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HKICPA makes a difference with homegrown CSR programmes

08 September 2017

CPAs contribute to community well-being with expertise and experience


(Hong Kong, 8 September 2017) Hong Kong Institute of CPAs, as the only statutory body for professional accountants in Hong Kong, takes its social responsibility seriously through creating platforms to mobilize and empower its members to make positive contribution to Hong Kong society.


Over the past 10 years, more than 120,000 primary and secondary school students, and 1,000 NGOs and charity board members have benefited from nearly 10,000 hours of volunteer work by HKICPA members.


In pursuit of good corporate citizenship, the Institute has since 1996 run a volunteer Accountant Ambassadors (AA) programme through which members give back to the community. The AAs take part in a wide range of social service and charity activities, and the HKICPA maintains a charitable fund to support community projects and make donations to poverty and emergency relief projects.


Aimed at instilling the young with proper values about money, the widely acclaimed "Rich Kid, Poor Kid" financial education programme provides a unique, valuable and meaningful way to share one of the core skills of accountants – money management – with Hong Kong kids and their families.


"Our AAs go around the territory visiting primary and secondary schools to nurture students with the right kind of values towards money and the essentials of becoming financially responsible. We believe this programme would help our younger generation to become money-wise and be able to come up with a better financial planning for their future," says Mabel Chan, President of HKICPA.


It is a popular programme and in average 60 schools apply to receive the AAs every year. The programme was once named the "CSR Campaign of the Year" at the Asia Pacific PR Awards.


The Institute publishes a series of three storybooks with the heroine called May Moon to help children as young as six years old to learn about the money basics, to understand the broader economic concepts, money morals and how to make the right choices when it comes to money matters. The digital version of all May Moon books is available on the Institute's website ( for online reading or free download from mobile app stores.


Other than the younger generation, the Institute also helps local NGOs and social service organizations to improve financial management, internal control and governance for sustainable development.

The "CPAs for NGOs" programme aims to help under-resourced small-and medium-sized social service organizations on the important areas of reserve policy, internal control and audit, as well as governance and accountability.


"We help NGOs develop healthy financial systems and good governance practices, hoping to enable them to better develop and sustain services to help the society's needy," says Richard Tse, Chairman of the HKICPA Community Services Working Group.


As an extension of the programme, the Institute has committed to be the sole strategic partner to The Hong Kong Council of Social Service's NGO Governance Platform to promote good governance among board members and executives in the social service sector.


Under the HKCSS partnership, HKICPA offers workshops for honorary treasurers and board members to help them with financial responsibilities and governance, as well as pro bono advisory service over a six-month period on specific financial and risk management issues.


Beyond institutions, HKICPA also offers free advisory sessions for members of the public on accounting and related matters, as well as career programmes for secondary school students.


For more details of the Institute's CSR programmes, visit
















該計劃很受歡迎,每年平均有60間學校申請,亦曾獲Asia Pacific PR Awards的「年度企業社會責任活動大獎」。
















