Financial Reporting
- Enhanced disclosures for business combinations (October 2024)
- Unveiling HKFRS 19 (October 2024)
- HKFRS 18: a paradigm shift in financial performance presentation (July 2024)
- Distinction between debt and equity (April 2024)
- A review of the revenue recognition requirements (January 2024)
- Goodbye IAS 1; Hello IFRS 18 (January 2024)
- A review of the impairment of financial instruments (October 2023)
- Classification of liabilities as current or non-current: what’s new? (April 2023)
- Proposed amendments to the IFRS for SMEs Accounting Standard (April 2023)
- Are liabilities subject to conditions classified as current or non-current? (March 2022)
- A review of the classification and measurement of financial instruments (February 2022)
- A proposed IFRS with reduced disclosure requirements (January 2022)
- What’s next for the IASB work plan? (December 2021)
- A step forward for reporting BCUCC (September 2021)
- A chance to tailor a new standard (September 2021)
- A step towards international sustainability standards (August 2021)
- Reconsidering consolidation, joint arrangements and related disclosures - A summary of specific areas of the Institute’s response to the
IASB request for information on IFRS 10, 11 and 12 (June 2021) - HKFRS 17 Insurance Contracts: Contractual service margin (May 2021)
- Meet the speaker - What to expect from two e-learning courses on SME-FRF & SME-FRS (May 2021)
- Speak now or forever hold your peace: the proposed new accounting model for business combinations under common control (April 2021)
- Amendments to the SME Standard (July 2020)
- Setting the standard (April 2020)
- Goodwill: improvements to subsequent accounting (March 2020)
- Agenda decisions – time is of the essence (January 2020)
- HKFRS 9 - key application challenges for corporates and practical tips (December 2019)
- Revenue recognition considerations in the engineering and construction industries (August 2019)
- Fashioning global standards (July 2019)
- Applying the new revenue recognition requirements in the insurance intermediary industry (June 2019)
- HKFRS 16 – Frequently asked questions on lease discount rate (December 2018)
- Lessee accounting – Farewell to Hong Kong Interpretation 4 (October 2018)
The application of HKAS 12 Income Taxes in light of the recent Hong Kong profits tax regime (July 2018)
- Insurance accounting redefined (June 2018)
- Estimating expected credit loss under IFRS 9 (January 2018)
- IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement (December 2017)
- Judgements and estimates in revenue recognition (November 2017)
- Earnings per share errors (September 2017)
- Shaping the future of IFRS together (July 2017)
- Insurance brokers: Accounting for premiums receivable from policyholders (June 2017)
- IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts - the wait is over, now what? (June 2017)
- A glimpse into the future of insurance accounting (June 2017)
- Right here, right now - IAS 7 amendment (April 2017)
- Valuation premiums and discounts (April 2017)
- Non-IFRS performance measures:the good, bad and ugly (February 2017)
- What you need to know about the new leases standard (December 2016)
- Client assets: to recognize or not to recognize on balance sheet? (October 2016)
- What to expect from the forthcoming Insurance Contracts standard (November 2016)
- HKFRS 15 - How the new standard affects revenue of real estate developers if significant financing component exists? (August 2016)
- Why the new requirements for classifying financial instruments, do, matter (July 2016)
- HKFRS 15 - Impact on real estate developers (June 2016)
- Implementing HKFRS 9's new impairment model (May 2016)
- Ticking time on new revenue recognition standard: Less than two years away now, but can you wait any longer? (April 2016)
- The future landscape of financial reporting disclosures (April 2016)
- The intricacies of implementing the new leases standard (February 2016)
- A new life on leases (February 2016)
- 2015 amendments to HKFRS for Private Entities (November 2015)
- Facts and tips for the preparation of a business review (October 2015)
- The IASB's 2015 Agenda Consultation (September 2015)
- How the new standard affects revenue recognition of Hong Kong real estate sales before completion (August 2015)
- Overview of IASB exposure draft on the proposed changes to the existing Conceptual Framework (July 2015)
- HKFRS 9 Financial Instruments (May 2015)
- Amendments to HKFRS to improve the presentation and disclosure in financial reports and introduce minor clarifications to requirements for accounting for investment entities (April 2015)
- Valuation of interest rate swaps (March 2015)
- Issuance of Annual Improvements to HKFRSs 2012-2014 Cycle (March 2015)
- Amendments to HKFRS address separate financial statements and accounting for sale of assets (February 2015)
- The financial year and its related legal concept under the Companies Ordinance (January 2015)
- New and revised standards, interpretations applicable to a year-end of December 2014 (December 2014)
- HKFRS 9 (2014) Financial Instruments completes comprehensive IASB response to financial crisis (November 2014)
- A closer look at the new revenue recognition standard (October 2014)
- Amendments to HKFRS issued by the Institute (September 2014)
- Issuance of a comprehensive standard for revenue recognition (August 2014)
- Proposed portfolio revaluation as alternative to general hedge model (July 2014)
- IASB Conceptual Framework: what busy CPAs need to know (June 2014)
- Accounting for transaction costs incurred in initial public offerings (June 2014)
- Quantum assessment of losses of inventories by forensic CPAs (May 2014)
- Small-and Medium-sized Entity Financial Reporting Framework and Financial Reporting Standard (Revised) (April 2014)
- Annual Improvements to HKFRSs 2010-2012 Cycle and 2011-2013 Cycle (March 2014)
- Major overhaul of hedge accounting included in HKFRS 9 Financial Instruments amendments (February 2014)
- New and revised standards applicable to 2013 year-end (January 2014)
- Application of fair value hierarchy to real estate (January 2014)
- Consultation draft of SME Financial Reporting Framework and Financial Reporting Standard (Revised) has been issued for comment (October 2013)
- Comprehensive proposals for Insurance Contracts accounting have been issued for comment (September 2013)
- What needs to be considered in the classification of a joint arrangement as a joint venture or a joint operation under HKFRS 11 Joint Arrangements? (August 2013)
- How revised IASB draft Leases affects lessees and lessors (August 2013)
- Updates on IASB and FASB financial reporting projects (August 2013)
- The Institute has recently issued an invitation to comment on the IASB exposure draft Leases. (July 2013)
- Ten ways to make sure financial statements are not misstated (July 2013)
- The IFRS Foundation published educational material to assist preparers in applying IFRS/HKFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement.(June 2013)
- Financial reporting under the new Companies Ordinance (May 2013)
- The IASB launched an agenda consultation regarding the strategic direction in developing new accounting standards and setting of priorities for its work programme. (April 2013)
- Convertible bonds valuation in financial reporting (April 2013)
- The Institute issued an exception to the consolidation requirements in HKFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements, which is applicable to a particular class of business that qualifies as an "investment entity." (March 2013)
- In preparing financial statements for the year ending 31 December 2012, what new or revised HKFRSs must I consider? (January 2013)
- Impact of new HKFRSs on joint arrangement in China (January 2013)
- Proposed revisions to IAASB ISAs and IESBA Code of Ethics (July 2023)
- Proposed narrow scope amendments to ISA 700 (Revised) and ISA 260 (Revised) as a result of the revisions to the IESBA Code of Ethics (October 2022)
- Sustainability reporting assurance (July 2022)
- Proposed revisions to the Code of Ethics (June 2022)
- Reviewing valuation reports in an audit (May 2022)
- How useful is a “simplified” auditing standard? An overview of the Institute’s response to the IAASB’s exposure draft on LCE audits (February 2022)
- A “simplified” auditing standard? An overview of the IAASB’s exposure draft on the audits of less complex entities (October 2021)
- Commitment to ensuring audit quality (May 2021)
- Institute’s response to the IAASB discussion paper on fraud and going concern (February 2021)
- Beware of expectation gaps when auditing the financial statements of owners’ corporations in Hong Kong (January 2021)
- A summary of the Institute’s new assurance technical bulletin for ESG reporting (December 2020)
- Auditing the financial statements of charitable institutions (September 2019)
- Review of annual financial reports of non-governmental organizations (April 2019)
- Second year experiences with revised auditor’s reports (January 2019)
- First year experiences with revised auditor's reports (November 2017)
- A look at the first year implementation of the new auditor's report in Mainland China (September 2017)
- Audit partner-client relationship: How long is too long? (March 2017)
- The coming of KAMs (November 2016)
- New Auditor’s Report: Observations from the U.K. experience (September 2016)
- Provision of non-assurance services to audit clients (January 2016)
- New and revised HKSAs on auditor reporting and auditor's responsibilities relating to other information (December 2015)
- Auditing in China - yesterday, today and tomorrow (November 2015)
- Signing arrangements of an auditor's report (June 2015)
- New and revised Auditor Reporting Standards (May 2015)
- Updates on auditors' reporting with reference to predecessor Companies Ordinance (Cap.32) for financial statements for periods ended before 3 March 2014 and applicability of PN 600.1 and PN 900 (May 2014)
- AATB 4 Guidance on section 408 of the Companies Ordinance (April 2014)
- IAASB proposals for enhancing the auditor's report: Potential impact on audits of unlisted entities (October 2013)
- Key updates on auditing and assurance (September 2013)
- Revised definition of a public interest entity in the HKICPA Code of Ethics (October 2024)
- Institute’s response to the proposed IESSA (July 2024)
- Proposed revisions to IAASB ISAs and IESBA Code of Ethics (July 2023)
- The ethical attitudes of CPAs in Hong Kong: A look at the findings from the Institute’s Ethics Survey 2021 (April 2022)
- Referral fees for introduction of clients and maintenance of a registered office (February 2022)
- Professional accountants’ behaviour beyond their professional work (January 2022)
- Breaches to the code of ethics: A case study for PAIPs (November 2021)
- Breaches to the code of ethics: A case study for PAIBs (October 2021)
- Institute’s response to the IESBA exposure draft on definitions of listed entity and public interest entity in the code of ethics (June 2021)
- The role and mindset expected of professional accountants (April 2021)
- Enforcing ethical conduct of PAIBs: Past disciplinary cases show the serious consequences of non-compliance (May 2020)
- Revised Code of Ethics: Key areas of focus for auditors (November 2019)
- Professional judgment: What it is and how to handle it (May 2017)
- New ethical standard gives new meaning on acting in the public interest (January 2017)
- Are you acting in accordance with the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants? (March 2016)
- Overview of IESBA consultation paper on Improving the Structure of the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (January 2015)
- Overview of IESBA exposure draft relating to long association of personnel with an audit or assurance client (October 2014)
- Overview of IESBA exposure draft relating to non-assurance services (July 2014)
- How to avoid practice promotion pitfalls (July 2014)
- Important updates affect obligations of professional accountants in business (July 2013)
Sustainability Reporting
- What’s next for the ISSB work plan? (January 2024)