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Robotics is changing the business of tomorrow

26 April 2017

With the advancement of artificial intelligence, robotics has moved beyond manufacturing to cover sophisticated surgeries, financial consulting, and even people's needs for daily companions


(HONG KONG, 26 April 2017) China is aggressively developing industrial robots and has become the world's largest market. Meanwhile, the use of robots has been diversifying into other forms. Experts predict three areas will see significant future development, including medical robots, logistics robots and financial robots. The April 2017 issue of A Plus looks at the broadened scope of robotics innovation beyond industrial use, and Hong Kong’s place in the rise of intelligent machines.


With 1,500 companies worldwide following its framework, the International Integrated Reporting Council has moved from concept to consolidation. Richard Howitt, its new chief executive officer, talks about his plan for global developments, and HKICPA's important role in the Asia-Pacific region.


Moving to cloud computing is inevitable for small- and medium-sized accounting practices looking to remain as relevant as larger firms with more resources. What are the benefits and pitfalls?


In a fast-paced, high-tech society where people have easy access to on-demand entertainments, classical ballet still has its unique attraction to today's audience. Belinda Lau, Finance Director of Hong Kong Ballet, and a CPA, explains why.


Mindfulness training is quickly becoming recognized as an international phenomenon for its potency to help practitioners reduce stress. We talk to Institute members to find out how this form of meditation benefits them.


Check out the latest A Plus for the above stories.







(香港,二零一七年四月二十六日)內地正積極發展工業用的機械人,現已成為全球第一大市場;而機械人用途亦越趨廣泛,專家預測機械人未來會在三個領域中有重要的發展,包括醫療、物流和金融。有見及此,A Plus 四月號探討機械人在工業以外的創新應用範圍,以及香港在其中的角色。


全球已有 1500 間企業採用國際綜合報告的框架,令綜合報告不再停留於概念層面。國際綜合報告理事會新任行政總裁 Richard Howitt 談及他對綜合報告在全球發展的計劃,以及香港會計師公會在亞太區擔當的重要角色。








詳細內容請參閱最新一期 A Plus 專頁。

