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Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants Elects President and Council

12 December 2019

(Hong Kong, 12 December 2019) Today, following the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA)’s 47th annual general meeting (AGM), the HKICPA Council elected Kong Chi How, Johnson as president, Lam Chi Yuen, Nelson and Fong Wan Huen, Loretta as vice-presidents for the coming year. 

Mr. Kong has served on the Institute's Council since 2015 and was vice-president in 2018 and 2019. 

Mr. Kong is the Managing Director - Non Assurance of BDO Hong Kong. He has been actively involved in the development of accounting profession through his leadership and participation in a wide range of HKICPA committees. He is the chairman of the Greater Bay Area Committee, Professional Conduct Committee, Small and Medium Practices Committee and Ethics Committee. He has also involved in the Nomination Committee and the Education Standards Committee.

Mr. Lam joined the Council from 2012 to 2017 and returned since 2019. He is the chairman of Nelson CPA Limited. Ms. Fong joined the Council in 2017. She is a partner in PwC's Entrepreneurial Group of the Assurance Division in Hong Kong. At the Council election, seven members were elected to serve for a term of two years, including Cheung Wai Lun, William; Choy Kai Sing; Fung Ling Yip; Lee Suk Yee; Leung Man Chun; Leung Sze Kit, Roy and Li Kin Hang.

Existing elected members who will hold office for one more year until their two-year term ends are Mr. Kong; Mr. Lam; Ms. Fong; Au Chun Hing; Au Ki Lun; Cheng Chung Ching, Raymond and Cheung Hok Yan, Jennifer. 

The Government has also appointed Wong Kam Pui, Wilfred and Au King Lun as lay members of the Council for a term of two years from 1 December 2019 to 30 November 2021. Two continuing government-appointed lay members Ho Shuk Yee, Susie and Ng Choi Yuk, Theresa will fulfil the second year of their terms. 

In addition, Chung Lai Ling, Ada, representative of the Financial Secretary, and Wong Shing Hei, Charlix, Director of Accounting Services, remain as the ex-officio members serving on the Council. 

The immediate past president of the Institute is Patrick Law. He shall hold office as a member of the Council until the conclusion of the 48th AGM, as stipulated by the Professional Accountants Ordinance (PAO). After the conclusion of his term as president, Mr. Kong will also serve a further year on the Council.


The Council is the governing body of the HKICPA. Under the PAO, the HKICPA Council can comprise a maximum of 23 people, including 14 elected members, the immediate past president of the Institute, up to two co-opted members, two ex-officio members (i.e. the Financial Secretary or his representative and the Director of Accounting Services or his representative) and four lay persons appointed by the Chief Executive of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 

















From left: Patrick Law (羅富源), Immediate Past President; Nelson Lam (林智遠), Vice President; Johnson Kong (江智蛟), President; Loretta Fong (方蘊萱), Vice President; Margaret Chan (陳詠新), Chief Executive and Registrar


Council 2019-2020
