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HKICPA encourages the accounting profession to support employees’ uptake of COVID vaccinations

01 June 2021

(HONG KONG, 1 June 2021) With the continuing threat of COVID-19 outbreaks, the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) encourages the accounting industry to introduce policies to support their employees’ participation in the Government’s COVID-19 Vaccination Programme. HKICPA has led by example by providing staff two days paid leave after vaccination since early May.

Life in Hong Kong is slowly returning to normal, but the group restrictions will remain until the community is protected. Full-scale community events, and less-restricted travel across the border to the Mainland and internationally, can also only take place once the community is protected. “The accounting profession is well-regarded by society. It is up to us to lead the way in being vaccinated, as we can only end this pandemic by taking care of ourselves and protecting society,” said Mr. Raymond Cheng FCPA (practising), President of HKICPA.

He continued, “Maintaining a safe and healthy environment at work is always a top priority for the Institute. The management has adopted this special two days paid leave arrangement to facilitate and encourage staff members who wish to get vaccinated to protect not just their own health, but also that of their families, friends and colleagues.”

The HKCIPA’s policy offers Institute staff vaccination leave to be used the day, or the day following, they receive a COVID-19 vaccination.  






