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We care for members’ wellbeing

The wellbeing of our members is an important priority for the Institute. Through different support schemes such as health and wellness talks, we have been actively promoting a healthy and balanced lifestyle for our members.

To broaden our support, the Institute launched the Member Assistance Programme (MAP). This initiative is designed to provide the Institute’s members with valuable and accessible support resources tailored to support their emotional and mental wellbeing. Core services to be provided via Vital Employee Service Consultancy (Vital), effective from now to 15 March 2026.


Who can access the MAP

HKICPA members, registered students of the Institute, and their immediate dependents (spouses and children up to the age of 21) in Hong Kong are eligible for the MAP (collectively referred to as “members” below). Please refer to programme leaflet or the following for details .


How MAP can help

24/7 Telephone counselling

 Speak with experienced professional counsellors over the phone at 5547 3779. Counsellors are available 24 hours a day, including Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. For those requesting counselling services in fluent English or Mandarin, relevant counsellors will return your call within one to two working days.


Face-to-face counselling service

 If necessary, the counselling service will be provided by counsellors in person at Vital’s office in Kwun Tong. Sessions will take place in a private room dedicated to the counsellor and the service user. The service is available from 09:00 to 21:00 on Monday to Friday, and from 09:00 to 14:00 on Saturday; excluding public holidays. The first four sessions for each Institute member will be offered free of charge.


Virtual consultation

 Virtual consultations can be arranged upon request. A virtual consultation will be conducted between the counsellor and the service user via a video-conferencing application (e.g. Zoom). The service will be provided from 09:00 to 21:00 on Monday to Friday, and from 09:00 to 14:00 on Saturday; excluding public holidays.


Online learning resources

 Institute members can access an online learning platform for resources to build resilience and improve overall wellness. The platform offers a diverse library, including workplace communication, physical health, and mental health tips.


Members wellness programme

 Vital will periodically offer training and development programs to Institute members to promote a balanced work-life. Stay tuned to the Institute’s members communication.


*Important note:

1.    Immediate family members (spouse and children under 21 years old) of the Institute members are entitled to the telephone counselling service only .

2.    The telephone and face-to-face counselling service will also be available to the leaving Institute members within 3 months after they terminate membership with the Institute.



Talk to a confidential listener

Vital will keep a record of each service user in strict confidence as necessary and will not disclose to any third party without the service user’s prior consent, unless there is reliable information or evidence that the service user or other persons will be injured or Vital is compelled by any law or regulation, legal or judicial process to disclose any part of the confidential information.


Referral to other services   

With the service user’s long-term welfare and specific needs in mind, counsellor will make case referrals^, subject to the service user’s consent, when:

(a) The service user requires other service which fall beyond the counselling service that can be provided by Vital; or

(b) There are other professional parties that can provide specific counselling or professional treatment which benefit the service user’s long-term welfare / psychological development.


^The costs incurred for the referred service, if any, will be borne by the service users.


About Vital Employee Service Consultancy

Vital is the service unit under Christian Family Service Centre. Since 1993, Vital has been providing professional EAP services ranging from employee counselling, training & development programmes, critical incident stress management to consultation for both public and business sectors. Its vision and mission are to actively promote employee’s well-being and add colour to work life. For more details of Vital, please visit its official website or email to
