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On the front lines of cyberwar

30 August 2017
(HONG KONG, 30 August 2017) Hong Kong needs to strengthen its defense against cyberattacks if it is to ensure its position as a major international financial centre. This will include businesses doing more in heightening cybersecurity, building resilience, developing required expertise and keeping cyberattacks at bay.

The new Director-General of InvestHK, Stephen Phillips, sees his role as helping companies navigate their way to opportunities in Hong Kong, China and beyond. He explains to A Plus how they implement their strategies amid new technology and emerging industries.

Firms, such as the Big Four, are playing an active role in the global adoption of blockchain. With its rise in public perception as a valuable transaction tracker, experts discuss the challenges of helping clients implement this new technology.

Since PUMA’s repositioning in 2013, the multinational footwear, apparel and accessories brand has been taking the industry by storm. Its Regional Finance Director Monique Lau, a CPA, talks about how she helped the sports retailer re-establish a firm foothold in Asia Pacific.

Tennis is considered the most difficult racket sport to learn and master. We interview members to find out what draw them to this highly demanding sport.

Check out the latest A Plus for the above stories. Starting this issue, the enhanced e-A Plus will enable you to seamlessly browse articles and keep up with the latest developments impacting the accounting profession and the business sector.


A Plus 八月號:站在網絡戰爭最前線


投資推廣署新任署長傅仲森認為自己的角色,是協助企業找出他們在香港、內地以及其他地區的發展機會。他向 A Plus 闡述投資推廣署如何在新科技和新興行業湧現中推行他們的策略。


自 PUMA 於 2013 年重新定位以後,這個跨國鞋類、服裝及配飾品牌為業界帶來不少驚喜。其區域財務總監劉嘉寶是一名會計師,她述說如何協助這間運動產品零售商在亞太區重新建立穩固的立足點。


詳細內容請參閱最新一期 A Plus 專頁。由今期開始,A Plus 手機閱讀升級版將推出,讓讀者可以更方便隨時隨地瀏覽文章,緊貼影響會計專業及商界的最新發展。
