mr Cyrus Cheung
Partner, ESG Services, PwC
Mr Jason Yau
Technology Management Consulting, RSM Hong Kong

Young Accountants with You
Mr Eric Lee
Vice President,
CNCB (HK) Investment Limited
Ms Yonnie Tse
CFO and Company Secretary,
YONXI International Finance Holdings Limited
Mr Adam Wong
Audit Director, EY

QP - Pathway to Success
Mr Kit Wong
Director, Education & Training,

Shortlisted candidates were invited for online interviews to meet potential employers and gain interview opportunities with HR experts to obtain internship placement at CPA firms.
Supporting organizations:

Professional consultants offered one-to-one consultations to the shortlisted participants to review their CVs and provide tailored advice and tips to enhance their employability.
Supporting organizations:

For enquires:
Ms Shirley Lee at 2287 7012 or shirleylee@hkicpa.org.hk